Quest Info |
Objective: Slay 13 Gastodon |
Reward Money: 5400z |
Time Limit: 50 min. |
Conditions: HR 13 or higher |
Failure Conditions: Time Expires / Faint 3 Times |
Other Monsters: Barnos / Gajalaka |
Possibly the most annoying small monster in the Elder’s Recess, Gastodons tend to gather in packs, and like Kestodon, enjoy charging, using their bony head as a battering ram. Unlike Kestodon, however, there are no relatively docile females; they all like to charge, and will do so with impunity, knocking you down repeatedly if you try to mount some sort of direct, clumsy offensive. Instead, use ranged attacks on them, or if you must engage in melee, circle around them, watch them charge, and wait for an opportunity to attack after one finishes a charge and none of its fellows are likely to hit you with their own charges. You’ll find them in AREAS 5, 7 and 11, some of which are dangerously hot. Drink Cool Drinks to mitigate heat damage while hunting in those areas.
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