Sanji's Cube Fragment Cube Fragments
A cube fragment containing Sanji’s experiences and records. Returns strength when inserted into the body.
Can be set from Crew in the menu.
Cube FragmentInteractive Map Locations

2. Waford South Map
X: 2041 Y: 2964
The cube is on a rock in the water. Go north where the Forbidden Valley Tablet is, and use
Luffy’s elongated arms to reach it.

4. Great Sandy Desert Map
X: 1891 Y: 3043
Climb down the vines to the bottom where the cube will be against the eastern wall. Contains 1x Sanji’s Cube Fragment.

5. Alubarna City Map
X: 2323 Y: 1928
Behind the wooden construction on the left. You should see it twinkling through the planks

16. Dressrosa City Area Map
X: 3059 Y: 2863
Found at end of stairs. Gives 3x Sanji’s Cube Fragments. Also gives 2x
Luffy’s Cube Fragments.
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