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Encountered near the Front Hills shrine in the Forest of Wolves…

Being the gatekeeper of the mountain was a thankless task indeed.…

Majestic of height, he looms with might,In heavy armor, ready…

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Encountered near the Outside the Forest shrine in the Forest…

In his youth, Guangzhi was not a monk but a little wolf guai…

To prove his worth, he gave sinister advice,Yet reaped the bitter…

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Near the Snake Trail shrine in the Bamboo Grove.

Guangmou, “the Great Tactician”, was not like his senior fellow…

With a monk’s facade but a serpent’s heart,He wields deceit,…

"Guangmou" iconGuangmou Spirits
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At the end of the river a short walk from the Snake Trail shrine…

In the lands west of Black Wind Mountain, within a kingdom named…

Wrinkles on his skin so snug,A whiff of air, a fishy hug.Legs…

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Found near the Village Entrance shrine in the Sandgate Village…

Here we must speak once more of that wandering Daoist. He passed…

With swollen belly, strange skills arise, A frog’s croaks can…

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Earth Wolf

Near the Village Entrance shrine in the Sandgate Village area.…

There was once a general’s son who served as a drill master in…

On moonless nights with winds that cry,The time for debts and…

"Earth Wolf" iconEarth Wolf Spirits
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The Royal Family of Flowing Sands

Encountered near the Village Entrance Shrine; start by heading…

The Kingdom of Flowing Sands had three princes of the royal line.The…

A foolish son, a clever father,One plans ahead, the other rather.On…

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First Prince of the Flowing Sands

Encountered in a cave near the Valley of Despair shrine.

The yellow-furred rat had quelled the calamity caused by Fuban,…

Though hairless, strength prevails,Sturdy and bold, never frail.Madness…

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Mother of Stones

Encountered near the Rockrest Flat Shrine by backtracking into…

Long ago in the Yellow Wind Ridge there lived two mountain deities.…

As fate aligns, chance plays its part,Yet misfortune leaves an…

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Tiger's Acolyte

Standing on a very long bridge near the Windrest Hamlet shrine…

There was once a swordsman, wild and free, who roamed the lands…

Where has the swordsman gone, with tears in his eyes?The wild…

"Tiger's Acolyte" iconTiger's Acolyte Spirits
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Gore-Eye Daoist

Inside a cave near the Windseal Gate shrine. Start by moving…

A strange visitor once came to the Temple of Yellow Flowers.He…

A strange man with a lump on his back, And a staff of blood-red…

"Gore-Eye Daoist" iconGore-Eye Daoist Spirits
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Mad Tiger

At the bottom of a well that you’ll be directed to jump down…

One day, the brother of Tiger Vanguard was practicing his roaring…

Yellow wind invades the land, brothers turn to strife,Father’s…

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"Tiger Vanguard"

Encountered soon after entering the Secret Kingdom of Sahali…

The Tang Monk and his two disciples pressed on. Before half a…

Gathering strength with a mighty roar,Transforming stones, launching…

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Captain Lotus-Vision

Fought in Chapter 3, near the Mani Wheel shrine in the Pagoda…

For pride and arrogance, your golden form is shattered.From the…

All things are by nature void… There is no wax or wane.

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Captain Void-Illusion

Encountered several times in Chapter 3, but is only added to…

With arrogance ablaze, his limbs torn,You boasted of truth, a…

Contemplating the myriad forms, returning to the essence of nature.…

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Captain Kalpa-Wave

Encountered near the Longevity Road shrine in the Valley of Ecstasy…

Thought yourself mighty, yet ended up headless.From your blood…

Within a flick of the finger, lotus flowers bloom and wither.…

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Apramāṇa Bat

Found by following the coastline north-east of the North Shrine…

Years ago, in mountains remote, there was a small temple built…

Dwelling in a Buddha’s form,With wings to ride the wind’s storm.An…

"Apramāṇa Bat" iconApramāṇa Bat Spirits
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Near the Forest of Felicity shrine in the Valley of Ecstasy.…

