After the events at Brightwood Tower, return to the guild to talk with the others. After a short discussion, make your way to the Cow & Corset Inn in the Bowerstone Marketplace. Go up to the second floor and talk with Jeeves in one of the rooms here.
It turns out that Jeeves pinched Lucien’s diary and has hidden it somewhere and will give you the location for 1,000 gold pieces. At this point you pretty much have no choice but to fork out for the information as such if you have a thousand gold pieces give them to him, if not then go into town and sell any items you don’t need, gamble at the pub games or pick up a job and work for a little while until you have the required money. In return for the money he will give you a map to the location of the journal.
With map in hand go to Bower Lake and work your way over to the large hill that has the Guild Cullis Gate on top of it. The diary is buried on the opposite side of the hill from the lake. As you approach the spot you will be attacked by a new enemy type - a troll.
The little grubs emerging from the troll are its weak spots!
The trolls in this game are a little different from those seen in the original Fable. They are pretty much impervious to most attacks, can smack you around pretty good with their fists, are able to frequently toss large boulders and can punch the ground to send a shockwave of dirt in your direction. All of these moves can cause both a great deal of damage and knockback which will see our hero falling to the ground and taking a few moments to recover. Fortunately, you can see these attacks coming from a mile away and with slow time and some timed sprints, you should have no trouble avoiding its damaging attacks.
To damage the troll, you need to observe its body and wait for little worm/grub like creatures to appear on it. These are the troll’s weak spots, so when you see them whip out a ranged weapon and shoot them until they disappear. On average a troll will have between 8 and 10 of these grubs that you will need to shoot before it will keel over.
Once the troll is dead, dig up the diary and return it to the Hero’s Guild.
Once the troll has been dealt with, it will sink into the ground and vanish which will allow us to proceed. When this happens follow the dog to the location of the diary and dig up ypur prize.
Return to the guild and give it to Teresa for a translation.
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