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Icon Name Subcategory Item Effect FP Cost Str Dex Int Fai Arc
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Agheel's Flame Incantations
Spews flame breath of Agheel from above
36 (6)
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Ancient Dragons' Lightning Spear Incantations
Stabs with red lightning spear from above
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Ancient Dragons' Lightning Strike Incantations
Summons red lightning that spreads from impact
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Aspects of the Crucible: Breath Incantations
Creates throat pouch to spew fire while walking
28 (4)
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Aspects of the Crucible: Horns Incantations
Creates shoulder horn to gore foes from a low stance.
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Aspects of the Crucible: Tail Incantations
Creates supple tail to sweep area before caster
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Assassin's Approach Incantations
Silences footsteps, reduces fall damage / sound
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Barrier of Gold Incantations
Greatly increases magic damage negation for self & allies
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Beast Claw Incantations
Creates claws that tear through the land.
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Bestial Constitution Incantations
Alleviates blood loss and frost buildup
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Bestial Sling Incantations
Bestial Sling spell quickly throws stones at enemies.
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Bestial Vitality Incantations
Heals HP over a period of time
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Black Blade Incantations
Black blade spinning slash that emits wave of light.
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Black Flame Incantations
Throws a ball of raging black fire
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Black Flame Blade Incantations
Enchants right-hand armament with black flame
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Black Flame Ritual Incantations
Summons circle of black flame pillars around caster.
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Black Flame's Protection Incantations
Increases phyiscal damage negation
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Blessing of the Erdtree Incantations
Grants greater blessing to self and nearby allies
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Blessing's Boon Incantations
Grants blessing to self and nearby allies
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Bloodboon Incantations
Scatters bloodflame before caster to set area aflame.
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Bloodflame Blade Incantations
Enchants right-hand armament with bloodflame
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Bloodflame Talons Incantations
Creates bloodflame lacerations that then explode
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Borealis's Mist Incantations
Spews icy breath of Borealis from above
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Burn, O Flame! Incantations
Raises a series of flame pillars around caster
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Catch Flame Incantations
Momentarily sparks flame from hand
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Cure Poison Incantations
Cures Poison ailment and reduces poison build-up.
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Darkness Incantations
Creates area of darkness that conceals caster
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Death Lightning Incantations
Strikes surroundings with storm of death lightning
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Discus of Light Incantations
Fires ring of light before the caster
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Divine Fortification Incantations
Increases holy damage negation.
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Dragonbolt Blessing Incantations
Bolsters caster's body with lightning
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Dragonclaw Incantations
Channels dragon to rend foes with dragon claws
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Dragonfire Incantations
Channels dragon to spew flame breath
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Dragonice Incantations
Channels dragon to spew icy breath
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Dragonmaw Incantations
Channels dragon to bite foes before caster
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Ekzykes's Decay Incantations
Spews scarlet rot breath of Ekzykes from above
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Elden Stars Incantations
Creates a steam of golden shooting stars that assail the area.
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Electrify Armament Incantations
Enchants right-hand armament with lightning damage
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Erdtree Heal Incantations
Vastly heals HP for self and nearby allies
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Fire's Deadly Sin Incantations
Sets area and self ablaze with raging flames
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Flame Fortification Incantations
Increases fire damage negation.
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Flame of the Fell God Incantations
Summons raging fireball that explodes and sets the area ablaze
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Flame Sling Incantations
Throws ball of raging fire.
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Flame, Cleanse Me Incantations
Alleviates buildup of and cures poison and scarlet rot
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Flame, Fall Upon Them Incantations
Hurls several balls of fire at once
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Flame, Grant me Strength Incantations
Raises physical and fire-affinity attack power
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Flame, Protect Me Incantations
Greatly increases fire damage negation
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Fortissax's Lightning Spear Incantations
Stabs from above with two red lightning spears in tandem
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Frenzied Burst Incantations
Emits concentrated blast of yellow flame of frenzy from eyes
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Frozen Lightning Spear Incantations
Stabs with ice lightning spear from above
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Giantsflame Take Thee Incantations
Hurls massive ball of raging fire
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Glintstone Breath Incantations
Channels dragon to spew magic breath.