Picking up from where we left off, that Daoist who had fled in…

Unafraid of the northern chill,With skin like jade, it loves…

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Old Ginseng Guai

Found near the Towers of Karma shrine in the Valley of Ecstasy…

This story was told by a pharmacist in the city, and it concerns…

Scatters o’er the mountain’s crest,Rich soil births, dews of…

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Near the Mindfulness Cliff shrine in the Valley of Ecstasy area.…

In the Village of Tuoluo, there was a small opera troupe of about…

A jester’s face with powder white,A cunning form, both sly and…

"Non-White" iconNon-White Spirits
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Near the Mahavira Hall shrine in the New Thunderclap Temple area.…

In the vast sky, snowflakes drifted down, covering the exquisite…

A wide heart, a plump form, a belly so grand,A fierce look, drooping…

"Non-Pure" iconNon-Pure Spirits
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Near the Forest of Felicity shrine in the Valley of Ecstasy area.…

Non-Able was unmatched in his martial arts skills, with no one…

Amidst the snow, a monk so strange,Before the wall, in northern…

"Non-Able" iconNon-Able Spirits
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Can be fought by transforming into a fox through the use of the…

Few disciples know when Non-Void took his vows and became a monk.…

Neither dead nor truly alive, a dreamer left behind,One step…

"Non-Void" iconNon-Void Spirits
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Macaque Chief

Encountered several times in Chapter 3, but is only added to…

The Macaque Chief knelt with his back hunched, folding his dark…

Once chief among the ranks, his countenance dark,In crimson silk…

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The Sixth Sister

Added to the journal when the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master is defeated…

In the Webbed Hollow, there were no children of the same age…

In hidden groves, a home appears,Laughter fills the path with…

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The Fifth Sister

Added to the journal when the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master is defeated…

The fifth daughter of the Zhu family, in the prime of her youth,…

Orioles are charming, swallows love to play,Sisters close in…

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The Fourth Sister

Added to the journal when the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master is defeated…

In the old days, the Scorpionlord brought his four sons to the…

Sword raised to the azure sky,Enemy blood stains the black robe…

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The Third Sister

Added to the journal when the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master is defeated…

The third daughter of the Zhu family, graceful in demeanor and…

In seclusion for a hundred springs,Truth and falsehood, the mountain…

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The Second Sister

This unavoidable boss is encountered near the Estate of the Zhu…

The second daughter of the Zhu family was raised as a boy from…

With powdered face and hair in a twist,A slender waist adorned…

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The First Sister

Added to the journal when the Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master is defeated…

The eldest sister of the Zhu family was gentle and serene, caring…

The path home is covered in green moss,Peach blossoms begin to…

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Elder Amourworm

Found near The Verdure Bridge shrine in the Webbed Hollow. Stay…

In ancient times, someone cast two celestial eggs from Mount…

In the celestial garden, rare seeds grow,By the Purifying Spring,…

"Elder Amourworm" iconElder Amourworm Spirits
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Centipede Guai

In a clearing near the Bonevault shrine in the Webbed Hollow…

In bygone days, a young man embarked on a journey to the Webbed…

Twisted in form, it charges like a gale,With feet unfurled, it…

"Centipede Guai" iconCentipede Guai Spirits
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Buddha's Right Hand

Found near the Cliff of Oblivion shrine in the Webbed Hollow.…

In the olden days, a Daoist brought a pair of enormous arms into…

The hand that plucked lotus from waters pristine,Of the same…

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Near the Lower Hollow shrine in the Webbed Hollow. From the shrine,…

