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Fizztop Grille Raiders


The "Fizztop Grille" iconFizztop Grille, situated atop "Fizztop Mountain" iconFizztop Mountain in Nuka-World was originally established by the Nuka-Cola Corporation. It now serves as the private domain of Overboss Colter, the reigning leader of the raider factions in the region.


Comprising indoor and outdoor spaces, the Grille features an elegant lobby, a functional workshop area, and a spacious outdoor patio. Accessible via elevator and outdoor lift, these areas serve as the primary quarters for Overboss Colter and potentially for the Sole Survivor if they rise to leadership. While lacking a settlement workshop, the layout offers essential amenities such as workbenches, stations, and storage facilities.

Notable Loot

  • Nuka-Cola Victory: Found within the lobby, this prized beverage awaits discovery by resourceful scavengers.
  • N.I.R.A.’s "Holotape" iconHolotape: Uncovered on the patio, this holotape provides valuable insights into the workings of Nuka-World.
  • Fusion Core: Located on the patio, this power source ensures the operational readiness of power armor and machinery.
  • "For Deke" iconFor Deke Holotape and Clark’s Stash Key: Discovered outside, these items lead to hidden treasures amidst the remnants of the old world.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Nuka-World Map

X: 8127 Y: 8494
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