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There are 13 multiplayer maps packaged into Halo 4 with 3 being used exclusively for Forge Mode and offline multiplayer only (for the moment at least) and the remaining 10 have been placed into the rotation for Halo 4’s online multiplayer component.

Here’s a brief overview of each level, with weapon spawn points, objective locations and level specific strategies and load-outs.


Abandon is one of the smaller maps in Halo 4’s multiplayer contingent and supports games of up to 4 v 4. This map is dominated by a three-tiered central structure [Central Structure] with an open, natural zone filled with rocks, tree roots and other view-obstructing objects on one side [Natural Zone] and a two leveled structure [Two-tiered building] on the other which is flanked by a pair of raised rocky ledges on either side that continue along the edges of 2/3 of the length of the map. There are no vehicles supported on this map. Between the two, man-made structures is a courtyard [Courtyard] littered with crates. This area also has entrances to the [Central Structure], [Two-tiered building] and the two rocky paths. Looking at the [central structure] from the [natural zone], the two rocky pathways lining the edge of the map either side of the central structure and linking up directly with the [two-storied structure] at the end of the map can be distinguished by the presence of purple trees on the right side [Purple tree ledge] and a cave with a slightly bluish tint on the other [Blue Cave Path]. To access the [central structure], players can climb the dirt ramp directly in front of it in the [natural zone] area, enter the door via ground level, jumping across to it from the two-tiered building or using the conveniently placed bridges leading from the [Blue cave/Purple tree] pathways along the edges of the map. There are three gravity lifts, with two being located inside the structures and a third in a hollowed out cave beneath a tree near the [bluish caves]. The tactically important areas are: [Natural zone], [Central Structure], [Two- tiered building], [Courtyard], [Purple path] and the [blue cave path].

Set Weapon Placements:

Scattershot: In the lab area on the ground level of the [central structure].

Needler: In front of the dirt ramp at ground level leading up to the [purple tree ledge] closest to the [two-tiered structure].

Needler: In front of the dirt ramp at ground level in the natural area leading up to the [central structure].

Frag Grenades : On the [blue cave ledge] overlooking the [Courtyard] between the structures near the gravity lift beneath the tree.

Frag Grenades : On the [purple tree path], overlooking the [natural zone].

Set Vehicle Locations:

There are no vehicles on this map.

Objective locations:

Capture the Flag

  • Red Flag - On the top floor of the [two-story building].

  • Blue Flag- At the base of the dirt ramp leading up to the [central structure] from the [natural zone].

  • Terminal A - In the centre of the top level of the [central building].

  • Terminal B - On the [purple tree ledge], close to the bridge leading to the [Central Structure].

  • Terminal C - On the [Blue cave Ledge] near the exit from the lift in the tree.

  • Terminal D - Just outside the main door to the [Central Structure] in the [Natural Zone].

  • Terminal E - In front of the dirt ramp at ground level leading up to the [purple tree ledge] closest to the [two-tiered structure].
    King of the Hill

  • Zone A – In the centre of the top level of the [central building].

  • Zone B - On the [purple tree ledge], close to the bridge leading to the [Central Structure].

  • Zone C - At the top of the dirt ramp leading up to the [central structure] from the [natural zone].

  • Zone D - Top floor of the [two story building].

  • Zone E - On the ground level, next to the ramp leading up to the [blue cave path] from the [Natural Zone].

  • In the center of the top level of the [central building].
    Suggested Load-outs:

Thanks to its crowded nature and lack of lengthy lines of sight, the best bet for success on abandon is to choose a load-out that will do well at short-mid range. Most armor abilities have some good effects on gameplay in this level and Promethean vision is especially useful in the [Natural Zone], but the Jetpack is also useful to access the vertical sections of the map quickly and effectively. Be sure to experiment to find out the types of abilities suit you.

Primary : Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle, Covenant Carbine

Secondary: Magnum, Boltshot

Grenades : Your choice!

A Ability: Promethean Vision, Jetpack, Hardlock Shield, Active Camouflage, Thruster Pack, Hologram.

Tactical : Any

Support : Any

Map Specific Tactics:

The [Natural Zone] is filled with rocks, trees and other obstacles that severely limit your line of sight. This zone is best suited to short range combat, and abilities such as thruster Pack can bridge the gap between you and enemy soldiers quickly. Using Promethean vision here can give you an advantage over foes in the same position.

One of the best places for snipers to hide out is in the [Natural zone] looking back towards the main bases. Due to the abundance of cover and the ability to see the upper levels of the [Central Structure] and to some degree the [Purple/Blue Paths] enemies will rarely see you before you can shoot them.

The two [Paths] along the ledges upon either side of the map provide descent lines of sight and are often the favorite hangout of those with battle rifles and other mid-long range weaponry.

The [Courtyard] features a number of crates to hide behind. This is perfect to set a trap - have a ranged shooter or two stand in the [Two-tiered structure] and fire at enemy combatants, whilst some of the rest of the team hide behind the crates. As the enemies come to clear out the snipers, attack or assassinate them unexpectedly from the crates as they run past.

The lower levels of the buildings are golden opportunity for a number of kills for a player who manages to get their hands on a shotgun or the scattershot.

In most gametypes, one team will often attempt to dominate the [Central structure]. It provides nice sight lines over and easy access to all other regions of the level.

If a team is holding onto the [Central building] the problem with this is that firstly the other team will know exactly where to find them and secondly, due to the sheer number of entrances leading into the building, it can be quite difficult to defend without solid communication. It is best to lock down the top floor by itself in order to maintain easy access to the other parts of the map as previously stated.

The gravity lifts can be used as grenade carriers, simply toss one in there to have it be sent up to a higher level. Perfect for clearing out a lift camper or defenders from a landing zone before entering yourself.


Adrift is a symmetrical map featuring an open base at either end of the map with a central region housing a large, non-usable bipedal mech. Like Abandon, it does not include any vehicles and its long narrow corridors and constrictive indoor zones make it suited to all types of combat from close-mid-long range… The blue team spawn base on this map features a construction type region with a couple of cranes [Construction base] whilst the red spawn point base has a refinery feel to it with a few chimneys throwing up flames [Refinery Base]. Each base consists of an open area with two doors on the ground level leading to hallways around the outside of the map and a catwalk above leading directly to a balcony overlooking the Central area [Mech Room]. Whilst following the walkways from the bases around the outside of the region you will find a small, open platform on either side of the map [Intermediary Platforms]. From these platforms, you will find blue jump pads that will launch you to the [Construction/Refinery Bases]. The [Mech room] has a pair of balconies at the top leading from either base as well as a raised central platform dominated by the mech and housing one of the map’/s power weapons. These overlook a middle level featuring four quick exits to the two bases and intermediary platforms and a ground level which has a pair of gravity lifts that will place you into the upper hallways running along the edge of the map and stairs leading to the mid-level mech room platforms. There are two hallways and two tunnels around the outside of the map that can be differentiated by the colors on the walls. The hallways are long, straight passages and feature blue monitors [Blue Hallway] or orange magma tubes [Red hallway]. These lead from the bases to the intermediary platforms and contain doors leading to the 2nd level platforms in the Mech room. Additionally, the tunnels also lead from the bases to the intermediary platforms but are different from the hallways in that they are slightly shorter and allow access to the ground level of the mech room. One of these features orange magma tubes [Red tunnel] and the other does not [Blue Tunnel]. The tactically important areas are: [Mech Room], [top Centre][Refinery Base], [Construction Base], [Intermediary Platforms], [Red Tunnel], [Blue Tunnel], [Red Hallway] and [Blue Hallway].

