Copper Blacksmithing
In ancient times, copper was a very rare metal for making jewellery and weapons. Today it is mainly used for the production of tinware and for the smelting of other metals.
Used to Craft

Interactive Map Locations

1. Trosky Region Map
X: 18722 Y: 10133
2x copper is inside a chest with an Easy lock near the ladder in the ruins.

2. Trosky Region Map
X: 13600 Y: 10526
Two chunks are inside a sack near the fallen tree in the burnt down camp.

3. Kuttenberg Region Map
X: 15848 Y: 9519
7 are inside a sack in the Locked dugout. The door has a medium-difficulty lock, and a hostile Smuggler lurks inside.

4. Kuttenberg Region Map
X: 12909 Y: 10303
4 are inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock on the upper floor of a building that acts as the Deserters’ camp.
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