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Nightrider Flail Flail


A flail with two additional bludgeoning heads.
Weapon of the Night’s Cavalry who ride funeral steeds.

The large spikes make it highly effective at inducing blood loss, but also demand higher dexterity to wield.

Passive Effect 1

Causes blood loss buildup

Default Skill


The "Flail" iconFlail scales equally with Strength and Dexterity and is a good Weapon for extra blood loss causing effects that cannot be parried by enemies during combat.


  • Dropped from the Night’s Cavalry boss in Weeping Peninsula.

Notable Info

  • Weapon Skill: Spinning Chain
  • This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War and buffed with Magic and Consumables.
  • "Nightrider Flail" iconNightrider Flail can be upgraded by using Smithing Stones

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