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Icon Title Description Weapons This Job is Exclusive to
Item icon
Action Star

With attacks focusing on one enemy at a time this job class can…

"Burning Nunchaku" iconBurning Nunchaku Action Star
"Dynamite Nunchaku" iconDynamite Nunchaku Action Star
"Etched Nunchaku" iconEtched Nunchaku Action Star
"Evil God's Nunchaku" iconEvil God's Nunchaku Action Star
"Hero's Nunchaku" iconHero's Nunchaku Action Star
"Ice Nunchaku" iconIce Nunchaku Action Star
"Japanese Oak Nunchaku" iconJapanese Oak Nunchaku Action Star
"Master's Nunchaku" iconMaster's Nunchaku Action Star
"Nightstone Nunchaku" iconNightstone Nunchaku Action Star
"Plasmax Nunchaku" iconPlasmax Nunchaku Action Star
"Rippling Nunchaku" iconRippling Nunchaku Action Star
"Steel Nunchaku" iconSteel Nunchaku Action Star
"Superstar's Nunchaku" iconSuperstar's Nunchaku Action Star
Item icon

With a surfboard in hand, you’ll fight your way through enemies…

"Amateur Board" iconAmateur Board Aquanaut
"Aquanaut's Board" iconAquanaut's Board Aquanaut
"Cloud Board" iconCloud Board Aquanaut
"Jet Surfboard" iconJet Surfboard Aquanaut
"Mandrake Board" iconMandrake Board Aquanaut
"Shark Board" iconShark Board Aquanaut
"Soft-Seve Board" iconSoft-Seve Board Aquanaut
"Storm Board" iconStorm Board Aquanaut
"Surf Flounder" iconSurf Flounder Aquanaut
"Wooden Board" iconWooden Board Aquanaut
Item icon

Seonhee’s Default job, letting her show off her high agility…

"Seonhee" iconSeonhee Playable Characters
Item icon

Saeko’s default job has her slinging drinks and swinging handbags.…

"Barmaid's Bag" iconBarmaid's Bag Bar Maid
Boom Bag Bar Maid
"Bricken Bag" iconBricken Bag Bar Maid
"Couture Bag" iconCouture Bag Bar Maid
"Dolphin Bag" iconDolphin Bag Bar Maid
"Elegant Bag" iconElegant Bag Bar Maid
"Femme Fatale Bag" iconFemme Fatale Bag Bar Maid
"Funny Bag" iconFunny Bag Bar Maid
"Illuminati Bag" iconIlluminati Bag Bar Maid
"Imitation Bag" iconImitation Bag Bar Maid
"Jag Bag" iconJag Bag Bar Maid
"Polar Bag" iconPolar Bag Bar Maid
"Rock Star Bag" iconRock Star Bag Bar Maid
"White Bag" iconWhite Bag Bar Maid
"Saeko" iconSaeko Playable Characters
Item icon

Mainly focused on single-target attacks but don’t let that hold…

Item icon

Tomizawa’s default job, you’ll be wanting to visit Julie’s Gearworks…

"Tomizawa" iconTomizawa Playable Characters
Item icon

The Chef is a fiery role to say the least. Dealing mostly fire-based…

Item icon

The cowboy of the coast, deals mainly with his guns and could…

"Air Gun" iconAir Gun Desperado
"Antique Revolver" iconAntique Revolver Desperado
"Aqua Shooter" iconAqua Shooter Desperado
"Cherry Boy" iconCherry Boy Desperado
"Cold-Blooded" iconCold-Blooded Desperado
"Hermetic Scorpion" iconHermetic Scorpion Desperado
"Lone Survivor" iconLone Survivor Desperado
"Modern Revolver" iconModern Revolver Desperado
"Oath of Dawn" iconOath of Dawn Desperado
"Roaring Lightening" iconRoaring Lightening Desperado
"Sandstorm Django" iconSandstorm Django Desperado
"Seventh Wolf" iconSeventh Wolf Desperado
"Space Opera" iconSpace Opera Desperado
"Wasteland Revolver" iconWasteland Revolver Desperado
Item icon

