Marigold Herbs
Grows where the earth is fertile - on rubble piles and dung and abundantly too in pastures.
Good against cramps, inflammations and ulcers, against many skin blemishes and fungus, good for bathing and ointment as well as a medicinal drink. It helps women against monthly pains and restores regularity to them. Placed on a wound it speeds recovery. It is sometimes mixed with other greens in a drink to arouse love desire and the affection of the opposite sex.
- Grows where the earth is fertile - on rubble piles and dung and abundantly too in pastures.
- Raises health and vitality.
Used to Brew

Durability (days)
Interactive Map Locations

10. Kuttenberg Region Map
X: 8178 Y: 9320
Found on a skeleton partially submerged. Follow the trail of small blue flowers from the Flooded cottage through the shallow water to find it.
Credit to GG User four2nothin for the discovery.
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