With the eerie tolling of the Yasogami High School bells, 18 Persona-users find themselves trapped inside the labyrinth of a strange other-world. There, they meet Zen and Rei, an odd duo who have lost their memories. As the parties come together to seek an escape, a mysterious shadow creeps ever nearer. Persona Q combines the story and characters of Persona with the gameplay of Atlus’ dungeon-crawling role-playing series, Etrian Odyssey.
You will find a plethora of information in this guide, including:
A complete walkthrough of the game’s story.
Detailed maps for every single floor of every dungeon in the game.
How to complete all of Elizabeth’s Requests.
Lists for every item in the game.
Some tips on how to use the characters in your party.
The basics to understanding the complex Fusion system.
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