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Frogog Monster List

Enemy Info

Frogogs dislike hanging out with other Frogogs, because if they do and someone calls out “Frogog!” it’s hard to tell who they mean.

Thought Peek

This bright sunlight better not fry me!

Enemy Attacks

Bite: The Frogog will leap forward, pull its head back, and attempt to take a bite out of you. Wait for it to bring its head back toward you to time your defense.

Mucus: The Frogog will lean back and spit mucus toward you. As it arcs up and comes back down, look for when it is just about to connect to time your defense.


The Frogog is the first regular monster you encounter that you may not defeat in one go. Still, they’re weak to Fire, so Mario’s Fireball is a perfect skill to use, even if it costs a hefty 5 FP.


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