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Vault 111 Vaults

Background / History

"Vault 111" iconVault 111, designed by Vault-Tec, served as an experiment to observe the effects of long-term cryogenic suspended animation on unwitting test subjects. Situated overlooking "Sanctuary Hills" iconSanctuary Hills, it was staffed with an overseer, scientists, security guards, and maintenance personnel. Test subjects were drawn from nearby neighborhoods, including "Sanctuary" iconSanctuary Hills and "Concord" iconConcord. On the morning of the Great War, amidst chaos and panic, some residents managed to gain entry, while others were denied access by security. The Vault’s purpose was to remain sealed for 180 days, but after receiving no All-Clear Signal, supplies dwindled, leading to internal strife.


Unlike other Vaults, "Vault 111" iconVault 111’s entrance features a pneumatic hull acting as a hatch leading to an interior elevator. The Vault includes typical facilities such as a reactor room, a recreational area, and the overseer’s office. Despite neglect over 210 years, the interior remains intact, albeit with signs of decay and infestation by radroaches.


  • Test subjects: Nate, Nora, Shaun, Mr. & Mrs. Able, Mr. & Mrs. Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. Cofran, Cindy Cofran, DiPietro, Russell, Mr. & Mrs. Whitfield
  • Staff: "Vault 111" iconVault 111 overseer, Stanley, Vault-Tec doctor, Vault-Tec security, Vault-Tec scientist, Vault-Tec staff

Notable Loot

  • Cryolator: Displayed in the overseer’s office behind a Master lock
  • Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV: Found on the skeletal remains of a "Vault 111" iconVault 111 scientist near the entrance
  • "Red Menace" iconRed Menace: Minigame holotape, in the recreation area terminal
  • Vault 111 Jumpsuit: Available in the second cryo pod room and near the entrance hall
  • Wedding Ring: On the corpse of the Sole Survivor’s spouse
  • 10mm Pistol: Near the overseer’s terminal and on a shelf next to the Cryolator
  • Stimpaks: On the overseer’s desk


  • "Vault 111" iconVault 111 is notably smaller than other Vaults due to the experimental nature of its cryogenic stasis.
  • The Vault contains unique features and design elements, including a different corridor design and bulkier doors.
  • Various bugs and anomalies are documented, including issues with the Vault door opening and companion interactions.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Commonwealth Map (Updated)

X: 4529 Y: 3245
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