Set Weapon Placements:

Energy Sword : Beneath the mech on the [Top Centre] platform in the Mech room.

Scattershot : On the intermediary platform between the [red hallway] and the [blue tunnel].

Sticky Detonator : On the intermediary platform between the [blue hallway] and the [red tunnel].

Frag Grenades : On the catwalk in the [Construction base].

Frag Grenades : On the catwalk in the [Refinery Base].

Frag Grenades : On the ground floor of the [Mech room] behind the stairs leading to the second level of the room.

Frag Grenades : On the ground floor of the [Mech room] behind the stairs leading to the second level of the room opposite the other frag grenade location mentioned above.

Set Vehicle Locations:

There are no vehicles on this map.

Objective locations:

Capture the Flag

  • Red Flag - On catwalk in the [Refinery base].

  • Blue Flag- On catwalk in the [Construction base].

  • Terminal A - On the intermediary platform between the [Red hallway] and the [Blue tunnel].

  • Terminal B - On the intermediary platform between the [blue hallway] and the [red tunnel].

  • Terminal C - In the [blue hallway].

  • Terminal D - On the ground floor of the [Mech room].

  • Terminal E - Beneath the mech on the [Top Center] platform in the [Mech Room].
    King of the Hill

  • Zone A - Beneath the mech on the [Top Center] platform in the [Mech Room].

  • Zone B - On the intermediary platform between the [blue hallway] and the [red tunnel].

  • Zone C - On catwalk in the [Refinery base].

  • Zone D - In the [blue hallway].

  • Zone E - At ground level in the [Construction base].

  • Beneath the mech on the [Top Center] platform in the [Mech Room].
    Suggested Load-outs:

Whilst there is an argument for the constrictive indoor spaces to be more conducive to short-mid range weaponry, the lengthy lines of sight across the bases and down the narrow, straight hallways mean that mid-rage weaponry can also be brought into play. In terms of armor abilities, due size and design of the map Promethean vision is pretty hard to top, although others have benefits as well.

Primary : Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle, Covenant Carbine, Light Rifle

Secondary: Magnum, Boltshot

Grenades : Your choice!

A Ability: Promethean Vision, Hardlight Shield, Active Camouflage, Thruster Pack

Tactical : Any

Support : Any

Map Specific Tactics:

The two [Bases] and the [Mech Room] house the majority of the power weapons and objectives on Adrift, but it is usually the narrow corridors and tunnels linking these areas together that see the most action. With Promethean vision equipped, you can quickly scope out a room before entering to check for hostiles.

There is often a rush for the power weapon in the [Mech Room] and the [Intermediary Platforms] at the start, if you can arrive at the same time, a few well placed grenades can cause a lot of carnage!

The hallways are full of side passages, and sneaky players can use these to their advantage to flank unaware players running past.

The jump pads available at the [Intermediary Platforms] are a quick and seriously underutilized method of quickly entering either [Base] during non team-based matches.

The jump pads are much more utilised during team games. whilst on defense and you see an enemy flying over to you, drop a grenade or two in the zone that they are likely to land and mop them up if it doesn’t kill them immediately.

During team matches, maintaining a presence in the hallways is recommended. Not only can you keep an eye on your base, but you’ll have easy access to the [Mech room] and [Intermediary Platforms].

The gravity lift can be used as grenade carrier, if Promethean vision reveals another player in the hallway above, simply toss a grenade into the lift before following it up to finish off an injured enemy. Perfect for clearing out a lift camper or defenders from a landing zone before entering yourself.


Complex is the first of Halo 4’s big maps. It consists of a fairly open area populated by a main central building and several smaller adjacent and surrounding structures with plenty of exposed ground in between. Additionally, this map has vehicles with mongoose and ghost spawning positions near the buildings surrounding the central structure. The red base features an above ground structure [Red Warehouse] near a water tank with a raised platform giving a good view over the open area below between the central structures and the base. The Blue base on the other hand exists in front of a large, closed gate and consists of a pair of underground structures: a garage type area [Blue Garage] and another building with a slightly elevated roof above it with a helipad [Blue helipad]. The large main structure [Factory] and its walled courtyard [Courtyard] split the map in half. The inside of the Central structure has two floors, with the bottom floor giving access to the ground level of the courtyard and exits to the outdoor areas facing both the red and blue bases. The upper floor has an open area at the back, allowing vehicles to traverse the two sides of the map and has open doors that lead out onto walkways above the courtyard below. One of these in turn leads to an adjacent structure close to the red base [Mini-Jerk]. Note there is a ramp leading to the roof of this building and there is also a gravity lift on the Red base side of this structure at ground level. The walkway closest to the blue side and the walkway on the opposite side of the Red adjoining structure continue until they reach a secondary main building - the [Computer Room] that continues the line from the [Factory] to split the rest of the map in two. The [Computer Room] building has a small indoor area and space for vehicles to travel below it. It also has a number of ramps leading up to its roof, which is a very good place for snipers to hole up. Thanks to its abundance of open areas, mid-long range combat is the order of the day on this map. The tactically important areas are: [Factory], [Courtyard], [Computer Room], [Courtyard], [Mini-Jerk], [Red warehouse], [Blue Garage] and [Blue Helipad].

Set Weapon Placements:

Energy Sword: On a raised platform in the [Courtyard].

Sniper Rifle : On the top of the [Blue Helipad] Building.

Sniper Rifle : On the ground behind the [Red Warehouse] building.

Scattershot : In the tunnel allowing vehicle access between both sides of the map at the back of the second floor of the [Factory] structure.

Frag Grenades : Inside the [Computer Room] structure.

Frag Grenades : Inside the [Mini-Jerk] structure.

Set Vehicle Locations:

Blue Garage : Ghost, Mongoose

Red Warehouse : Ghost, 2x Mongoose

Objective Locations:

Capture the Flag

  • Red Flag - On the ground between the [Red Warehouse] and a water tank.

  • Blue Flag- On the ground between the [Blue Garage] and the [Blue Helipad].

  • Terminal A - In the [Courtyard].

  • Terminal B - In the road beneath the [Computer Room] Structure.

  • Terminal C - Under the ramp on the lower floor of the [Factory].

  • Terminal D - On the road at the back of the [Factory].

