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Icon Title In-game Description Description List of Quests Quest Giver Screenshots
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Aranea Highwind

Imperial airborne division commodore known for captaining a distinct…

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Ardyn Izunia

Chancellor of Niflheim. Ardyn rose to power by introducing magitek…

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Biggs Callux

Officer of Niflheim’s Third Army Corps 87th Airborne Division.…

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Caligo Ulldor

Conceited and crafty commander in the imperial army. His sycophantic…

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Camelia Claustra

A shrewd politician selected to represent the Accordo Protectorate,…

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Cid Sophiar

Outspoken old friend of Regis who owns and operates the Hammerhead…

Quest Name Quest Giver Location Objective A Better Drillbreaker…

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Cindy Aurum

Cindy Aurum is a character in Final Fantasy XV, who serves as…

Quest Name Quest Giver Location Objective Hammerhead Headache…

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Coctura Arlund

Owner of Galdin Quay’s world-famous Mother of Pearl. When the…

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Cor Leonis

The leader of the Lucian Crownsguard. Otherwise known as ‘the…

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David Auburnbrie

We’re askin’ everyone to keep indoors come nightfall. If you…

"A Backwoods Burial" iconA Backwoods Burial Side Quests
"A Rocky End" iconA Rocky End Side Quests
"Dust to Dust" iconDust to Dust Side Quests
"Final Resting Plains" iconFinal Resting Plains Side Quests
"Gone Hunting" iconGone Hunting Side Quests
"Swallowed by Shadows" iconSwallowed by Shadows Side Quests
"Washed Away" iconWashed Away Side Quests
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Dino Ghiranze

Meteor Publishing columnist who dabbles in crafting accessories…

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Dustin Ackers

A veteran operative of the Crownsguard who, despite having seniority…

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Ezma Auburnbrie

We all work together as a team to keep the peace. We would never…

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A messenger of the gods, this enigmatic lady in black recognizes…

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Gladiolus Amicitia

The Amicitia family has long served as the shield protecting…

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Holly Teulle

Her work to keep the lights on in Lestallum is what keeps the…

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Iedolas Aldercapt

Emperor of Niflheim. Iedolas has used the empire’s superior airship…

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Ignis Scientia

Ignis was raised alongside Prince Noctis to be adviser to the…

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Iris Amicitia

Gladio’s little sister was just a student in high school when…

"Living off the Land" iconLiving off the Land Side Quests
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Jared Hester

Cordial and courteous retainer who has attended House Amicitia…

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Kimya Auburnbrie

Potion-peddling old woman living in the Malmalam Thicket. As…

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Loqi Tummelt

Brash, young commander in the empire’s infantry, and pilot of…

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Lunafreya Nox Fleuret

Luna made many fond memories with Noct in their childhood, but…

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Monica Elshett

Crownsguard officer who reports directly to Clarus. She and her…

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Navyth Arlund

Angler whose illustrious exploits are more than mere fish tales.…

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Noctis Lucis Caelum

Heir apparent to the Lucian throne, Noctis’s trials begin when…

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Prompto Argentum

Fast friends with Noctis since they met as teenagers, Prompto…

"Friends of a Feather" iconFriends of a Feather Side Quests
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The Oracle’s canine companions Pryna and Umbra—female and male,…

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Blacksmith living in the backstreets of Lestallum. Unsatisfied…

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Ravus Nox Fleuret

Now go forth, my king. Shine your light onto the world.

Ravus Nox Fleuret, the former prince of Tenebrae and high commander…

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Regis Lucis Caelum

113th monarch in the line of Lucis and father of Noctis. A strong…

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Sania Yeagre

World-famous biologist conducting field research around the Lucian…

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Takka Bradham

Proprietor of Takka’s Pit Stop, diner next door to the Hammerhead…

"Scenic Delivery" iconScenic Delivery Side Quests
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Talcott Hester

Grandson of Jared Hester, retainer of House Amicitia. Gladiolus…

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Divine Messenger who assumes the form of a black male dog. One…

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Verstael Besithia

Research Chief Verstael Besithia made a name for himself by almost…

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Vyv Dorden

President of Meteor Publishing who has paired an amiable personal…

Quest Name Level Exp Reward The Perfect Landscape 8 1,000…

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Wedge Kincaid

Officer of Niflheim’s Third Army Corps 87th Airborne Division.…

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Weskham Armaugh

Owner and operator of Maagho, an Altissian café-on-the-water,…

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Wiz Forlane

Eponymous proprietor of the Wiz Chocobo Post. Self styled savior…

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