With three bosses defeated you can now return to the previously locked section of Cathedral Ward and into the alley, where you gained the Black Church Set, to speak with the door at the end of the street to meet Arianna, Woman of Pleasure .
You can now speak to the window across the road to find a Narrow Minded Man , who will go to the opposite location of where you tell him, meaning if you want to send him to Oedon Chapel you should pick Iosefka’s Clinic.
Speak with the door and window in the Cathedral Ward alley to move two NPCs.
If you sent Arianna to Oedon Chapel, reload the area and return to Oedon Chapel to speak with Arianna for the Curtsy gesture and the Blood of Arianna . If you sent either of the above NPC’s to Iosefka, return to her for your reward.
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