Zoro's Cube Fragment Cube Fragments
A cube fragment containing Zoro’s experiences and records. Returns strength when inserted into the body.
Can be set from Crew in the menu.
Cube FragmentInteractive Map Locations

2. Waford South Map
Come back here after the prologue. Behind a small rock on the beach.

7. Nanohana Harbor & Desert Map
On top of the stone pillar. Use Luffy to grapple up there. Contains 1x
Zoro’s Cube Fragment.

8. Nanohana Harbor & Desert Map
Near the top of the totem in the center. Use Luffy to reach it. Contains 1x
Zoro’s Cube Fragment.

9. Great Sandy Desert Map
Found on a lower ledge. Need to use Luffy’s power to grab it.

17. New Royal Plateau: Bottom
x3 on the ledge but you can reach with Luffy from this point.

18. King Kong Garden Map
Next to the tree off the map. Use Luffy to reach it. Contain 1x
Zoro’s Cube Fragment.

19. King Kong Garden Map
On the rock face to the northeast before jumping the gap. Contains 1x Zoro’s Cube Fragment.
21. Dressrosa City Area Map
Use Luffy to grab it. Yields 3x
Zoro’s Cube Fragments and 2x
Franky’s Cube Fragments.
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