Yian Kut-Ku Large Monsters
Bird wyverns with impressive beaks, big ears, and an appetite for insects. Skittish by nature, they will still put up a fight if threatened.
Bird wyverns with impressive beaks and large ears. They tend to be skittish but will sometimes initiate attacks on a perceived threat. Yian Kut-Ku arrive in large groups during the season of Plenty in the Scarlet Forest. The absence of eggs or young suggests that the purpose of this is not to breed, but rather to seek out mates and nourishment.
Helpful Hints
The Yian Kut-Ku’s superior hearing comes with great sensitivity to sound. A loud noise is sometimes all it takes to stop them in their tracks, reason enough to make liberal use of sonic bombs. But there’s a catch: once a Yian Kut-Ku comes back to itself, it’s going to be really flocking mad and come at a hunter even more viciously than before.

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