This page offers a guide on how to make the Creamadroostral Soup recipe in Ooblets.
Required Ingredients for Creamadroostral Soup¶
You make Creamadroostral Soup on the hot plate and you’ll need the following ingredients: x3 Droostral, x1 Pompadoot Juice, x1 Muz Flour, x1 Shelbo and x1 Caroot.
You’ll only unlock this recipe for Creamadroostral Soup when you pick up a droostral for the first time.
Creamadroostral Soup.
How to Get Droostrals¶
Droostrals are a crystal-like ingredient obtained from smashing the large boulders near the top of Tippy Top mountain. To smash these rocks, you’ll need the pickaxe, which can be purchased for 1000 Gummies from Gelidia on the path to Tippy Top. Smashing rocks is a taxing job and takes 40 Energy each boulder - so make sure to bring some beanjuice to keep you going! You should get x3 Droostrals from one rock but the Droostral drop isn’t a guarantee so you may need to smash more than one boulder!
(1 of 3) You’ll first need 1000 Gummies to purchase the Pickaxe.
How to Make Pompadoot Juice¶
Pompadoot Juice can be made by placing Pompadoots in a Swooshler. Pompadoots are a crop grown on your farm. You can purchase the seeds from Meed’s Seeds for 8 gummies each. They take 5 days to grow!
Pompadoot look a bit like white cacti.
How to Make Muz Flour¶
Muz Flour can be made in the Crunchster. You’ll need to grow Muz and then place it in a Crunchster that’s manned by an Ooblet. For every one muz flour, you’ll need one muz plant.
Muz are a crop that can be grown on your farm - you’ll need to purchase the seeds from Meed’s Seeds (badgetown) and each seed costs 3 gummies. They take 2 days to mature.
Place Muz in a Crunchster to make Muz Flour.
How to Get Shelbos¶
Shelbo are another shell found on the beach in Badgetown. This is a common yellow shell that you’ll find on the beach every day so you should have no problem grabbing x1 for this soup.
How to Get Caroots¶
Caroots are a crop grown on your farm - seeds cost 5 gummies each at Meed’s Seeds (Badgetown). They take 1.5 days to mature.
Caroots are fast growing crop.
Tippy Top: Lukold¶
The Creamadroostral Soup is a required recipe that you’ll need to make to pass to the top of Tippy Top to turn on the oobnet tower. Lukold, who is the final NPC you’ll come across on the mountain, will give you some Mountain Shoes so you can progress to the top - but only if you give him some soup.
Lukold wants a bowl of Creamadroostral Soup.
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