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Icon Title In-Game Description How to Obtain Sold By Recipe
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Alicorn's Breath

The power of a light fairy dwells within this pure crystal. Deals…

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Amnesty Talisman

Wash your hands clean of inconvenient blunders and let the past…

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Beelzebub's Breath

The power of a dark fairy dwells within this pure crystal. Deals…

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Binding Rope

Restraining equipment also used by the military police. Decreases…

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Corrosive Acid

An unknown creature’s digestive fluid. Dissolves anything in…

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Cursed Talisman

A talisman inscribed with spiteful runes. May inflict Hex on…

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Demonic Ice Sickle

A frosty icicle as sharp as an animal fang. Deals 200 Ice damage…

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Dragon's Breath

The power of a dragon dwells within this pure crystal. Deals…

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Electrifying Drum

A mystical drum that produces thunderclaps when struck. Deals…

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Evil Eye Talisman

Inscribed with an evil eye that makes one despondent. Decreases…

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Exorcist Mirror

A magic mirror that can gather and discharge holy light. Deals…

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Searing fangs blow flames upon biting down. Deals 150 Fire damage…

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Infused with fire magic, it explodes when thrown. Deals 100 Fire…

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Fungal Spore

Spores collected from a monster that induce illness. May inflict…

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Ghoul Stone

Sinister energy shrouds this rare stone found in graveyards.…

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Holy Ossuary

Filled with blessed ashes. Deals 150 Light damage to all enemies.…

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Ice Chunk

A magical stone used for cold storage that repels heat. Deals…

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Lava Crystal

Crystallised fire magic that can be harvested from volcanoes.…

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Luminous Sphere

An orb that emits blinding light upon impact. Deals 100 Light…

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Matterbreak Hammer

A mystical hammer that shatters physical barriers. Dispels an…

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Mindbreak Hammer

A mystical hammer that shatters magical barriers. Dispels an…

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Mindless Mallet

Not lethal, but a tap of this hammer wipes out a random memory.…

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Nailed Blackboard

Scraping it produces a horrid, grating sound. May inflict Rage…

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A magic plaything that perpetually spins up wind. Deals 100 Wind…

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Poison Stinger

A venomous stinger harvested from a monster. May inflict Poison…

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Raiju's Breath

The power of an electric fairy dwells within this pure crystal.…

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Reset Talisman

Look on the bright side, even in a pinch. Removes all debuff…

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Salamander's Breath

The power of a fire fairy dwells within this pure crystal. Deals…

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Sinister Straw Effigy

A doll created with resentful magic. Deals 100 Dark damage to…

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Sirensong Gloss

A bewitchingly vibrant lipstick that captivates all onlookers.…

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Merely touching this thorn induces severe drowsiness. May inflict…

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Snow Queen's Breath

The power of an ice fairy dwells within this pure crystal. Deals…

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Splintering Ice Crystal

Magical ice that scatters in a broad area when thrown. Deals…

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Stormcaller Flute

Playing a tune on this magic flute calls forth a storm. Deals…

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Stunning Arrow

A blow dart dipped in nerve poison. May inflict Paralysis on…

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Stygian Sutra

A talisman dyed black with the resentment of multitudes. Deals…

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Sylph's Breath

The power of a wind fairy dwells within this pure crystal. Deals…

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Thundercaller's Needle

A sinister needle that calls down lightning within a radius.…

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A translucent stone that emits constant currents. Deals 100 Electric…

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Tinned Torpor

A container filled with smoke that induces lethargy when opened.…

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Tornado in a Bottle

A magic urn containing a tornado. Deals 150 Wind damage to all…

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Tuneless Fork

An instrument that emits mysterious sound waves to induce lethargy.…