(1 of 2)
(Does not move)
Name | Class | Level | Items |
Pheros | Valkyrie | 12 | Bolganone, Fortify |
Strategies for all Difficulties¶
Be sure to bring someone with the Locktouch ability. On this map, you’re split into three teams along the bottom. You can either send your side teams to the center where Chrom was and proceed forward together, or stick to three split teams.
If splitting, then keep the teams well balanced with possibly multiple healers (alternatively one with Physic going up the middle may be able to cover them).
Advanced class enemies are on the map, and watch out for terrain advantages such as the stairway and pillars. You will want to grab the chests after you’ve secured the path for the rest of your units.
There will be a thief running for the chests as usual; you should have plenty of time to intercept him as he runs for the left area. The Boots are a very valuable item and you will want them. The Seraph Robe is also a very useful item.
Say’ri will warn you when reinforcements are on the way. They will first appear from the eastern-most stairs and, a few turns later, more will appear from the other stairs littered around the map.
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