This page offers a guide on how to unlock and brew Earmuff Potion, which is necessary for progressing in the main quest in Little Witch in the Woods.
How to Get the Earmuff Potion Recipe¶
The Earmuff Potion can be purchased from Diane’s Witches’ Catalogue for 10 Luna Coins. For information on how to earn luna coins, head over to our guide.
(1 of 2) You can purchase the recipe from Diane
You can purchase the recipe from Diane (left), for 10 Luna Coins. (right)
Earmuff Potion Recipe¶
To make the Earmuff Potion, you’ll need three ingredients: one eye frog roast, bluemoon butterfly extract and wetland grass water.
How to Get One Eye Frog Roast¶
One Eye Frogs are found near the lake side in the Green Forest Waterfall region. They only come out at night and you’ll need to have also obtained a Witch’s Bug Net - find out how to get one here. You’ll also want to tip-toe to sneak up to them as they’re very skittish and will hop into the water at the first sight of danger. You’ll need to catch 2 of them and then put them in the roaster to make One Eye Frog Roast.
One Eye Frogs are found near the lake at night.
How to Get Wetland Grass Water¶
Wetland Grass are tall plants found near the water’s edge in the Green Forest Waterfall region. To pull them out, you’ll need to interact with them twice. Once you have 2 of them, place them in the extractor to make Wetland Grass Water.
Wetland Grass.
How to Get Blue Moon Butterfly Extract¶
Blue Moon Butterfly Extract can be obtain from putting x2 Blue Moon Butterflies in the extractor. Blue Moon Butterflies are found near flower patches on Green Forest Plateau. They’re only found at night, and you’ll also need a net to catch them. They aren’t as skittish as the frogs but you’ll still want to tip-toe to get close enough to catch them.
Once you have all ingredients, place them in the cauldron and reduce the fire to stage 1, and set the ladle to stir left.
Find the blue moon butterflies hanging around the flowers on the plateau.
What Can You Use the Earmuff Potion for?¶
In the main story, you’ll be required to use an Earmuff Potion to get past the big noisy bird blocking your path in Green Forest Waterfall.
Use the Earmuff Potion to get past the super noisy bird.
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