Questioning the Local Cats Side Quests
Speak to the lady in front of the Kakariko Village Shop.
Next, head for the north-east windmill and lure the cat away with fish. Use a Holmill to dig the soil patch to be rewarded with
Cat Clothes.
Return to the old man. Head east outside the village and look for a cat on top of a pair of trees. It’s near the Cave with
Spiked Rollers. Finally, report back to the old man.
10 Refreshing Grapes
Adventure Log Text
An elderly man in Kakariko Village is looking for his cat. You might be able to find her if you get clothes that translate cat speech from the woman in front of the shop.
The woman by the shop will give you her Cat Clothes if you dig up an important item she buried. It’s right under where a cat is sitting.
The buried item was a stash of rupees, which you exchanged for the Cat Clothes that can translate cat speech. You should update the elderly man.
An elderly man in Kakariko Village asked you to use clothes that let you understand cats’ speech to find his missing pet. The village cats may know where his furry friend is.
The elderly man’s cat friend was in Hyrule Field when you found her. She was hungry, so she went home. Head back to Kakariko Village to check in on her.
It turned out the missing cat had missed meal time because she overslept. Her companion was relieved to have his beloved cat at home again.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Hyrule Map - Echoes of Wisdom
Kakariko Village, from the old man north-east of the well.
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