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Grandchester Mystery Mansion Amusements


The "Grandchester Mystery Mansion" iconGrandchester Mystery Mansion, situated in the exterior of Nuka-World within the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka World, stands as a testament tothe tragic history of the Grandchester family.

Background / History

Once the cherished residence of the Grandchester family, including Hannibal, Morticia, and their daughter Lucy, the mansion’s idyllic facade concealed dark secrets. Legend has it that Lucy, purportedly possessed by malevolent forces, committed a heinous act, resulting in the deaths of her parents before taking her own life. Subsequently, the mansion underwent a transformation, evolving into a tourist attraction exploiting its haunted past.


The mansion, meticulously designed to confound and intrigue visitors, features a labyrinthine layout fraught with traps and secrets. Entry is facilitated through the Protectron ticket taker, offering various methods of access, including purchasing tickets, persuasion, or subterfuge. The tour progresses linearly through multiple floors, each room shrouded in macabre tales and paranormal phenomena. Notable areas include the kitchen, basement, second floor chambers, and the attic, each revealing glimpses of the mansion’s dark past.


The mansion’s sole inhabitant, Zachariah, an ex-Gunners member, has repurposed the estate for his own purposes, utilizing its enigmatic layout to his advantage.

Notable Loot

  • Grandchester Mansion tickets: Obtainable from the ticket taker or scattered nearby.
  • Grandchester guest key: Required for entry, held by the ticket taker.
  • Nuka-Punch recipe: Located in Zachariah’s room.
  • SCAV! issue #4: Found in the attic, among other loot.


  • Encounters with a spectral child, presumed to be Lucy Grandchester, add an eerie ambiance to the mansion’s atmosphere.
  • Zachariah’s final journal entry hints at supernatural occurrences within the mansion, further deepening its enigmatic allure.


  • Inspired by the real-world Winchester Mystery House, the mansion mirrors its namesake with its peculiar architecture and alleged hauntings.
  • The narration within the mansion is voiced by Kiff VandenHeuvel

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Nuka-World Map

X: 5297 Y: 11293
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