This page offers a guide on how to make beanjuice in Ooblets. You’ll find information on all the required ingredients, as well as where to buy and sell bean juice too.
How to Buy Beanjuice¶
At first, you’ll probably want to purchase Beanjuice rather than make it! It can be purchased at Cuddlecups Cafe for 30 Gummies each. It’s a great item to purchase because it replenishes 40 energy and also increases movement speed by 25% for a short period of time.
The beanjuice costs 40 gummies.
Beanjuice Required Ingredients¶
To make Beanjuice, you’ll first have to obtain a Crunchster and a Kettle and Cup. The Crunchster will be given to you via your mailbox on your fifth day or you can make one at the Fabricuter at Manatwee’s using x10 Nurnies, x10 Plankets and x1 Oobsidian. You can then use the Crunchster to grind down Springbeans into Ground Springbeans.
(1 of 2) First, you’ll need to grow springbeans on your farm
First, you’ll need to grow springbeans on your farm (left), then use the crunchster to grind them into ground springbeans. (right)
To grow Springbeans, you’ll need to first upgrade Meed’s Seeds for 75 Wishies at the Wishy Well. Then, you can purchase the springbean seeds for 6 gummies each. The springbeans take 5 days to grow but each seed will yield x3 springbeans. You can then place the springbeans in the crunchster to make ground springbeans - 1 springbean makes 1 lot of ground springbeans!
Now that you have ground springbeans, you’ll need to obtain the kettle and cup. The Kettle and Cup can be purchased for 1500 Gummies at Cuddlecups Cafe. You can then use the kettle and cup to make 1 beanjuice per ground springbean.
Use the kettle and cup to make beanjuice at home!
Beanjuice Uses¶
Other than being a great source of energy, Beanjuice can also be sold at a higher profit to Cuddlecups Cafe at 15 gummies per cup! You will also need 3 beanjuices to dance battle wild Isopud ooblets.
When you’ve upgraded Plenny’s Bulk Orders, you’ll also be able to take high gummy bulk orders for beanjuice.
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