Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title
Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher
Published Title Publisher
Icon Title Overview Inventory
Item icon
Abyssal Sundries
Item icon
Actis Workshop
Item icon
Altabury MAG Exchange
Item icon
Amblyrhy's Water Jug
Item icon
Anser the Peddler
Item icon
Ardea the Informant

Item icon
Armour Shop
Item icon
Aurelia Water Shop
Item icon
Black Cat's Claw
Item icon
Brilehaven MAG Exchange
Item icon
Item icon
Castor Water Shop
Item icon
Chelonia Shieldworks

An armour shop in Grand Trad.

Item icon
Item icon
Cielaroko Armsmith
Item icon
Comfort Concoctions

A general store in Grand Trad.

"Medicinal Herb" iconMedicinal Herb HP Recovery
"Medicine" iconMedicine HP Recovery
"Expensive Medicine" iconExpensive Medicine HP Recovery
"Revival Medicine" iconRevival Medicine HP Recovery
"Robust Remedy" iconRobust Remedy Ailment Cures
"Vitamin Relaxant" iconVitamin Relaxant Ailment Cures
"Slapstick Fan" iconSlapstick Fan Ailment Cures
"Parchwater" iconParchwater Miscellaneous
Item icon
Coromanda the Armskeep
Item icon
Diomede the Peddler
Item icon
Item icon
Entero Water Shop
Item icon
Falcone the Informant
Item icon
Far and Wide Armours
Item icon
Fresh-Picked Meats
Item icon
Galeo Swordshop
Item icon
Gallinago the Peddler

"Medicinal Herb" iconMedicinal Herb HP Recovery
"Medicine" iconMedicine HP Recovery
"Revival Medicine" iconRevival Medicine HP Recovery
"Fermis Ointment" iconFermis Ointment Ailment Cures
"Ice Chunk" iconIce Chunk Magic Items
"Bastard Sword" iconBastard Sword Great Swords
"Acacia Rod" iconAcacia Rod Staves
"Bone Vest" iconBone Vest Clothes
"Bycocket" iconBycocket Hats
"Miner's Gauges" iconMiner's Gauges Gauntlets
"Leg Guards" iconLeg Guards Shoes
Item icon
Item icon
Golden Deer Hearth
Item icon
Graco Meat Market
Item icon
Grand Trad MAG Exchange
Item icon
Grus the Peddler
Item icon
Holy Meat
Item icon
Holy Meat 2
Item icon
Igniter Shop
Item icon
Item icon
Item icon
Item icon
Keft Incantations
Item icon

"Medicinal Herb" iconMedicinal Herb HP Recovery
"Magla Pill" iconMagla Pill MP Recovery
"Vitamin Relaxant" iconVitamin Relaxant Ailment Cures
"Orgo Sugar" iconOrgo Sugar Cooking
Item icon
Korno Meat Market
Item icon
Krozelli the Hunter

"Geldust" iconGeldust Cooking
"Giant's Rib" iconGiant's Rib Cooking
"Giant Worm Meat" iconGiant Worm Meat Cooking
Item icon
Lama the Informant
Item icon
Larus the Peddler
Item icon
Item icon
Lycaon Magic Association
Item icon
MAG Exchange
Item icon
Magic Shop
Item icon
Item icon
MesmerEyes Apothecary
Item icon
Muscicapa the Peddler
Item icon
Nantoka the Peddler
Item icon
Item icon
On-High Raiments
Item icon
Opisth the Water Trader
Item icon
Pagan Church: Virga Island
Item icon
Peddler 1
Item icon
Peddler 2
Item icon
Peddler 3
Item icon
Phantom of the Deep
Item icon
Phasian the Gatherer
Item icon
Item icon
Sanctist Church: Altabury
Item icon
Sanctist Church: Brilehaven
Item icon
Serpenta the Peddler
Item icon
Shilleka's Weaponry
Item icon
Item icon
Skyward Tavern
Item icon
Snowflower Pharmacy
Item icon
Spado Smithy

"Iron Sword" iconIron Sword Swords
"Iron Greatsword" iconIron Greatsword Great Swords
"Bronze Knuckles" iconBronze Knuckles Knuckles
Item icon
Spherano the Informant

Encountered in the Tavern on Virga Island.

Item icon
Spider's Den
Item icon
St. Fermis Church

Found on the northern edge of Sunlumeo Street.

"Balm of Life" iconBalm of Life HP Recovery
"Ailment Absolution" iconAilment Absolution Ailment Cures
"Tranquilliser" iconTranquilliser Ailment Cures
"Purified Teacake" iconPurified Teacake Ailment Cures
"Fermis Ointment" iconFermis Ointment Ailment Cures
"Breath of Fresh Air" iconBreath of Fresh Air Side Quest Items
Item icon
Tavern 1
Item icon
Tavern 2
Item icon
The Greatest Catch
Item icon
The Hushed Honeybee Inn
Item icon
The Ruffian's Reel
Item icon
Tringa the Peddler
Item icon
Item icon
Vulpes the Informant
Item icon
Water Merchant: Altabury
Item icon
Water Merchant: Virga Island
Item icon
Water Shop
Item icon
Weapon Shop
Item icon
Whitepeaks Magic Shop