Go through the door to the right of the Crippled Rhogar right and use the lever to open the door – this creates a shortcut back to the cave with the Spiders and the Checkpoint Crystal we came through earlier.
Head back to the Crippled Rhogar and go through the door behind him. Climb the stairs here. At the top you will find a Tyrant waiting for you. The Tyrant Heart for this fight is located in the room at the top of the stairs on the right guarded by a Crossbowman. As such, run past the Tyrant, climb the stairs, kill the Crossbowman and claim the heart before taking on the Tyrant one on one.
Use the lever by the door in the room where we gathered the Tyrant Heart and exit to the Panorama.
The Tyrant Heart is up the stairs hidden amongst other pots and a Crossbowman (left). Once the Tryant is dead, pull the lever (right) to exit to the Panorama.
The Panorama¶
As you exit the temple, you will see some wounded soldiers in a small side-area to the left. Enter this area for a cut-scene and a conversation. They are Deserters (we’ll see them and hear them mentioned few times form here on out) and will give you a side-quest to clear out the Western Antechamber.
Retrace your steps across the Eternal Flame, killing the Dimensional Beast and the Crossbowmen who are now inhabiting it and go through the door back to the very start of the area. Use the Checkpoint Crystal here if you like and then head into the Western Antechamber.
Western Antechamber¶
As you enter, you’ll notice that the floor below is now occupied by a Dimensional Beast. This is our main target. Additionally, the Forger who was here earlier will be here again (unless you haven’t died) and so will the Demon Hound down the small corridor at the base of the stairs.
If you can, from the bottom of the stairs use your gauntlet to pull the Dimensional Beast and lure him up top so you don’t risk aggravating the other enemies. Once it is dead, you can either stay and kill the rest of the enemies (optional) or return to the deserters and tell them that you have cleared out the room.
For your troubles you’ll earn 500XP and a new Weapon (Dagger - Protector) . Speak to them again and hand over a potion for an additional 500XP .
Clear the Dimensional beast out of the Western Antechamber (left) and then return to the derserters for a reward (right).
Now we are done here, retrace your steps back to the start of the area and talk with the Crafter once again. We’ll hand him a quest item and he’ll now be available to us whenever we see an Anvil in the world.
After the chat, continue through the portal back to Keystone.
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