Conjure Woodland Being Conjuration
Effects/Special Abilities
Conjure a Dryad creature to fight for you.
Dryad Stat Template BG3
You can find images of the Dryad further down the database entry.
- HP: 22
- AC: 13
- STR: 10
- DEX: 14
- CON: 11
- INT: 14
- WIS: 15
- CHA: 18
- Nature’s Step: The weapon can
Entangle the target. Entangled enemies can’t move, and have an advantage against it when using weapon attacks. The entangled creature also has a Disadvantage on saving attacks and dex saving throws.
- Magic Resistance: Advantage on magic saving throws.
- Nature’s Step: You and your allies in the aura aren’t affected by Difficult Terrain, can’t be Restrained or Paralyzed, and gain resistance to
Spike Growth: 2D4
Piercing damages hazardous terrain which triggers every 1.5m traveled through it.
- Entangle: Create a vine surface, slowing creatures down and possibly Entangling them.
- Strengthened
Shillelagh: Your Staff or
Club becomes Magical: it deals 3-34
Bludgeoning damage (on top of 4-19 main hand attack), and uses your Spellcasting Ability for Attack Rolls.
Wood Woad Stat Template BG3
Like the Dryad, there are screenshots of the creature’s character sheet below.
- HP: 42
- AC: 18
- STR: 18
- DEX: 12
- CON: 16
- INT: 10
- WIS: 13
- CHA: 8
- Regeneration: The Wood Woad regains 10 HP if it starts its turn on Twisting Vines unless it recently took
Fire Damage.
- Magic Club: In the wood woad’s hands, this common branch becomes magical and deals an additional 3-12 Bludgeoning damage. (on top of 5-5 Bludgeoning damage from the main hand attack.)
- Entangle: Create a vine surface, slowing down creatures, possibly entangling them.
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