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Hobgoblin Monster List

Enemy Info

Since becoming undead, they’ve sung nothing but elegies each day. But they do wish they could sometimes sing upbeat, happy songs as well.

Thought Peek

I'm feelin' it more than usual today, baby!

Enemy Attacks

Dark Claw: The Hobgoblin leaps forward and rakes its claws down on its target. Wait until you see the animation of the claws before timing your defense. Should you fail, there is a chance to become inflicted with the Poison status.

Bite: The Hobgoblin leaps forward, then moves back a little before attacking with a bite. Wait for when it moves back a little to time your defense.


The Hobgoblin can be a tricky foe, as it has the same capabilities as the Rat Funks that usually accompany it, poisoning their targets, but with the addition of higher HP. Whenever you encounter one, use Mario to attack it with a Jump skill, if you time it right, one such attack should be enough to down them.


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