Full Synchronisation Requirement - Do not kill anyone¶
This mission can be done in a number of ways, some harder than others (that is, if you want to complete the optional objective!). You can start it as soon as you enter the palace area, and if you fail it can restart you in a few places, some easier than others, again. If you start near a few staircases, hire the Romanies and use them to distract the Janissaries, and then take to the rooftops to avoid some of the group patrols, wait for the ground guards to turn then jump down and dash to Suleiman to finish the mission. If you’re having trouble from the position you started in, just fail the Memory or restart it and you’ll begin again from an easier position.
For the return trip, just hire the nearby Romanies and walk to the wall, letting them peel off to distract and Janissaries who get too close. When you reach the wall, climb it and jump out into the safety of the city to ensure you don’t start a fight.
This is the easier direction to attempt to infiltrate the palace from.
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