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Junk Materials


Wood and metal scraps that have no value on their own, but they can be used to make something.



Used In

"Mechanical Doll" iconMechanical Doll Dressrosa Enemies


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Great Sandy Desert Map

X: 2429 Y: 1328

This is just one possible item that can drop from the nest.

In a birds nest on the rock face north of the chest. Use "Usopp" iconUsopp’s slingshot to shoot it down.

Marker screenshot

2. New Royal Plateau: Bottom

X: 3217 Y: 3614

In the crate.

Marker screenshot

3. New Royal Plateau: Bottom

X: 2280 Y: 2594

x3 in the crate.

Marker screenshot

4. New Royal Plateau: Bottom

X: 2116 Y: 2596

Inside the jar.

Marker screenshot

5. New Royal Plateau: Bottom

X: 2164 Y: 3099

x2 inside the jar.

6. New Royal Plateau: Bottom

X: 2855 Y: 2915

x2 inside the crate.

Marker screenshot

7. New Royal Plateau: Bottom

X: 2349 Y: 1965

Inside the barrel.

Marker screenshot

8. New Royal Plateau: Bottom

X: 2360 Y: 1850

x3 inside the crate,

Marker screenshot

9. New Royal Plateau: Bottom

X: 2291 Y: 1583

x3 in the crate.

Marker screenshot

10. New Royal Plateau

X: 1469 Y: 2137

x3 in the crate.

11. New Royal Plateau

X: 1386 Y: 2127

x2 in the barrel behind the wall you need to destroy.

Marker screenshot

12. New Royal Plateau

X: 1459 Y: 2220

x3 in the crate,

Marker screenshot

13. Dressrosa City Area Map

X: 2443 Y: 2679

In a pot, right next to the chest. Yields 5x "Junk" iconJunk.

Marker screenshot

14. Dressrosa City Area Map

X: 2728 Y: 3002

In a crate, in the little alcove by the raised section. Yields 2x "Junk" iconJunk.

Marker screenshot

15. Dressrosa City Area Map

X: 3407 Y: 2291

In a barrel. Yields 2x "Junk" iconJunk.

16. Dressrosa City Area Map

X: 2994 Y: 1996

In a barrel. Yields 2x "Junk" iconJunk.

17. Dressrosa City Area Map

X: 2059 Y: 1867

In a barrel.

18. Dressrosa City Area Map

X: 1529 Y: 2304

In a pot. Yields 2x "Junk" iconJunk.

19. Dressrosa City Area Map

X: 2126 Y: 3071

In a barrel. Yields 2x "Junk" iconJunk.

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