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Amirah is the owner of Ceramic Gate, where she makes pottery.…

Amirah can be found at her house during the early hours of the…

Side Quests: A Man of Quality ⁠New Coat of Paint ⁠Some Picnics…

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A child taken in by Logan.

Logan’s Outpost.

Main Quests: The Kidnapping Buckin’ Bronco-⁠ Mystical Investigations…

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Amirah’s younger brother and the owner of By the Stairs general…

Arvio can usually be found at or around By the Stairs.

Side Quests: A Grand Idea Cheery Conspiracy Delivery Trainee…

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A cat that was living in the mines until being found be Fei.…

Main Story Quest: Pet Detective Side Quests: How to Tune your…

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Burgess is an honest man that works with the church and runs…

He can be usually be found hanging out around the water tower.…

Main Quests: ⁠Pitching In⁠- Practice What You Preach ⁠Out of…

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A member of the Civil Corps.

Wandering around in front of By the Stairs.

Main Story Quests: Belly of the Beast Pet Detective Side Quests:…

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A divorced woman who runs the Museum and Golden Goose. She has…

Catori can be found at the museum during the day, but sometimes…

Main Quests: A Family Reunited ⁠Recipe for Fun Sandapalooza…

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An Owl that often flies around Sandrocks train tracks.

CoCo is often flying along the train tracks outside of Sandrock.…

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Cooper is the owner of Sandrock’s Yakmel Ranch.

He can be found working around Yakmel Ranch.

Main Story Quests: Prisoners Dilemma Side Quests: ⁠A Fake…

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A member of the Church of Light who enjoys farming.

Around the Church of Light.

Side Quests: ⁠ Operation: Flowergate The Cable Guy ⁠A Little…

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Elsie lives with her family at Yakmel Ranch in Sandrock. She…

While she lives at the Yakmel Ranch, she tends to wander around…

Main Quests: Where’s Mi-an ⁠Out of the Past Monster Huntin’…

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A writer who is obsessed with learning about the outlaw Logan.…

He’s usually wandering around the center of town.

Main Quests: ⁠Cover My Glass Prisoners Dilemma The Kidnapping…

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An eccentric doctor who is too shy to speak. He lives with his…

Fang is always at Fang and X Clinic.

Side Quests: Clean Slates Cheery Conspiracy Delivery Trainee…

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Fennec Fox

A Fennec Fox who takes up residence in Sandrock.

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A pet that comes with the Lil Gecko DLC.

Your workshop.

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Grace is the cook at Blue Moon Saloon that originally game from…

Grace can be found at the Blue Moon Saloon or wandering around…

Main Quests: ⁠The Goat Buried Secrets ⁠Fall from Grace Prisoner’s…

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Heidi is an architect that works at Construction Junction. She…

You will find her working at Construction Junction or walking…

Main Quests: Operation De-Geeglate ⁠⁠Qi’s Gungnam Opus ⁠In Trusses…

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The owner of Hammertime and Sandrock’s blacksmith.

Hugo is usually around Hammertime.

Main Story Quest: Out of the Past

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Jane is a teacher that returns to Sandrock later in the game.…

Main Quests: New Teacher Side Quests: Home Visit ⁠Model Free…

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Trudy’s daughter, she delivers the newspapers around town.

Can be found walking around Sandrock.

Main Story Quests: ⁠Buckin’ Bronco Side Quests: ⁠Jasmine Co.…

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The train conductor in Sandrock.

Around the train station or walking around in Sandrock.

Main Story Quests: First Impressions

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Justice is the leader of the Civil Corps in Sandrock, where he…

Justice can be found riding his horse around Sandrock.

Main Quests: Cover My Glass Operation De-Geeglate Belly of the…

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Helps to run the Eufaula Salvage.

Wanders throughout Sandrock, mostly near the Eufaula Salvage.…

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A notorious outlaw living in the Eufaula Desert. Despite his…

He can be found at his hideout.

Main Quests: Cover My Glass Where’s Mi-an Appetite for Construction…

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Mabel runs the Yakmel Ranch with her husband.

Working around the Yakmel Ranch.

