Engraved silver ring Jewellery
Such a precious ring is intended for noble lords and prelates. A poor person should be careful not to get the noose for selling it.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Trosky Region Map
X: 10874 Y: 10501
Inside a chest with a medium-difficulty lock. One of the bandits holds the key.

2. Trosky Region Map
X: 13087 Y: 14213
Inside the thieves’ chest, held shut with a medium-difficulty lock. The key can be found on one of their corpses.

3. Trosky Region Map
X: 6990 Y: 11943
In the skeleton’s sack of treasure, found on top of a difficult-to-reach rock. To reach it, you’ll need to walk across a few tree trunks and make a daring leap.

5. Kuttenberg Region Map
X: 6888 Y: 11214
On the ground next to the path leading into the churchyard. Looks like a sack.

8. Kuttenberg Region Map
X: 14782 Y: 12517
Inside a medium-difficulty locked chest at the bandit camp.

9. Kuttenberg Region Map
X: 18728 Y: 12192
Found in the upstairs private area of Master Wenceslas’s shop in a very-hard-to-pick chest.
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