Quematrice Large Monsters
Brute wyverns that spread flammable vapor which they then ignite with their tails. They subsist on prey stolen from other predators.
Brute wyverns with disproportionately long tails. They spread a flammable substance which vaporizes quickly, then ignite it by dragging their tails along the ground. By nature, Quematrice rarely hunt their own prey, and instead scavenge herbivore carrion left behind by other predators. This often leads to confrontations with other, smaller carnivores.
Helpful Hints
Keep an eye on where flammable material settles on the ground to gauge how much a Quematrice’s fire will spread. Since they rely on their tails to attack from a distance as well as to start blazes, a hunter can weaken this monster significantly by cutting it off. For more tips and info on Quematrice’s ecology, key weaknesses, low and high rank rewards, and our strategy for how to beat it, check out our complete Quematrice monster guide.

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