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Item icon

Smites with an element, damaging the caster as well.

"Giant Crab Pincers" iconGiant Crab Pincers Treasures
"Prawn Antennae" iconPrawn Antennae Treasures
"Strong Pincers" iconStrong Pincers Treasures
Item icon

Casts element imbued with the power of enervation.

"Smelling Salts" iconSmelling Salts Consumable
"Alstroom" iconAlstroom Ingredients
"Leiden Pepper" iconLeiden Pepper Ingredient
"Anak Fetlock" iconAnak Fetlock Treasures
"Arba Spur" iconArba Spur Treasures
"Centipede Feet" iconCentipede Feet Treasures
"Centipede Jaw" iconCentipede Jaw Treasures
"Centipede Teeth" iconCentipede Teeth Treasures
"Crimson Tongue" iconCrimson Tongue Treasures
"Fearsome Hoof" iconFearsome Hoof Treasures
"Fine Slimy Oil" iconFine Slimy Oil Treasures
"Giant Hoof" iconGiant Hoof Treasures
"Hardened Hoof" iconHardened Hoof Treasures
"Sharp Head Fin" iconSharp Head Fin Treasures
"Slimy Oil" iconSlimy Oil Treasures
"Translucent Skin" iconTranslucent Skin Treasures
"Worn Incisor" iconWorn Incisor Treasures
Item icon

Casts an element up to two times.

"Ether" iconEther Consumable
"Remedy" iconRemedy Consumable
"Superior Restorative" iconSuperior Restorative Consumable
"Cleigne Mollusk" iconCleigne Mollusk Ingredients
"Caem Pinkshrimp" iconCaem Pinkshrimp Ingredients
"Cleigne Darkshell" iconCleigne Darkshell Ingredients
"Sheep Milk" iconSheep Milk Ingredient
"Anak Antlers" iconAnak Antlers Treasures
"Basilisk Plumage" iconBasilisk Plumage Treasures
"Bulette Carapace" iconBulette Carapace Treasures
"Catfish Barbel" iconCatfish Barbel Treasures
"Chrome Bit" iconChrome Bit Treasures
"Cockatrice Tail Feathers" iconCockatrice Tail Feathers Treasures
"Crab Carapace" iconCrab Carapace Treasures
"Fine Tail Feathers" iconFine Tail Feathers Treasures
"Garula Tusk" iconGarula Tusk Treasures
"Grouper Bones" iconGrouper Bones Treasures
"Grouper Skin" iconGrouper Skin Treasures
"Hairy Horn" iconHairy Horn Treasures
"Hard Whiskers" iconHard Whiskers Treasures
"Havocfang Hide" iconHavocfang Hide Treasures
"Metal Scrap" iconMetal Scrap Treasures
"Rough Scales" iconRough Scales Treasures
"Sahagin Scale" iconSahagin Scale Treasures
"Scaled Skin" iconScaled Skin Treasures
"Sharp Bone" iconSharp Bone Treasures
"Shattered Timepiece" iconShattered Timepiece Treasures
"Snakehead Scales" iconSnakehead Scales Treasures
"Strong Bone" iconStrong Bone Treasures
"Supple Tail" iconSupple Tail Treasures
"Tiny Feather" iconTiny Feather Treasures
"Tough Shell" iconTough Shell Treasures
"Trout Scales" iconTrout Scales Treasures
"Voretooth Bristles" iconVoretooth Bristles Treasures
Item icon

Smites with element while conferring experience on the caster.…

"Arapaima Roe" iconArapaima Roe Ingredients
"Cockatrice Crest" iconCockatrice Crest Treasures
"Debased Banknote" iconDebased Banknote Treasures
"Debased Coin" iconDebased Coin Treasures
"Debased Silverpiece" iconDebased Silverpiece Treasures
"Lucian Carp Reverscales" iconLucian Carp Reverscales Treasures
"Lucian Carp Rowscales" iconLucian Carp Rowscales Treasures
"Magnificent Crest" iconMagnificent Crest Treasures
"Old Book" iconOld Book Treasures
"Rare Coin" iconRare Coin Treasures
Item icon

Casts element, except for when it doesn’t.