  • Terminal E - On the walkway between the [Mini-Jerk] and the [Computer Room] structure.
    King of the Hill

  • Zone A - Inside, on the second floor of the [Factory] structure.

  • Zone B - Inside the [Computer Room] building.

  • Zone C - On the road below the [Computer Room] building.

  • Zone D - On the second floor of the [Red Warehouse] building.

  • Zone E - On top of the ]Blue Garage] building.

  • Zone F - On top of the [Mini-Jerk] Structure.

  • Zone G - On the [Blue Helipad] building.

  • On the walkway between the [Mini-Jerk] and the [Computer Room] Structure.
    Suggested Load-outs:

Complex’s wide open areas and vantage points mean it that it is rife with medium to long range combat. It can be useful to pack a plasma pistol to neutralize enemy vehicles. I found Jetpacks and Holograms to be the pick of the armor abilities on this maps, so be sure to pick some tactical/support upgrades to compliment one of those!

Primary : DMR, Battle Rifle, Covenant Carbine, Light Rifle

Secondary: Any

Grenades : Your choice!

A Ability: Jetpack, Hardlight Shield, Active Camouflage, Hologram.

Tactical : Any

Support : Any

Map Specific Tactics:

Almost every time this map loads up, the team that wins is the team that stakes out and holds the roof of the [Computer room] building. From here players have a nice, open view of almost the entire map and due to the limited access points, this it can be remarkably easy to defend for a good team. From here it is just a matter of sniping the other team into submission.

To counter-act the [Computer Room] camp site, players can try to snipe or use holograms from the [Factory] or one of the base areas in an attempt to distract the opponents so that your team can launch a counter offensive on the position. Communication is key!

Avoid wandering through the open areas between the various buildings unless your team holds the ares on either sides or you are asking for a quick death.

Try to avoid the [Factory] and its walkways if you are not packing a close range weapon as many players seem to be drawn here and these areas see the majority of the action.

Ghosts can be highly effective on this map, either for vehicular man-slaughtering enemies in the open ground or mowing them down with its rapid plasma fire. It is possible to get ghosts onto the walkways and upper areas (just FYI!).


Exile is perhaps the largest map in Halo 4 and also one of the most enjoyable. It is based around the crashed star ship that still perches perilously atop the rocky cliffs around the edges of the area. The play area consists of a large central rocky structure with a few derelict buildings at its base and buildings caves of some description in all four directions away from the center. The [Blue Base] is located in a large bunker nestled below a rocky cliff wall close to a large locked gate and across an open field from a turbine hanging off the rocky structure part of the center of the map. The inside of the base has a pair of floors, with the second floor having a passage out to a balcony area with a turret on it overlooking the open area below. The [Red Base] is on the direct opposite side of the map from the [Blue Base]. It is smaller than the blue base and similarly features a lower and upper level. The bottom floor has a [Gold Lift] leading up to the second floor and the upper level has a turret overlooking the structures in the central region of the map. The central area is essentially a giant doughnut with a road around the central region with a pair of bridges across trenches at different points around the ring. In front of the [Red Base] You’ll see a structure in front and to the left [Campsite], there is a tarpaulin on top and a tunnel below as well as a ramp leading up to the top of the structure. To the right of these is the large rocky outcrop that dominates the center of the map and built into this is a [Control Center]. Below this is a series of tunnels that allow infantry to progress from one side of the map to the other. From the control center, there is also a ramp [Connector] leading down to a trench beneath a bridge. From here we can see a cave to the left [Alcove] containing the Scorpion on some game types. To the left and right of the [Alcove] are tunnels providing safe passage for non-vehicular combatants to traverse the side of the map. From the [Campsite] there is a passage through a trench below another bridge around the central road leading to a structure built into the cliff face [Hangar] there is a banshee in here on some game types. In this same area, you will also find a series of caves that lead from the [Red Base] side to the [Blue Base] side of the map. Between the [Blue Base] and the cave leading to the [Hanger] to the left you’ll find a jump pad [Valley lift] that will deposit you on a platform in the cave system housing the [Control Center]. Between the [Red Base] and the [Alcove] you will find another jump pad [Red Lift] which will deposit you at the entrance to the [Red base]. Either side of the [Hangar] building you will find rocky structures [Red Rocks] and [Blue Rocks] that will provide some cover for advancing ground forces from vehicle fire and some good sniping positions. The tactically important areas are: [Blue Base], [Red Base], [Gold Lift], [campsite], [Control Center], [Connector], [Alcove], [Hangar], [Valley Lift] [Red Lift], [Red Rocks] and [Blue Rocks]

Set Weapon Placements:

SAW : Just outside the [Red Base] between the base itself and the [Campsite].

SAW : Just outside the [Blue Base] between the base itself and the cave leading to the [Control Room].

Sniper Rifle : On the ground in the open between the [Red Base] and the [Red Lift].

Sniper Rifle : In front of the [Blue rocks] to the right of the [Blue Base].

Rocket Launcher : Next to the bridge down the [connecter] from the [Control Room].

Pulse Grenade : In the courtyard between the [Campsite] and the entrance to the [Control Room].

Plasma Grenade : In front of the gate to the left of the [Blue Base].

Plasma Grenade : Behind the [Red Rocks] to the left of the [Red Base].

Set Vehicle Locations:

Blue Base : Warthog, Warthog (Guass), Mongoose

Red Base : Warthog, Mongoose

Alcove : Scorpion

Hangar : Banshee

Valley Lift: Ghost

Red rocks : Ghost

Objective locations:

Capture the Flag

  • Red Flag - At the [Red Base].

  • Blue Flag- at the [Blue Base].

  • Base A - At the top of the [Gold Lift] on the top floor of the [Red Base] in the turret area.

  • Base B - In the [Control Room].

  • Base C - Inside the [Blue Base] on the ground floor.

  • Terminal A - At the [Campsite].

  • Terminal B - In the cave below the [Control Room].

  • Terminal C - Between the [Blue Base] and the cave leading to the tunnel that goes up to the [Control Room].

  • Terminal D - Directly in front of the [Gold Lift] at the lower room of the [Red Base].

  • Terminal E - In the banshee spawn point in the [Hangar].
    King of the Hill

  • Zone A - In the [Control Room].

  • Zone B - In the [Alcove] behind the Scorpion spawn point.

  • Zone C - In the banshee room in the [Hangar].

  • Zone D - inside the [Blue Base].

  • Zone E - At the top of the [Gold Lift] on the top floor of the [Red Base] in the turret area.

  • Zone F - At the trench by the [Campsite].

  • In the cave below the [Control Room].
    Suggested Load-outs:

The map is fairly large and open, meaning that your mid-long range rifles will work a treat, however there are still a number of caves and other indoor areas that will be more beneficial to approach with a short-mid range weapon in hand. As such, this is a map where just about anything goes, so pick a tactic you like or switch between load-outs between spawns as you please.

Primary : DMR, Battle Rifle, Covenent Carbine, Light Rifle

Secondary: Plasma Pistol

Grenades : Your choice!