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Golden Lightning Fortification Incantations
Greatly increases lightning resistance for self and allies
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Golden Vow (Spell) Incantations
Increases attack and defense for self and allies
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Great Heal Incantations
Greatly Heals HP for self and nearby allies
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Greyoll's Roar Incantations
Emits the roar of Elder Dragon Greyoll.
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Gurranq's Beast Claw Incantations
Creates beast claws to rend surroundings with shockwaves
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Heal Incantations
Heals HP for you and nearby allies.
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Honed Bolt Incantations
Strikes foe with lightning bolt from above
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Howl of Shabriri Incantations
Shrieks, building up madness in nearby foes
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Immutable Shield Incantations
Increases left-hand shield's affinity/ailment resistance
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Inescapable Frenzy Incantations
Latches onto foes to spread madness
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Lansseax's Glaive Incantations
Sweeps from above with red lightning glaive.
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Law of Causality Incantations
Retaliates upon receiving a number of blows
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Law of Regression Incantations
Heals all ailments and dispels all special effects
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Lightning Fortification Incantations
Increass lighting damage negation
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Lightning Spear Incantations
Hurls lightning spear before caster
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Lightning Strike Incantations
Summons lightning bolt that spreads from impact.
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Litany of Proper Death Incantations
Creates image of Order to deal holy damage
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Lord's Aid Incantations
Alleviates poison / blood loss / sleep buildup for self / allies
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Lord's Divine Fortification Incantations
Greatly increases holy damage negation incl. allies
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Lord's Heal Incantations
Massively heals HP for self and nearby allies
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Magic Fortification Incantations
Increases magic damage negation
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Magma Breath Incantations
Channels wyrm to spew magma breath
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Noble Presence Incantations
Thrust out belly with gusto to unelash repelling shockwave
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O, Flame! Incantations
Momentarily sparks roaring flame from hand
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Order Healing Incantations
Alleviates death blight buildup
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Order's Blade Incantations
Enchanted right-hand armament with holy damage
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Pest Threads Incantations
Launches countless sticky threads before caster
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Placidusax's Ruin Incantations
Spews golden breath of Dragonlord Placidusax
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Poison Armament Incantations
Enchants armament held in the right hand with poison
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Poison Mist Incantations
Releases poison mist before caster.
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Protection of the Erdtree Incantations
Increases affinity damage negation for self & allies
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Radagon's Rings of Light Incantations
Creates golden ring of light to attack wide area
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Rejection Incantations
Produces a shockwave that pushes away foes.
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Rotten Breath Incantations
Channels dragon to spew scarlet rot breath
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Scarlet Aeonia Incantations
Creates a giant flower that explodes with scarlet rot.
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Scouring Black Flame Incantations
Sweeps area before caster with black flame
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Shadow Bait Incantations
Creates shadow that lures the aggression of foes of human build
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Smarag's Glintstone Breath Incantations
Spews magic breath of Glintstone Dragon Smarag from above
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Stone of Gurranq Incantations
Hurls a boulder before the caster
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Surge, O Flame! Incantations
Incinerates area before caster with stream of fire
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Swarm of Flies Incantations
Releases a swarm of bloodflies before the caster
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The Flame of Frenzy Incantations
Emits burst of yellow flame of frenzy from eyes
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Theodorix's Magma Incantations
Spews magma breath of Theodorix from above
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Triple Rings of Light Incantations
Fire three rings of light before the caster
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Unendurable Frenzy Incantations
Emits violent burst of yellow flame of frenzy from eyes.
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Urgent Heal Incantations
Heals a small amount of HP.
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Vyke's Dragonbolt Incantations
Enchants right-hand armament with lightning damage
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Whirl, O Flame! Incantations
Sweeps area before caster with stream of fire
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Wrath of Gold Incantations
Produces golden shockwave that knocks back foes
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