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The Heroines' Secret Side Quests

In-game Description

A Gerudo archaeologist named "Rotana" iconRotana told you that there are stelae hidden in the shelter with information about the seven Gerudo heroines, and that she would like to see pictures of their contents. Only by finding all of the stelae can you piece together the heroines’ secret.

You must still find 4 stelae.


For the location of each missing stelae, please follow our "Stelae" iconStelae link.

Once you’ve found a stelae, use your "Camera" iconCamera to take a picture. You can then show these to "Rotana" iconRotana.

Completing this quest lets you begin another quest: "The Mysterious Eighth" iconThe Mysterious Eighth.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Hyrule Surface Map

X: 4830 Y: 14146
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