⁠Main Story Quests: Chasing Elsie Side Quests: How to Tune…

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A cat that lives in Sandrock.

Macchiato is usually walking around the center of town.

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The minister at the Church of Light, she also helps with town…

Can be found at townhall or the Church of Light.

Main Story Quests: ⁠ Becoming Official The Show Must Go On Farewell…

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Found by Elise later in the game.

Usually around the Yakmel Ranch.

Side Quests: ⁠Big Game Hunter

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Mi-an is a builder who arrived in Sandrock alongside you. She…

Mi-an has a house in Sandrock located behind Blue Moon Saloon…

Main Quests: Welcome to Sandrock! First Day on the Job Picking…

"Welcome to Sandrock!" iconWelcome to Sandrock! Main Missions
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Miguel is the pastor at the Sandrock Church of Light.

He can often be found at or around the Church of Light.

Main Story Quests: Out of the Past ⁠The Kidnapping ⁠Buckin’…

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The town graveyard keeper.

At the Sandrock Graveyard.

Side Quests: Gone with the Wind Salted Fish Blues

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A pet dog that can be found wandering around Sandrock.

Nemo is usually walking around in the center of town.

Main Story Quests: Pet Detective

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Nia is your childhood friend who sends you letters. Eventually…

Main Story Quests: The Luo Down

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The owner of Blue Moon Saloon. He loves fishing and discussing…

Owen is often at the Blue Moon Saloon.

Main Story Quests: Out of the Past ⁠Buckin’ Bronco Side Quests:…

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Pablo is Sandrock’s hairdresser, he loves to gossip and keeps…

He can often be found at Pablo’s Parlor.

Side Quests: ⁠The New Mascot ⁠Thief! Trouble in Paradise

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Krystal and Rocky’s young son.

Following Krysal.

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A town hero with a boisterous personality. He likes to fight…

He can be found wandering around the center of town.

Main Story Quests:-⁠ Out of the Past ⁠The Kidnapping ⁠Buckin’…

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The town scientist who lives at the Sandrock Research Lab. Qi…

Qi is always at the Research Lab.

Main Story Quests: ⁠On the Shoulders of Buried Giants Moisture…

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The town carpenter, he can be found working at Arvio’s store.…

Found working at By the Stairs.

Side Quests: ⁠ The Cable Guy ⁠A Little Bundle of Joy

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Co-owns Eufaula Salvage with his wife Krystal. He can have an…

Usually found working at or around Eufaula Salvage.

Main Story Quests: Picking Up the Slack Keep on Rockin Side…

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Rosy the Magic Mirror

An AI that helps with the players wardrobe.

Found inside the Civil Corps building.

Main Story Quests: Mission Unpossible ⁠Bounce Back Look Into…

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Sandy is a camel that patrols around Sandrock with a speaker…

Walking around Sandrock.

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The mayor of Sandrock, is actively working to improve the conditions…

At Town Hall after returning to Sandrock.

Main Story Quests: ⁠The Desks They are A’Changing ⁠The Missing…

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Unsuur is a member of the Civil Corps and an avid rock collector.…

Unsuur can often be found patrolling Sandrock.

Main Story Quests: Belly of the Beast ⁠Where’s Mi-an ⁠The Kidnapping…

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Venti works at Eufaula Salvage and helps operations to run smoothly.…

Venti can be found working at and around Eufaula Salvage during…

Friendship Quests: ⁠Venti’s Night Out Another Night Out ⁠Another…

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Vivi runs the tailor shop in town and is seen as the town’s grandma.…

She can often be found at Tailor Made.

Side Quests: The Request Board Salted Fish Blues Thief!

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Wei comes to run the Commerce Guild.

The Commerce Guild.

Main Story Quests: The Wei Forward Side Quests: Another One…

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X is Fang’s talking pet Raven, and the only way he will talk…

With Fang at Fang and X Clinic,

Side Quests: ⁠Taste of Your Own Medicine Track the Suspect Saving…

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Zeke runs the Moisture Farm in Sandrock.

At the Moisture Farm.

Main Story Quests: The Old Man and the Tree Moisture Farm Blues…

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