A Ability: Jetpack, Hardlight Shield, Active Camouflage, Hologram.

Tactical : Any

Support : Any

Map Specific Tactics:

There is often a rush for the banshee in the [Hangar] and the scorpion in the [Alcove] and at the start, if you can get a long ranged weapon, you can rack up a few kills before someone finally manages to pilot either.

In addition to the heavy vehicle focus, the power weapons on the map also play a crucial role. If one team can grab the scorpion AND pick up the power weapons, they are going to have a major advantage.

Whilst in a vehicle, remember that there are a lot of power weapons on the map that can destroy you fairly quickly. As such, you will never want to sit in the same spot for too long and keep moving constantly - especially in the easier to spot vehicles such as the banshee!

The road around the central structure is essentially a vehicular hotbed, so a single spartan with a plasma pistol can cause a lot of chaos by using the charge function to disable the enemies vehicles, exposing them to attack from a power weapon or two.

If you are unlucky enough to have not snagged a vehicle, you can work your way between the rocks and tunnels along the edges of the maps which provide great cover from vehicular-based attacks and can cater nicely for snipers.

Hologram is definitely one of the more useful abilities as it can be used to distract vehicles and opponents and allow you to bypass them undetected.


Haven is another of Halo 4’s small maps. It features a large Promethean structure with two levels throughout. The red and blue bases are separated by a short bridge with a large semi-circular platform providing an alternate route. The upper level feels more open and thus tailored towards mid-long range playing styles whilst the lower deck feels more cramped and claustrophobic, giving those short-mid range styles of gameplay a place to shine as well. The Blue Base is located on the diamond-shaped ramp [Open Ramp], which is the largest of the four downwards ramps. The Red base is located on the ramp [Closed Ramp] across the bridge [Closed Bridge] directly opposite the Open ramp. On the top deck of the map, the largest platform is close to the blue base. From this, a straight lengthy platform extends to either side [Blue Bridge] and [Red Bridge]. At the end of each of these platforms are ramps leading down to the lower deck [Blue Ramp] and [Red Ramp]. Also the beginning of the upper semi-circular platform [Red Street] and [Red Street] which come together directly in front of the Closed Ramp. At several points around the upper deck of the map, there are gaps along the wall of the upper circle and cracks in the bridge and upper straight platforms that will allow you to quickly access the lower deck if required. The lower platform is almost identical to the top deck. The difference here is there a lot more structural obstructions about. This again is made up of a lower bridge [Closed Tunnel], a long, straight lower hallway [Red Tunnel] and [Blue Ramp] a lower semi-circular pathway [Lower Circle]. The lower circle here also features a pair of blue jump pads that will place players back on the upper deck. The tactically important areas are: [Open Ramp], [Closed Bridge], [Red Bridge], [Blue Bridge], [Red Street], [Blue Street], [Closed Ramp], [Red Ramp], [Blue Ramp], [Closed Tunnel], [Blue Tunnel], [Red Tunnel], [Lower Circle].

Set Weapon Placements:

Sticky Detonator : On the [Upper Circle] platform, to the right if coming up from the [Open Ramp].

Needler : On the [Upper Circle] platform, to the left if coming up from the [Open Ramp].

Scattershot : In the middle of the [Closed Tunnel] on the lower deck.

Frag Grenades : At the bottom of the [Open Ramp].

Frag Grenades : At the bottom of the [Closed Ramp].

Pulse Grenades : In an alcove along the [lower Circle] platform.

Pulse Grenades : In an alcove directly opposite the above pulse grenades along the [lower Circle] platform.

Plasma Grenades : At the bottom of the [Blue Ramp].

Plasma Grenades : At the bottom of the [Red ramp].

Set Vehicle Locations:

There are no vehicles on this map.

Objective locations:

Capture the Flag

  • Red Flag - On the [closed Ramp].

  • Blue Flag- On the [Open Ramp].

  • Terminal A - On the lower deck in between the [Red Tunnel] and the [Blue Tunnel].

  • Terminal B - On the raised platform at the top of the [Closed Bridge] at the top of the [Closed Ramp].

  • Terminal C - Underneath the [Open Ramp].

  • Terminal D - Next to the gap on the [Red Bridge].

  • Terminal E - At the bottom of the [Blue Ramp].
    King of the Hill

  • Zone A - On the large platform at the top of the [Open Ramp].

  • Zone B - On the raised platform at the top of the [Closed Bridge] at the top of the [Closed Ramp].

  • Zone C - At the top of the [Blue Ramp].

  • Zone D - On the [Closed Ramp].

  • Zone E - On the [Open Ramp].

  • Zone F - On the lower deck in between the [Red Tunnel] and the [Blue Tunnel].

  • Zone G - Along the lower Circular passage on the Blue side of the map.

  • Zone H - Along the lower Circular passage on the Red side of the map.

  • In the middle of the [Closed Tunnel] on the bottom level.
    Suggested Load-outs:

Haven provides combat areas for both short-mid range combat and mid-long range combat as well. The upper floor is nice and open, providing a perfect location from which to use your mid-long ranged rifles, whilst the lower floor is somewhat more cramped, encouraging the use of more effective short-mid range weapons. As with most small maps, Promethean vision is a great armor ability, but the jetpacks also haves ome good uses in traversing the upper and lower decks of the level quickly.

Primary : Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle, Covenent Carbine, Light Rifle

Secondary: Magnum, Boltshot

Grenades : Your choice!

A Ability: Jetpack, Hardlock Shield, Active Camouflage

Tactical : Any

Support : Any

Map Specific Tactics:

Haven is a map that flows. A person who stops to try and camp or defend an area is a person that is going to die quickly.

The upper area has many holes dropping down to the floor below, using these effectively with Promethean vision and your radar will enable you to drop down behind or flank other players for an easy surprise kill.

A lot of the action takes place on the [Closed bridge] and at the top of the [Open Ramp] in the center of the map and that means, sniping away with your rifles from the [Circle platforms] and tossing grenades at dueling opponents here can be an effective way to accrue a sneaky kill or two.

Due to the maps’ tight nature, players who manage to snag a Needler can easily eliminate a few baddies before its ammo dries up.

A decent player who manages to grab the Scattershot will be almost unstoppable on the lower floor of the arena. So if the Scattershot is not at its spawn location, be wary of venturing further into the lower area.


