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Rat Funk Monster List

Enemy Info

They live underground or in other damp places. But they’re actually sticklers for cleanliness, so they wear white gloves to keep their hands germ-free.

Thought Peek

Sing along with the rat funk, everybody!

Enemy Attacks

Tail Whip: The Rat Funk leaps forward, turns around, and attempts to whip its tail at its target. Wait for it to turn around and then prepare your defense as the tail comes down.

Poison: The Rat Funk jumps to close range and attempts to take a bite out of its target. Wait until the head is furthest forward to time your defense. Should you fail, there is a chance you will be inflicted with Poison, which lowers your HP every combat round.


You’ll often encounter multiple Rat Funks at once and they can be a bit of a nuisance. Their biggest threat is the Poison attack, which will cause you to take damage every turn should you not defend against it. Considering some of the other enemies you may be up against at the same time, this can add up so consider bringing Poison resistance to the sewers with the Antidote Pin.


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