Adachi’s default job. While he’s thematically retired you can…

"Ascender No. 1919" iconAscender No. 1919 Detective
"Beacon of Maitreya" iconBeacon of Maitreya Detective
"Brutal Slapjack" iconBrutal Slapjack Detective
"Crowbar" iconCrowbar Detective
"Detective's Baton" iconDetective's Baton Detective
"Electric Jitte" iconElectric Jitte Detective
"Glacial Mace" iconGlacial Mace Detective
"Jumbo Sausage" iconJumbo Sausage Detective
"Slapjack" iconSlapjack Detective
"Stun Rod" iconStun Rod Detective
"Tribal Mace" iconTribal Mace Detective
"Wood Jitte" iconWood Jitte Detective
"Adachi" iconAdachi Playable Characters
Item icon
Dragon of Dojima

Kiryu’s default job. The path to remembrance is a long one but…

"Kiryu" iconKiryu Playable Characters
Item icon

Kasuga’s default job. Fairly uninspiring and underperforming.…

"Kasuga" iconKasuga Playable Characters
Item icon

Zhao’s default job. You’ll find yourself switching between singletarget…

"Joongi Han" iconJoongi Han Playable Characters
Item icon

The say music is magic but this Maraca-wielding woman will have…

"Blooming Maracas" iconBlooming Maracas Geodancer
Daydream Maracas Geodancer
"Durian Maracas" iconDurian Maracas Geodancer
"Electric Drum" iconElectric Drum Geodancer
"Electrip Maracas" iconElectrip Maracas Geodancer
"Fluffy Maracas" iconFluffy Maracas Geodancer
"Full-Bloom Maracas" iconFull-Bloom Maracas Geodancer
"Karaoke Maracas" iconKaraoke Maracas Geodancer
"Paradise Maracas" iconParadise Maracas Geodancer
"Pellet Drum" iconPellet Drum Geodancer
"Pineapple Maracas" iconPineapple Maracas Geodancer
"Sunrise Maracas" iconSunrise Maracas Geodancer
"Trippy Maracas" iconTrippy Maracas Geodancer
Item icon

The default job of Chitose; she uses ballet based moves to heal,…

"Chitose" iconChitose Playable Characters
Item icon

Kasuga’s true calling. Bat in hand he can rally allies and deal…

"Kasuga" iconKasuga Playable Characters
Item icon

Joongi Han’s default job. As the saying goes the bigger they…

"Zhao" iconZhao Playable Characters
Item icon
Homeless Guy

Nanba’s default job. Living rough would take a toll on anyone…

"Bamboo Broom" iconBamboo Broom Homeless Guy
"Centennial Cane" iconCentennial Cane Homeless Guy
"Charm Cane" iconCharm Cane Homeless Guy
"Dice Cane" iconDice Cane Homeless Guy
"Dripping Wet Umbrella" iconDripping Wet Umbrella Homeless Guy
"Homeless Guy's Cane" iconHomeless Guy's Cane Homeless Guy
"Intoxicane" iconIntoxicane Homeless Guy
"Lightning Staff" iconLightning Staff Homeless Guy
"Mighty Brush" iconMighty Brush Homeless Guy
"Monastic Broom" iconMonastic Broom Homeless Guy
"Nearly Broken Cane" iconNearly Broken Cane Homeless Guy
"Sacred Branch" iconSacred Branch Homeless Guy
"Scepter of Oblivion" iconScepter of Oblivion Homeless Guy
"Snake Cane" iconSnake Cane Homeless Guy
"Treasure Cane" iconTreasure Cane Homeless Guy
"Nanba" iconNanba Playable Characters
Item icon