The Map is Symmetrical and like meltdown, the opposing ends of the map can be distinguished from one another by the colour of the ground. The side of the map occupied by the [Red Base] has snow covered ground, and the [Blue Base] has exposed dirt as the ground palette. The center of Longbow is marked by the large central building [Facility] opposite a giant stone outcropping [Rock Wall]. Close to either side of the [Rock Wall] is a pair of buildings [Blue Garage] and [Red Garage]. Moving further out, at the far end of the areas on either side you will find buildings housing the [Red base] and the [Blue Base]. From either [Base], to the right, you will find a passage [Red/Blue Street] leading to the [Facility], slightly to the left of this, there is a bridge [Red/Blue Bridge] that also leads to the lower tier of the [Facility]. Between the [Streets] and the [Bridges] is a road [Trails] that goes down a slope, passing by the base of the [Facility] and joining up with the same [Trails] on the opposite side of the map. The [Facility] itself is a large two-tiered structure. The lower tier joins up with the [Bridges] and [Streets] from either base as well as featuring entrances to caves [Red/Blue Caves] that empty out further down either of the [streets]. It also features an indoor area and a series of barricades with space in between overlooking the open [Trails] area below that is perfect for snipers. The top tier includes a platform overlooking the lower tier, an open door to a bunker area with ramps down to the indoor area on the lower tier and a spawn spot for some game type objectives. The [Garages] on either side of the map house a number of vehicles for both sides and access through caves on either side both through the large [Rock Wall] in the center leading directly to the opposing teams’ garage and through the smaller rocky areas between the [Garages] and the [Bases] themselves.Behind the garages, along the water at the edge of the map is a sunken shoreline [Blue/Red Coast] that allows free movement for foot soldiers between a large portion of the map. Directly opposite the main entrances to the [Garages], are small entrances at the base of the [Facility] you will see entrances with gravity lifts [Red/Blue Lifts] inside that allow access to the lower tier of the [Facility]. It should be noted that both [Bases] and [Garages] feature turret emplacements on their roofs and provide a clear field of fire over the open areas below. The tactically important areas are: [Facility], [Trails], [Rock Wall], [Red Base], [Blue Base], [Red Street], [Blue Street], [Red Bridge], [Blue Bridge], [Red Cave], [Blue Cave], [Red Garage], [Blue Garage], [Blue Coast], and [Red Coast].

Set Weapon Placements:

Sniper Rifle : On the [Blue Base] side of the [Blue Bridge].

Sniper Rifle : In the open about half way between the [Red Base] and the [Red Garage].

Spartan Laser : In the center of the lower tier of the [Facility].

Rocket Launcher : In the open about half way between the [Blue Base] and the [Blue Garage].

Rocket Launcher : On the [Red Base] side of the [Red Bridge].

Frag Grenades : Outside the cave leading between the [Blue Base] and the [Blue garage] on the garage side.

Frag Grenades : Outside the cave leading between the [Red Base] and the [Red garage] on the garage side.

Set Vehicle Locations:

Blue Base : Warthog

Blue Garage: Warthog, Mongoose, Ghost

Red Base : Warthog

Red Garage : Warthog, Mongoose, Ghost

Objective locations:

Capture the Flag

  • Red Flag - On the [Red Base] side of the [Red Bridge].

  • Blue Flag- On the [Blue Base] side of the [Blue Bridge].

  • Base A - Inside the [Red Garage].

  • Base B - In the indoor area on the lower tier of the [Facility].

  • Base C - Inside the [Blue Garage].

  • Terminal A - In the passage through the [Rock Wall] between the [Red Garage] and the [Blue Garage].

  • Terminal B - On the platform on the top tier of the [Facility].

  • Terminal C - Inside the [Red Garage].

  • Terminal D - Inside the [Blue Garage].

  • Terminal E - In the center of the [Trails] area at the base of the [Facility].
    King of the Hill

  • Zone A - On the platform on the top tier of the [Facility].

  • Zone B - Just outside the [Blue Garage].

  • Zone C - Outside the cave leading between the [Red Garage] and the [Red Base] on the side of the [Garage].

  • Zone D - On the [Blue Base] side of the [Blue Bridge].

  • Zone E - Outside the cave next to the [Red Garage] and leading to the passage through the [Rock Wall].

  • In the center of the lower tier of the [Facility].
    Suggested Load-outs:

Due to the sheer size of this map, it is pretty much a requirement that you equip yourself with a mid-long range rifle from the get-go. Whilst the [Facility], the [Garages] and the [Caves] all feature internal areas in which the short-ranged firearms would be preferable, its almost not worth the effort of bringing one of those along. As with most open maps, the Hologram is a great distraction and the jetpack will enable you to reach upper sections of buildings much quicker than taking the stairs.

Primary : DMR, Battle Rifle, Covenent Carbine, Light Rifle

Secondary: Plasma Pistol

Grenades : Your choice!

A Ability: Jetpack, Hardlight Shield, Active Camouflage, Hologram

Tactical : Any

Support : Any

Map Specific Tactics:

If piloting a vehicle, remember that there are a lot of power weapons on the map that can destroy you fairly quickly. As such, you will never want to sit in the same spot for too long and keep moving constantly.

The [Trails] at the base of the [Facility] see a good amount of vehicular traffic, and the spartan laser on the lower tier of the [Facility] will make short work of them.

As per usual, a single spartan with a plasma pistol can cause a lot of trouble for vehicles by using the charge function to disable them temporarily.

The turrets mounted on the [Base] and [Garage] structures can provide defensive fire in objective modes to great effect.

In team-based game modes, have half the team man the vehicles whilst the others grab the power weapons outside the [Bases] and near the [Bridges] to help cover the advance. Ensure that if you have a vehicle-based approach that one of your team mates grabs the spartan laser from the [Facility] to give you the advantage.

Snipers have plenty of options in Longbow, with the [Coast] areas providing quick access between the two sides of the map, whilst the [Facility] features platforms overlooking the area and the [Caves] and [Streets] leading up to it are also quite effective.

The gravity lifts beneath the [Facility] can be used as grenade carrier, simply toss a grenade or two into the lift before following it up to ensure the zone is clear of hostiles before entering.


Meltdown is one of Halo 4’s symmetrical medium sized maps. You’ll note that as with Longbow, the map is half covered in snow and half in dirt. We’ll call the snow half the Ice side of the map and the dirt, the Fire side. Meltdown features two bases at opposing ends of a valley [Fire Base] and [Ice base]. The top of the map consists of three main pathways. From the top entrance of each base, you will see a bridge in front [Fire Bridge] and [Ice Bridge]. From the opposite side of the bridge, you can head straight ahead along the ledges that allow players to circle around the outside of the map to the entrance of the opposite base. Alternatively, you can turn right once across either bridge to find a third bridge [Light Bridge] leading to the opposing bridge area. If you choose the high ground along the ledges on either side of the map you will find a small bunker [Fire Bunker] and [Ice Bunker] that give a nice view over the center of the map. The [Fire Base] and [Ice base] are identical and each consists of two floors with an attached garage containing vehicles on the lower level. These lead out to the lower map. The lower section of the map is pretty much exclusively for vehicles, and consists of a fairly straight path through the valley with a distinction on the ground to tell between the [Fire Valley] and [Ice valley]. Opposite the exit from each of the bases is a cave [Fire Road] and [Ice Road] each entrance along the way with ramps inside [Fire Climb] and [Ice Climb] leading to ledges on the upper levels. The ground level features a bunch of jump pads and gravity lifts allowing easy access to the higher ledges. First up there is a jump pad and a gravity lift [Fire Trampoline] and [Ice trampoline] to the left of each base. The right of each base features a jump pad by itself [Fire Push] and [Ice push]. Additionally there is a pair of gravity lifts to either side of the light bridge and another pair of jump pads around the outside of the map [Ice Light] and [Fire Light]. The tactically important areas are: [Fire base], [Ice Base], [Fire bridge], [Ice bridge], [Light Bridge], [Fire bunker], [Ice Bunker], [Fire valley], [ice Valley], [Fire Road], [Ice road], [Fire trampoline], [Ice trampoline], [Fire Light], [Ice Light], [Fire Push] and [Ice Push].