"Iron Shavings" iconIron Shavings Treasures
"Rusted Bit" iconRusted Bit Treasures
"Sky Gemstone" iconSky Gemstone Treasures
Item icon

Casts element, occasionally without expending a spell.

"Arapaima Scales" iconArapaima Scales Treasures
"Beautiful Bottle" iconBeautiful Bottle Treasures
"Cactuar Needle" iconCactuar Needle Treasures
"Jumbo Needle" iconJumbo Needle Treasures
"Large Arapaima Scales" iconLarge Arapaima Scales Treasures
"Mythril Ingot" iconMythril Ingot Treasures
"Platinum Ingot" iconPlatinum Ingot Treasures
Item icon

Smites with element while healing the caster.

"Potion" iconPotion Consumable
"Hi-Potion" iconHi-Potion Consumable
"Mega-Potion" iconMega-Potion Consumable
"Cleigne Wheat" iconCleigne Wheat Ingredients
"Cup Noodle" iconCup Noodle Ingredients
"Fine Cleigne Wheat" iconFine Cleigne Wheat Ingredients
"Killer Tomato" iconKiller Tomato Ingredient
"Leiden Potato" iconLeiden Potato Ingredient
"Saxham Rice" iconSaxham Rice Ingredient
"Wild Onion" iconWild Onion Ingredients
"Treant Trunk" iconTreant Trunk Treasures
Item icon

Casts element imbued with the power to cause sudden death.

"Gold Needle" iconGold Needle Consumable
"Big Scorpion Stinger" iconBig Scorpion Stinger Treasures
"Coeurl Whiskers" iconCoeurl Whiskers Treasures
"Malboro Vine" iconMalboro Vine Treasures
"Scorpion Stinger" iconScorpion Stinger Treasures
"Strong Whiskers" iconStrong Whiskers Treasures
Item icon
Maxicast / Limit Break

Casts the ultimate elemental spell. This spell can break the…

"Adamantite" iconAdamantite Treasures
"Dragon Claw" iconDragon Claw Treasures
"Hardened Hide" iconHardened Hide Treasures
"Hunter’s Medal" iconHunter’s Medal Treasures
"Jade Gar Mirrorscale" iconJade Gar Mirrorscale Treasures
"Rotten Splinterbone" iconRotten Splinterbone Treasures
"Wind-up Lord Vexxos" iconWind-up Lord Vexxos Treasures
"Zu Beak" iconZu Beak Treasures
Item icon

Cast an element of increased intensity, but not range.

"Small Beak" iconSmall Beak Treasures
Item icon

Cast element up to four times.

"Mega Phoenix" iconMega Phoenix Consumable
"Allural Shallot" iconAllural Shallot Ingredient
"Tenebraen Oak" iconTenebraen Oak Ingredients
"Kettier Ginger" iconKettier Ginger Ingredient
"Beautiful Hide" iconBeautiful Hide Treasures
"Beetle Shell" iconBeetle Shell Treasures
"Catfish Heart" iconCatfish Heart Treasures
"Catoblepas Fang" iconCatoblepas Fang Treasures
"Curved Hollowhorn" iconCurved Hollowhorn Treasures
"Downy Feathers" iconDowny Feathers Treasures
"Earth Gemstone" iconEarth Gemstone Treasures
"Giant Curlhorn" iconGiant Curlhorn Treasures
"Gorgeous Plumage" iconGorgeous Plumage Treasures
"Reapertail" iconReapertail Leide
"Great Anak Antlers" iconGreat Anak Antlers Treasures
"Greatsnake Crest" iconGreatsnake Crest Treasures
"Monster Claw" iconMonster Claw Treasures
"Mythril Shaft" iconMythril Shaft Treasures
"Poisonous Catfish Fin" iconPoisonous Catfish Fin Treasures
"Sharp Tail Feathers" iconSharp Tail Feathers Treasures
"Thunderoc Feather" iconThunderoc Feather Treasures
Item icon

Casts an element up to five times.

