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Angel Fish

A small reef fish that can swim quickly.

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Banded Sea Krait

This slithery reptile can be found near reefs and has the ability…

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Blacktip Reef Shark

This shark dwells in shallow water and near reefs, it has a powerful…

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A wild pig that can be found wandering in the wilderness, it…

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Butterfly Fish

A bright yellow reef fish that can swim quickly when needed.…

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Usually found wandering near villages, cats have the ability…

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A small bug that likes to hang out in the grass.

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Flightless bird often found around populated areas. Spawns explosive…

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Clown Trigger Fish

A black fish with white spots that is able to swiftly swim through…

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Coconut Crab

This crab can be near beaches in reefs, it has a strong pinch…

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Common Crab

This crab enjoys it’s time inhabiting beaches and reefs, it has…

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Common Dove

Common bird found in the archipelago’s urban areas, will eat…

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A domestic animals that can be found in villages, it has the…

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One of the most intelligent species of bird in the world.

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A fish commonly found in reefs, it can swim rather quickly. …

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A forest dwelling mammal that can quickly sprint from point a…

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Dogs can be found loyally hanging around villages and have the…

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A mammal that can often be found swimming around islands, it…

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A larger mammal that likes to hang out in bays.

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Flying Fox

A mammal that can be found in caves and forests, it has the ability…

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Giant Coconut Locust

This giant insect’s bright green colour imitates coconut tree…

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Giant Gecko

This large reptile loves moist forest areas and has the ability…

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Green Parakeet

A common bright green bird that has the ability to fly.

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Grouper Fish

A fish that is found swiftly swimming through reefs.

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Idol Fish

A striped reef fish that has the ability to swiftly make it’s…

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This proud flightless bird can produce a very preculiar sound…

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Lion Fish

A fish adorned with spines that hangs around reefs, it has the…

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A common fish that can swiftly swim through the ocean.

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Napoleon Fish

A fish that swims in the open ocean, when needed it can quickly…

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This bird prefers to keep away from people and is able to easily…

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Parrot Fish

A reef dwelling fish with the ability to quickly make it’s way…

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Peaceful animal usually found around villages, they have the…

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Red Crab

*These tasty crabs can be found in the Kwëo area and have a powerful…

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Sea Turtle

Sea Turtles swim leisurely around islands, they have no special…

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Silver Gull

Common bird found in the archipelago’s coastal areas, will eat…

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Surgeon Fish

A brigh blue and yellow reef dweller that can quickly make it’s…

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Trevally Fish

This fish can be found swimming throughout the ocean, and has…

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A mythical flying creature that is unlocked through playing the…

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