Set Weapon Placements:

Incineration Cannon : Across the [Ice Bridge] outside the [Ice Base] and to the left.

Incineration Cannon : Across the [Fire Bridge] outside the [Fire Base] and to the left.

Railgun: Outside the [Ice Bunker].

Railgun: Outside the [Fire Bunker].

Needler : Below the [Fire bridge].

Needler : Below the [Ice Bridge].

Plasma Grenades : Next to the [Fire Light] Jump.

Plasma Grenades : Next to the [Ice Light] Jump.

Set Vehicle Locations:

Red Base : Ghost, Warthog, Mongoose.

Blue Base: Ghost, Warthog, Mongoose.

Ice Trampoline : Ghost

Fire Trampoline: Ghost

Objective locations:

Capture the Flag

  • Red Flag - In the [Fire Base].

  • Blue Flag- In the [Ice Base].

  • Base A - In the [Ice Base].

  • Base B - On the ground floor beneath the [Light Bridge].

  • Base C - In the [Fire Base].

  • Terminal A - On the Fire side of the [Light Bridge].

  • Terminal B - On the Ice side of the [Light Bridge].

  • Terminal C - In the [Fire Climb] cave.

  • Terminal D - In the [Ice Climb] cave.

  • Terminal E - In the [Fire Bunker].
    King of the Hill

  • Zone A - On the ground floor beneath the [Light Bridge].

  • Zone B - In the [Fire Bunker].

  • Zone C - In the [Ice climb] tunnel.

  • Zone D - On the platform across the [Fire Bridge] from the [Fire Base].

  • Zone E - Below the [Ice Bridge].

  • On the ground floor beneath the [Light Bridge].
    Suggested Load-out Weapons:

The map is essentially a large circle with players able to traverse the gaps between the [Bases] across a multitude of routes on both raised ledges, the [bridges] and the road across the [Valley] below. Due to its open design, players should focus on weapons that support mid-long range combat, whilst packing a plasma pistol to counter enemy vehicles.

Primary : DMR, Battle Rifle, Covenent Carbine, Light Rifle

Secondary: Plasma Pistol

Grenades : Your choice!

A Ability: Jetpack, Hardlight Shield, Active Camouflage

Tactical : Any

Support : Any

Map Specific Tactics:

The majority of the action in the map occurs around the [Light Bridge] and the area below with vehicular and foot based battles occurring i the same general region of the map.

The [Climbs] in the [valley] area and the [jump pads] and [gravity lifts] allow easy access to the upper areas, whilst players can drop down at any time to the [Valley].

The [Climbs] and [Bases] are conducive of close combat, and feature a number of the level’s objectives so be sure to pack a secondary weapon that will be useful up close!

The [Valley] areas are essentially for vehicles, so a single spartan with a plasma pistol can cause a lot of chaos by using the charge function to disable the enemies vehicles, exposing them to attack.

In team-based game modes, have half the team man the vehicles whilst the others grab the power weapons outside the [Bases] and [Bunkers] to help cover the advance.

The upper platforms between the [Blue Base] and [Red Base] and the [Blue Bunker] and [Red Bunker] are in the open and provide a good view of the area below and the middle of the region. Perfect for long range combatants.


If you have ever played the map Valhalla in Halo: Reach, you will pretty much know what to expect from Ragnarok. The map is the latest re-imagining of the original Halo’s Blood Gulch. As such, it is set in a long, open valley with a a small, circular base at either end. A river running through the center of the map and the rocks on its banks block clear shots across the entire area. The Blue base backs out onto the ocean, whilst the red base sits at the base of a cliff. Ragnarok’s [Red/Blue Bases] are identical and feature a single entrance at the back, and another two entrances facing the opposing base. Both [Bases] have an inside area and a top deck. The large rocky structure overlooking the [Creek] in the very center of the area will be called the [Top Middle]. From the front of the [Blue Base], there are several large blue rocks in front and to the left [Blue Rocks] and some trees and rocks up on the hill to the right and some large rocks behind them creating a narrow passage [Blue Woods]. Likewise, the [Red Base] features similar landmarks. From the front of the [Red base] there are rocks for cover on the left before and in the water [Red Rocks] and on the right, as with the other base, there is a raised hilly area populated by trees [Red Woods]. The top decks from both [Bases] feature a pair of man cannons. The one aimed towards the center of the map at both [Bases] will have players land just short of the [Top Middle]. The side-ways facing cannons will deposit players in one either the [Blue Woods] area or the [Red Rocks] depending on on the team’s side of the map. About half way between the two [Bases] on opposing sides of the map, players will find a [Crashed Pelican] and a large [Wall]. Between these on the [Crashed Pelican] side of the [Creek] players will find the [Top Middle] and on the [Wall] side is a lower rocky structure set up with a [Turret]. Along with several rock placements throughout the center of the map, the [Crashed Pelican] is a favourite hangout spot for snipers and to either side of it are large rocks creating narrow passages [Red Den] and [Blue Den] for relatively safe passage to either base. The tactically important areas are: [Red Base], [Blue Base], [Creek], [Top Middle], [Blue rocks], [Red rocks], [Blue woods], [Red Woods], [Crashed Pelican], [Turret], [Wall], [Red Den] and [Blue Den].

Set Weapon Placements:

Sniper Rifle : Inside the [Red Base].

Sniper Rifle : Inside the [Blue Base].

Rail Gun : At the [Red Woods].

Rail Gun : At the [Blue Woods].

Rocket Launcher : At the base of the [Wall].

Spartan Laser: On the rocky structure in the [Top Middle].

Plasma Grenades : Behind the [Red Base].

Plasma Grenades : On the ledge to the right of the [Blue Woods] next to the [Blue Base].

Set Vehicle Locations:

Red Base : Mantis, Ghost, Banshee, Warthog, 2x Mongoose.

Blue Base: Mantis, Ghost, Banshee, Warthog, 2x Mongoose.

Objective locations:

Capture the Flag

  • Red Flag - On top of the [Red Base]

  • Blue Flag- On top of the [Blue Base].

  • Terminal A - Outside the [Crashed Pelican].

  • Terminal B - At the base of the [Wall].

  • Terminal C - Halfway between the [Red Woods] and [Top Middle].

