Damarose's Seedpod Quest Items
An Umbral seedpod intended for Damarose the Marked.
Damarose’s Seedpod is an important item used in the steps to obtain the Umbral Ending of Lords of the Fallen, the toughest one to unlock. Once you have it on you, return to Damarose in Pilgrim’s Perch and use the item to kill her and unlock one of the floating platforms in Mother’s Lull.
Where to Find / Item Location
Make sure you’re not on the Radiant Ending path (by lighting the beacons) and purchase the Umbral Scouring Clump from Molhu for 50
Umbral Scouring. You must defeat the bosses at the Broken Depths before you get this option. With this in hand, you will have access to Mother’s Lull, where you can find friendly remnants. One of these will give you
Damarose’s Seedpod.
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