Aspect of the Drowned Head
Lore Quote
Pain was drowned in hate, so intense it in turn became pain; she felt hard and brittle, as if her body were turning to steel.
~ The Vale of Lost Women
In-game Description
Forged of the same metal as the vaults, this helmet is finely crafted and speaks of a technological sophistication that was lost to humankind with the drowning of the world in the great cataclysm. That the Elder Races can still create such pieces, even in their degenerate state, speaks volumes to the power of oral history and racial memory.
When this mask touches water, an invisible field seems to seal the helmet, preventing the air from escaping, allowing the wearer to survive longer under water without taking a breath.
Short Description
A helmet forged by the Drowned Ones
How to Obtain
The knowledge required to craft the Aspect of the Drowned can be obtained by interacting with a stele at either the end of the
Harbor of the Drowned or within the
Harbor of the Twice-Drowned Vault. Use the following teleportation coordinates to reach these locations:
- Harbor of the Drowned: TeleportPlayer -172038 -354943 610
- Harbor of the Twice-Drowned: TeleportPlayer 210515 -333093 -4013
Additional Information
Aspect of the Drowned’s Special Attribute: Waterbreathing:
When this helmet comes into contact with water, it activates an invisible field that seals the helmet, allowing the wearer to breathe underwater for an extended duration without the need to surface for air.
Armor Set: of the Drowned
Aspect of the Drowned is part of the “of the Drowned” armor set, which provides a total of 287 base armor and additional bonuses to Health (+40) and Agility Weapon Damage (+6%).
Armor Set

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