  • Terminal D - Between the [Blue Woods] and the [Wall].

  • Terminal E - Behind the [Red Base].
    King of the Hill

  • Zone A - On the rocky structure in the [Top Middle].

  • Zone B - At the [Blue woods].

  • Zone C - At the [Red woods].

  • Zone D - Between the [Blue Den] and the [Blue Rocks].

  • Zone E - At the [Blue Rocks] in the water.

  • Zone F - Outside the [Crashed Pelican].

  • Zone G - At the base of the [Wall].

  • On the rocky structure in the [Top Middle].
    Suggested Load-outs:

Ragnarok is large and open and due to the abundance of vehicles, pushes you to use both ranged and vehicular combat. As such, mid-long ranged rifles and plasma pistols to interfere with opposing vehicles are the order of the day.

Primary : DMR, Battle Rifle, Covenent Carbine, Light Rifle

Secondary: Plasma Pistol

Grenades : Your choice!

A Ability: Jetpack, Hardlight Shield, Active Camouflage, Hologram.

Tactical : Any

Support : Any

Map Specific Tactics:

There is often a vehicle rush at the start of the map and with the mantis, banshees and other vehicles available, it is important that your team tries to grab the Spartan Laser from the [Top Middle] and rocket launcher from the [Wall] to gain the tactical advantage. A team with vehicles AND power weapons should outlast a team with only vehicles.

Whilst in a vehicle, remember that there are a lot of power weapons on the map that can destroy you fairly quickly. As such, you will never want to sit in the same spot for too long and keep moving constantly - especially in the easier to spot vehicles such as the banshee!

Equipping yourself with a plasma pistol can cause a lot of chaos by using the charge function to disable the enemies vehicles, exposing them to attack from a power weapon or two.

If you are unlucky enough to have not snagged a vehicle, you can work your way between the rocks and tunnels along the edges of the maps which provide great cover from vehicular-based attacks and can cater nicely to snipers.

Hologram is definitely one of the more useful abilities as it can be used to distract vehicles and opponents and allow you to bypass them undetected.

The man cannons on top of either [Base] are a fast and efficient way for infantry to make good progress up the map from their starting position. A good sniper will know where you land though, allowing them a cheeky kill, so be careful!


Solace is a three-leveled medium sized map. It features a large open middle ground area with ramps leading up to small sniper platforms on either side of the area and small, lower platform beneath. The level consists of half-forerunner structure and half natural zone. On the other sides of the map we have a shoreline (Shore side) opposite a small island (Coast side). The blue base [Blue Base] is in the forerunner structure on a small balcony overlooking the ocean, whilst the Red base [Red Base] is on the opposite side of the map in the Natural Zone. The center of the zone is occupied by a large, orange beam of light. This is surrounded by a fairly open platform with lower platforms further out towards the edges of the map on both sides that face the coast and the ocean. From here we can find Cage-like structures [Shore Cage] and [Coast Cage] that allow access to the lower platform. From the [Red Base] and the [Blue Base], there is easy, direct access to ramps leading to the aforementioned sniper platforms [Red Balcony] and [Blue Balcony]. Near the base of these balcony areas, you will find tunnels leading down to the lower level [Blue Tunnel] and [Red Tunnel]. The lower room is quite small and has ramps on all four sides leading up to the [Red Base], [Blue base], [Shore Cage] and [Coast cage] on the main level. Whilst it is small, it features the spawn points for the oddball and a couple of power weapons. The center of the room is dominated by a golden beam which happens to be a very large gravity lift [Gold Lift]. The tactically important areas are: [Red Base], [Blue Base], [Shore Cage], [Coast Cage], [Red Balcony], [Blue Balcony], [Blue Tunnel], [Red Tunnel] and [Gold Lift].

Set Weapon Placements:

Incineration Cannon : On the lower level between the [Blue Tunnel] and the [Gold Lift].

Energy Sword : On the lower level between the [Blue Tunnel] and the [Gold Lift]

Sniper Rifle : On the [Blue Balcony]. Sniper Rifle : On the [Red Balcony].

Pulse Grenade : Along the edge of the map between the [Red Base] and the [Coast Cage].

Pulse Grenade : Along the edge of the map between the [Blue Base] and the [Shore Cage].

Plasma Grenades : On the lower platform, next to the ramp leading to the [Shore cage].

Plasma Grenades : On the lower platform, next to the ramp leading to the [Coast cage].

Set Vehicle Locations:

There are no vehicles on this map.

Objective locations:

Capture the Flag

  • Red Flag - In the [Red Base].

  • Blue Flag - In the [Blue Base].

  • Terminal A - In the center of the middle area, between the [Gold Lift] and the [Shore Cage].

  • Terminal B - Outside the [Coast Cage].

  • Terminal C - In the center of the middle area, between the [Gold Lift] and the [Coast Cage].

  • Terminal D - Outside the [Coast Cage].

  • Terminal E - On the bridge on the lower floor beside the [Gold Lift].
    King of the Hill

  • Zone A - Outside the [Shore Cage] on the main floor.

  • Zone B - Outside the [Coast Cage] on the main floor.

  • Zone C - On the main level between the [Gold Lift] and the [Red Base], towards the Coast side of the map.

  • Zone D - On the main level between the [Gold Lift] and the [Blue Base], towards the Coast side of the map.

  • Zone E - On the main level between the [Shore Cage] and the [Blue Base], along the Shore side of the map.

  • Zone F - On the main level between the [Gold Lift] and the [Blue Base], towards the Shore side of the map.

  • On the lower level between the [Blue Tunnel] and the [Gold Lift].
    Suggested Load-outs:

Primary : Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle, Covenent Carbine

Secondary: Magnum, Boltshot

Grenades : Your choice!

A Ability: Jetpack, Hardlight Shield, Active Camouflage, Thruster Pack.

Tactical : Any

Support : Any

Map Specific Tactics:

The two [Balconies] are almost always occupied by snipers, so be careful when crossing the central area and if you are lucky if you spot one, you can sneak up on them as their radar will not appear whilst their scopes are up (although there is an ability that can do this, most people will not have it equipped).

There is often a rush for the power weapon by the [Gold Lift] on the lower platform of the map at the start. Run over to the hole overlooking the bridge below and toss in a few grenades. You’ll be amazed how often it will result in kills.

The edges of the map seem more beneficial for players as you will be able to see others crossing the raised platforms in the center of the map before they can see you. Mid-long rage weaponry from these locations seemed highly effective.

If you choose to head through the center of the map or drop down below, it is much more efficient to choose a mid-range weapon.

In team matches, having a sniper overlooking your advance is a massive advantage, just be sure to prevent the opposition from doing the same!

The [Gold Lift] can give a quick and easy ride up to the upper level than using the provided ramps. unfortunately it is also quite a visible entrance, alerting snipers and other combatants to your presence. You’ll learn your lesson fairly quickly when you do use it, so be sure to get the easy kills from people who continue to persist on using it.


