From the barricade, turn around and head towards the lake. Follow the gold dust trail down the hill nearby and along the shore until you find the bandit’s camp. As you enter the area, make your way towards the hut in the centre of the camp… And, you will be ambushed!
At this point you’ll put your combat skills to the test and have to fight off four waves of bandits. These guys are fairly straight forward and like the beetles we encountered earlier utilise simple melee attacks. They will take a few more attacks before dropping than the beetles, but should not cause you too much concern.
After you have gone about dispatching all of his minions, the leader, Thag will appear. Just like his underlings, he is a simple, easy fight. He moves and attacks just like a standard bandit, the only difference being that he has a lot more additional health. Just keep pounding away until he bites the dust.
Once you have defeated him, the quest will be completed.
Once you clear up all of his bandits, Thag will appear to challenge you.
Before we leave the area however, you should go into Thag’s hut and open the chest inside for the key to the slave cages in the camp. Upon exiting you have two choices: either give the key to the bandit outside or free the slaves yourself for +/- 30 morality points dependent on your decision.
Now that that is all done, head back to where the roadblock was to find that it has been lifted (word travels fast in Albion it would seem!). Continue down the road a little further and you will fast travel to Bowerstone Market.
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