"Megalixir" iconMegalixir Consumable
"Reflex Enhancer" iconReflex Enhancer Consumable
"Magitek Booster" iconMagitek Booster Consumable
"Behemoth Horn" iconBehemoth Horn Treasures
"Dragon Horn" iconDragon Horn Treasures
"Griffon Claw" iconGriffon Claw Treasures
"Hydraulic Cylinder" iconHydraulic Cylinder Treasures
"Imperial Medal of Honor" iconImperial Medal of Honor Treasures
"Large Hollowhorn" iconLarge Hollowhorn Treasures
"Magitek Core" iconMagitek Core Treasures
"Magnetron" iconMagnetron Treasures
"Malboro Eye" iconMalboro Eye Treasures
"Mandrake Flower" iconMandrake Flower Treasures
"Scarlet Splinterbone" iconScarlet Splinterbone Treasures
Item icon

Casts an element imbued with the power to stop enemies in their…

"Maiden's Kiss" iconMaiden's Kiss Consumable
"Vesproom" iconVesproom Ingredients
"Ammonite Fossil" iconAmmonite Fossil Treasures
"Ancient Dragon Tooth" iconAncient Dragon Tooth Treasures
"Broken Harmonica" iconBroken Harmonica Treasures
"Fossil Shell" iconFossil Shell Treasures
"Fossil Wood" iconFossil Wood Treasures
"Murk Grouper Eye" iconMurk Grouper Eye Treasures
"Star Shell" iconStar Shell Treasures
Item icon

Casts an element up to three times.

"Elixir" iconElixir Consumable
"Hi-Elixir" iconHi-Elixir Consumable
"Phoenix Down" iconPhoenix Down Consumable
"Schier Turmeric" iconSchier Turmeric Ingredients
"Smoking Wood" iconSmoking Wood Ingredients
"Beautiful Plumage" iconBeautiful Plumage Treasures
"Crooked Helixhorn" iconCrooked Helixhorn Treasures
"Dragon Scales" iconDragon Scales Treasures
"Garula Fur" iconGarula Fur Treasures
"Giant Feather" iconGiant Feather Treasures
"Giant Hairy Horn" iconGiant Hairy Horn Treasures
"Glass Gemstone" iconGlass Gemstone Treasures
"Great Garula Tusk" iconGreat Garula Tusk Treasures
"Grouper Fin" iconGrouper Fin Treasures
"Hard Scale" iconHard Scale Treasures
"Heavy Scale" iconHeavy Scale Treasures
"Mesmenir Horn" iconMesmenir Horn Treasures
"Morion Trout Scales" iconMorion Trout Scales Treasures
"Rough Shell" iconRough Shell Treasures
"Salmon Fin" iconSalmon Fin Treasures
"Shield Spike" iconShield Spike Treasures
"Spiked Armor" iconSpiked Armor Treasures
"Sturdy Helixhorn" iconSturdy Helixhorn Treasures
"Thick Hide" iconThick Hide Treasures
"Treant Branch" iconTreant Branch Treasures
"Wyvern Wing" iconWyvern Wing Treasures
Item icon

Casts an element imbued with the power to poison.

"Antidote" iconAntidote Consumable
"Funguar" iconFunguar Ingredient
"Barbed Poison Needle" iconBarbed Poison Needle Treasures
"Deadly Stinger" iconDeadly Stinger Treasures
"Enormous Stinger" iconEnormous Stinger Treasures
"Insect Stinger" iconInsect Stinger Treasures
"Scorpion Barb" iconScorpion Barb Treasures
"Sharp Bristles" iconSharp Bristles Treasures
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