Ride the Giant Horse Shrine Quests
In-game Description
You ran into Baddek, a horse-lover who found a beautiful crystal in the mountains southwest of the
Faron Grasslands. Baddek said he’ll give the crystal to you if you bring him the giant horse that’s rumored to be in the area.
Ask near Highland Stable east of the grasslands to see if anyone knows about this giant horse.
Baddek has the crystal for the Ishokin Shrine, but won’t give you it. He wants you to bring him the giant horse that’s rumored to be in the area. Head to Highland Stable and speak to Padok, who directs you to the Lake of the Horse God, southeast of the stable. Follow the road out of the stable and in that direction, where you will eventually find the mentioned location. The
Giant White Stallion will be there and you tame it like any other horse.
You will need a lot of stamina for this, though, or some stamina-recovery food. Sneak up behind the horse, tame it and keep pressing the button shown until you finally calm the horse down. With the giant horse in hand, start riding your way all the way back to where you found Baddek. Speak to him while riding the giant horse and he’ll finally hand over the crystal, which you can then bring to the shrine to complete it.
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