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Collected all armour pieces.

Trophy/Achievement Icon
Game: Lords of the Fallen (2023)
Steam AchievementsSteam
Rarity: 0.10% (Ultra Rare)
Tags: (None)

Collecting all armors may require multiple playthroughs. You will need to get all the armors from the Remembrances, which means multiple endings. There’s only so many Umbral Scourings you can get per playthrough, meaning there will be some armors you wont be able to afford, depending on your purchasing habits.

We recommend playing through the story on whatever ending you want. And, from there, go to the NG+0 option and steam role your way through the NG+ for exploring and completionist takes. Make sure to visit every area, and check everywhere in Umbral for any easily missed armor drops from Soul Flay interactions, and other missable wall interactions, along with secret ladder locations with chests, etc.

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