Razor-sharp Axe One Handed Weapons
Lore Quote
“Then an ax, swung blindly in the dark, crashed on the king’s basinet, filling his eyes with sparks of fire. He lurched and lunged, felt his sword sink deep and heard a shriek of agony.” - The Hour of the Dragon.
This battle-axe is sharp, durable and capable of inflicting vicious wounds.
The Razor-sharp Axe has a good amount of base damage, but no armor penetration. It compensates for this with two useful perks: Shieldsmash, which allows you to break through the defenses of any enemy with a shield, and Bleed, which will apply a damage-over-time debuff to your target.
How to Obtain
You can get the Razor-sharp Axe from Krait the Planewalker, who can be found at the
Pit of the Grey Ones, located between the I-4 and I-5 grid markers on the Isle of Siptah.
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