Vortex is one of the largest of Halo 4’s maps and features four structures, a whole lot of open areas and a good number of vehicles scattered about. You will notice that at one side of the map the main building joins with another above the play area and raises into the sky the [Blue Base] is located in a cave here, so we’ll be calling this the blue side. On the opposite side of the map is a standalone structure with open sky and a cliff behind it. This is the [Red Base] and therefore, the Red side of the map. The centerpiece of Vortex is the large Wind Tunnel Building [Wind Tunnel] that occupies the center of the zone. The building is elevated and there is a ramp and bridge leading up to it from either side of the map. Beneath the structure are three gravity lifts [wind Trampoline] in the direct center, [Red Trampoline] at the edge of the structure in the rocks close to the [Red Base] and [Blue Trampoline] on the opposite side from the Red lift. Opposite the ramp leading up to the [Wind Tunnel] you will find a standalone building we’ll call [Limbo] and on the opposite side of the map from here is a bridge from the [wind Tunnel] leading to a cave [Generator Cave]. [Limbo] has a gravity lift allowing access from the lower area. Both of these locations have vehicles for use. From the [Generator Cave] and [Limbo], you will be able to cruise around the very outside of the map through cave systems and paths between rocks to access both the [Red Base] and the [Blue Base]. Between the [Generator cave] and the [Red Base] you will find a raised platform with a turret. The [Red Base] and [Blue Base] both feature indoor areas with a number of vehicles outside. From the front of each of these you will find a diagonal jump pad [Red Lift] and [Blue Lift] which will deposit you on the second floor of the [Wind Tunnel]. In the open areas between the [Wind Tunnel] and the other structures are several raised areas that give a nice vantage point over the map and plenty of rocks to hide behind. Directly between the [Generator Cave] and the [Red Base] is a large rocky dune we’ll identify as [Dunes] that has tunnels leading up and down from the ground level to the ledge. Likewise between the [Limbo] building and the [Red Base] is a large rocky outcrop with another turret on it. Between the [Limbo] building and the [Blue Base] is a stone arch with a turret [Near Gate] overlooking the area below. Directly beneath this is a tunnel leading from this ledge to the lower section of the map below. The tactically important areas are: [Red Base], [Blue Base], [Wind Tunnel], [Red Trampoline], [Blue Trampoline], [Wind Trampoline], [Limbo], [Generator Cave], [Red Lift], [Blue Lift], [Dunes], [Near Gate].

Set Weapon Placements :

Sticky Detonator : At the top of the cliff above the [Dunes] tunnel about half way between the [Red Base] and the [Generator Cave].

Sticky Detonator : Near the [Near gate] about half way between the [Blue Base] and the [Limbo] building.

Needler : Look to the open area on the right upon exiting the [Red Base].

Needler : Look to the open area on the right upon exiting the [Blue Base].

Sniper Rifle : Look to the open area on the left upon exiting the [Red Base].

Sniper Rifle : Look to the open area on the left upon exiting the [Blue Base].

Plasma Grenade : Behind the [Limbo] Building.

Plasma Grenade : On the ledge around the edge of the map, directly to the right of the exit to the [Red base] on the way to the [Generator Cave].

Set Vehicle Locations:

Red Base: Warthog, Mongoose, Ghost

Blue Base: Warthog, Mongoose, Ghost

Limbo: Warthog, Ghost

Wind Tunnel: Gauss Warthog

Generator Cave: Mongoose, Ghost, Wraith

Objective locations:

Capture the Flag

  • Red Flag - In the Red Base.

  • Blue Flag - In the Blue Base.

  • Base 1 - In the [Generator Cave].

  • Base 2 - In the [Wind Tunnel].

  • Base 3 - In the [Limbo] building.

  • Terminal A - On the outside of the [wind Tunnel] building, where people who use the [blue Lift] land.

  • Terminal B - In the turret area about halfway between the [Limbo] building and the [Red base].

  • Terminal C - On the ledge overlooking the [Dunes] area.

  • Terminal D - On the upper level of the inside of the [Wind Tunnel] closest to the [Blue Base].

  • Terminal E - Outside the [Generator Cave].
    King of the Hill

  • Zone A - On the upper level of the inside of the [Wind Tunnel] closest to the [Blue Base].

  • Zone B - On the ledge overlooking the [Dunes] area.

  • Zone C - At the [Near Gate].

  • Zone D - In the turret area about halfway between the [Limbo] building and the [Red base].

  • Zone E - In the [Generator Cave].

  • In the [Generator Cave].
    Suggested Load-outs:

Primary: DMR, Battle Rifle, Covenent Carbine, Light Rifle

Secondary: Plasma Pistol

Grenades: Your choice!

A Ability: Jetpack, Hardlock Shield, Active Camouflage, Hologram.

Tactical: Any

Support: Any

Map Specific Tactics:

There is often a rush for the wraith outside the [Generator Cave] and the Gauss Warthog beneath the [Wind Tunnel] at the start, if you can get a long ranged weapon, you can rack up a few kills before someone finally manages to pilot either.

Fortunately for vehicle users (and unfortunately for everyone else) the power weapons on Vortex will not prove as effective a deterrent as they did in maps like Exile. As the power weapons in this map are not that great players on foot should stay clear of the base of the [Wind Tunnel] where the majority of vehicular action seems to take place.

The road around and below the central structure is essentially a vehicular hotbed, so a single spartan with a plasma pistol can cause a lot of chaos by using the charge function to disable the enemies vehicles.

The gravity lifts beneath the [Wind Tunnel] can be used as grenade carrier, simply toss a grenade or two into the lift before following it up to ensure the zone is clear of hostiles before entering.

If you are unlucky enough to have not snagged a vehicle, you can work your way between the rocks and tunnels along the edges of the maps which provide great cover from vehicular-based attacks and can cater nicely for snipers.

The caves in and around the [Generator Cave and the [Dunes] side of the map provide a nice view over the remainder of the map, giving snipers a good place to hang out.

Hologram is definitely one of the more useful abilities as it can be used to distract vehicles and opponents and allow you to bypass them undetected.

The jump pads outside of either [Base] are a fast and efficient way for infantry to make good progress up to the [Wind Tunnel] building where the majority of the action is likely to take place.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Microsoft Game Studios
  • Platforms,
    XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    12 December 2012
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Paul Williams

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Halo 4 is the next blockbuster installment in the iconic franchise that’s shaped entertainment history and defined a decade of gaming. Set almost five years after the events of Halo 3, Halo 4 takes the series in a bold new direction and sets the stage for an epic new sci-fi saga, in which the Master Chief returns to confront his destiny and face an ancient evil that threatens the fate of the entire universe.

Inside our guide to Halo 4 you will find:

  • Full weapons guide.
  • Every single campaign mission.
  • How to find all of the Secret Terminals.
  • How to fight your way through the Spartan Ops Co-Op mode.
  • Forge Walkthrough.
  • Massive, in-depth multiplayer strategies for every single map.
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