Icon | Title/Description | Category | Subcategory |
Icon | Title | Description | Weight | Value | Related Quests | Related Add-on | Holotape Type | Creation Kit ID | Form ID |
Holotape Type
Chief scientist's holotape | A recording of, Anise Ciroletti, the chief scientist requesting… |
0 |
1 |
Restoring Order |
DLC01Lair_VoiceprintHolotapeResearch |
xx008B44 |
Holotape Type
Facilities director's holotape | This holotape is found in the Mechanist’s Lair. It is a transcript… |
1 |
Restoring Order |
DLC01Lair_VoiceprintHolotapeFacilities |
xx008B43 |
Holotape Type
Holotape 1 | An introduction of the Mechanist to the people of the Commonwealth… |
1 |
DLC01MechanistRadio_HolotapeMainScene |
xx010A56 |
Holotape Type
Holotape 2 | The Mechanist tells the people of the Commonwealth that those… |
1 |
DLC01MechanistRadio_HolotapeSecondScene |
xx010A57 |
Holotape Type
Holotape 3 | A final warning to the people responsible for disbanding her… |
1 |
DLC01MechanistRadio_HolotapeThirdScene |
xx010A58 |
Holotape Type
Jackson's holotape | Jackson recalls his first interaction with the “Mechanist’s”… |
1 |
DLC01Caravan_HolotapeJackson |
xx010134 |
Holotape Type
Jezebel interview | Found in the Fort Hagen Hangar, this is an exchange between Jezebel’s… |
DLC01HagenHolotape |
xx011070 |
Holotape Type
Lead engineer's holotape | Thomas Harkin, lead engineer of the robotic brain division of… |
1 |
Restoring Order |
DLC01Lair_VoiceprintHolotapeProduction |
xx008B42 |
Holotape Type
Mechanist's log | This series of entries depicts the creation and evolution of… |
1 |
DLC01Lair_HolotapeMechanist |
xx009FE1 |
Holotape Type
Zoe's diary | The recolections of Zoe as her and the group travel through the… |
1 |
DLC01Caravan_HolotapeZoe |
xx0009D3 |