Popping bottles and celebrating in style, this magic-based class…

Item icon

This vacuum wielder isn’t above making your pockets a little…

"Controlled Burn Rake" iconControlled Burn Rake Housekeeper
"Deck Brush" iconDeck Brush Housekeeper
"Dirty Deck Brush" iconDirty Deck Brush Housekeeper
"Flooring Mop" iconFlooring Mop Housekeeper
"Housekeeper's Mop" iconHousekeeper's Mop Housekeeper
"Hyper Plasma Mop" iconHyper Plasma Mop Housekeeper
"Imperial Mop" iconImperial Mop Housekeeper
"Mop of the Madonna" iconMop of the Madonna Housekeeper
"Powerful Bubble Mop" iconPowerful Bubble Mop Housekeeper
"Rake" iconRake Housekeeper
"Sacred Electric Mop" iconSacred Electric Mop Housekeeper
"Splash Mop" iconSplash Mop Housekeeper
Steam Cleaner Housekeeper
Item icon

This job is mainly a supporting role, using their charm and charisma…

Item icon

The female samurai is a master of the shadow arts, allowing her…

Item icon

The Linebacker’s primary goal is to get as many people enraged…

"Electric Band" iconElectric Band Linebacker
"Flaming Tribal Band" iconFlaming Tribal Band Linebacker
"Leather Cuff" iconLeather Cuff Linebacker
"Marine Band" iconMarine Band Linebacker
"Metallic Band" iconMetallic Band Linebacker
"Mummy Band" iconMummy Band Linebacker
"Running Band" iconRunning Band Linebacker
"Soft Wristband" iconSoft Wristband Linebacker
"Tribal Band" iconTribal Band Linebacker
Item icon
Night Queen

Sassy and a lil sexy this dual damage dealer is capable of dishing…

"Back Breaker" iconBack Breaker Night Queen
"Burning Rose" iconBurning Rose Night Queen
"Crystal Whip" iconCrystal Whip Night Queen
"Electric Whip" iconElectric Whip Night Queen
Giganto Whip Night Queen
"Meow Meow Whip" iconMeow Meow Whip Night Queen
"Night Queen's Whip" iconNight Queen's Whip Night Queen
"Temptress's Whip" iconTemptress's Whip Night Queen
"Thorny Whip" iconThorny Whip Night Queen
"Wailing Whip" iconWailing Whip Night Queen
"Whip of Desire" iconWhip of Desire Night Queen
Item icon

The male version of the Geodancer, this feisty fellow will blow…

"Brave General Axe" iconBrave General Axe Pyrodancer
"Dead Souls Axe" iconDead Souls Axe Pyrodancer
Demon's Edge Pyrodancer
"Fang Axe" iconFang Axe Pyrodancer
"Grasscutter" iconGrasscutter Pyrodancer
"Greataxe" iconGreataxe Pyrodancer
"Ice Axe" iconIce Axe Pyrodancer
"Magic Ice Axe" iconMagic Ice Axe Pyrodancer
"Phantom Greataxe" iconPhantom Greataxe Pyrodancer
Pyrodancer's Axe Pyrodancer
"Torchlight Axe" iconTorchlight Axe Pyrodancer
"Tribal Axe" iconTribal Axe Pyrodancer
"Volcanic Tribal Axe" iconVolcanic Tribal Axe Pyrodancer
Item icon

This ancient job type comes equipped with high attacks and high…

Item icon

Character-specific job for Kasuga. After progressing to defeating…

"Kasuga" iconKasuga Playable Characters
Item icon
Tennis Ace

With a focus on athletic ability, these quick barrage attacks…

"Beach Tennis Racket" iconBeach Tennis Racket Tennis Ace
"Dancer's Fan" iconDancer's Fan Tennis Ace
"Entry Level Racket" iconEntry Level Racket Tennis Ace
"Fifteen-Love Racket" iconFifteen-Love Racket Tennis Ace
"Soft Tennis Racket" iconSoft Tennis Racket Tennis Ace
Tennis Ace's Racket Tennis Ace
"Vintage Racket" iconVintage Racket Tennis Ace
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