Loretz Locations
Whether Loretz was already standing at the time of our game is not clear, as the first written mention of it dates back to 1418.
It’s unlikely that vineyards surrounded the fortress, as they were still a hot novelty in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown at that time, but beer was brewed there. From sources dating back to 1544, we learn that Zdislav Zvířetický of Wartenberg bought the local hop farm with malt house and brewery. In 1593, the production of beer called Kumperské was documented, in 1680 Konvent beer, from 1899 it was Dačický lager and the ‘health beer’ Mincmistr.
Loretz Municipal Brewery in Kuttenberg has changed owners several times during its history, but beer has been brewed here, with minor interruptions, to this day.
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