Adamantine Longsword Longsword
Though heavy, this longsword swings effortlessly in your hand - ready to take down a hundred enemies.
Location / Where to Find
- Location: Can be found at
- Quest: The Adamantine Forge
- Crafting:
Longsword Mould and
Mithral Ore are required in order to forge.
Crafting Requirements
To create the Adamantine Longsword, you must have access to The Adamantine Forge and possess a
Mithral Ore and a
Longsword Mould as necessary components for the crafting process.
Weapon Skills
Versatile Hitter: Your weapon hits hard enough to send your target Reeling for 1 turn if you are holding it in one hand, and 2 turns if you are holding it in both.
Diamondsbane: If an adamantine weapon hits an object, the hit is always critical.
Lethal Weapon: This weapon ignores Resistance to Slashing Damage.
Weapon Class
Versatile (Melee)
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