Continuing from the previous story, the Daoist was rescued from…

By rocks, a living spring does flow,Glistening clear, glitters…

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Commander Beetle

Found near the Forest of Ferocity in the Temple of Yellow Flowers…

A young man from the Village of Shaded Heights served at the…

When faced with traps, one must pass the test,When fortune smiles,…

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Daoist Mi

Encountered in the Purple Cloud Mountain secret area near the…

Long ago, a young man ventured alone to Webbed Ridge seeking…

In empty mountains, falling blossoms sound,A flute’s soft notes…

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Five Element Carts

Focus of the elemental carts quest in chapter 5. A full breakdown…

At Flaming Mountains, Red Boy was about to celebrate his hundredth…

Five carts align with elements five, From their fusion, fiery…

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Father of Stones

Near the Height of Ember shrine in the Woods of Ember area. …

One day, a tattered-clothed girl stumbled into the valley of…

In mountains, a deity grand,Envy not, but anger does stand.Within…

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Quick as Fire, Fast as Wind

This unavoidable boss is encountered near the Height of Ember…

In bygone days, there were two ruffians wandering the city, always…

Fiery spirit, life he stakes, Madness flaunts the wind he makes.Nostrils…

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Cloudy Mist, Misty Cloud

This pair of bosses are encountered on the critical path near…

Once upon a time, there were three ghosts who shared a single…

Let the strange be strange, the odd be odd,Follow the boy master,…

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Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top

Mandatory fight in the secret Bishui Cave area.

This story was told by Minster Xu.Years ago, Xu, dissatisfied…

A beauty weds a beast so vile,With horns and fangs, a facade’s…

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Flint Chief

In a pool of magma near the Valley Entrance shrine in the Furnace…

When it comes to who spoiled Red Boy the most in Flaming Mountains,…

Divine fire crafts a wondrous device,In the depths of the flame…

"Flint Chief" iconFlint Chief Spirits
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Flint Vanguard

Near the Fallen Furnace Crater in the Field of Fire area.

Bodhisattva Guanyin was set to visit New Mount Sumeru to discuss…

Odd rocks with fiery streaks, from a fiery river they rise,Forged…

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Mother of Flamlings

Can be summoned using 4x Flame Ore in the area filled by Flamlings…

There once was a medicine gatherer named Cheng Ming, who gained…

Springs birth rivers, trees root in the ground,Gold’s elusive…

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Encountered in chapter 5 after completing the elemental carts…

Here we must speak once more of the frog-seeking Daoist. Being…

Radiant hues of crimson bright, Majestic with its towering might.Seeking…

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Son of Stones

Sitting above the lake a fair trek away from the Verdant Path…

According to celestial laws, mountain deities are forbidden from…

A young stone dwelling by mountainside,From deep within, where…

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Poison Chief

Several can be found near the Verdant Path shrine in the Foothills.…

From the peak of Mount Huaguo, struck by a celestial axe, many…

Together we roam the world’s far end,In shared hardships, our…

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Water-Wood Beast

Encountered in a large lake near the Verdant Path shrine in the…

Long ago, there stood a camphor tree that had grown for a thousand…

Fortune or misfortune, hard to foresee,Blaming heaven and earth,…

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Jiao-Loong of Waves

Encountered in a pool of water a short flight from the Verdant…

Ancient texts record that the jiao is a divine creature of the…

Green claws like steel, a crimson maw,Breath turns rain and wind…

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At the edge of the lake near the Verdant Path shrine in the Foothills.…

Long ago, there was a Daoist who dedicated his life to capturing…

In fairy mountains, fate decides my stay,By nature’s flow, I…

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Gold Armored Rhino

Encountered in a stormy clearing near the Verdant Path shrine…

It was well known that Sun Wukong, after being tempered in Lord…

With thunderous horns and armor of gold so bright,One can charge…

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Cloudtreading Deer

Encountered in a stormy clearing near the Deer Sight Forest shrine…

When Sun Wukong was learning the arts at Mount Lingtai, Patriarch…

The wind uplifts the noble high,While low clouds mark the flesh…

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Feng-Tail General

This enormous grasshopper in the middle of the Mantis-Catching…

The Sage Stone Monkey, with his inherent wisdom, learned the…

Fiery tails upon its forehead,Preying by the mountainside.The…

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Emerald-Armed Mantis

Can only be fought after defeating the Gold Armored Rhino, Feng-Tail…

Tang Monk often advocated for kindness, while Sun Kong was known…

With ruby eyes and jade adorned,Wielding its blades, fierce and…

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