The Watcher Legendary Bosses
The Watcher is a skeleton lord, similar to that of the Commander and the Flame Guardian. The boss is considered one of the world bosses in the city, and will award the player one random Legendary repair kit and one Fragment of Power. You can also get other random crafting and resources from its body. Harvesting the boss will typically give
Putrid Meat and
Basic Location
The Unnamed City
Detailed Location(s)
The Watcher is a three skull world boss skeleton with dark plate armor and a Star Metal Warhammer. You can find this on the very top of the Spawning Pools in the
Unnamed City, overlooking the city center.
Combat Tips
The Watcher has two main moves you need to watch for
- Slam down - Raises his warhammer in the sky and slams it down. Very telegraphed, and it takes several seconds for the boss to ready his hammer again, leaving it exposed.
- Three Cleaves. The boss will cleave its hammer forward, swinging it side to side three times. When this move ends, the boss will either do a uppercut attack, or do two 360-degree spins before the move ends.
The main thing you need to acknowledge with this boss is that you have a few windows where you need to not stand in melee range, and some very long moments where you are free to trike back in melee range with no contest.
When the boss does his spin moves, you’re likely best off switching to a Bow and peppering it with arrows for some added DPS.
Also, do be careful of the knockback the boss can do with its warhammer, as the boss is perched very high up. Once accidental knockback will send you down to the city floor like its the Sparta scene in 300.
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