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Dew of Inspiration Map


Dewdrops spilled by Cadenceborns. They contain the most precious inspiration for creators.

Interactive Map Locations

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1. Miraland Map

X: 12869 Y: 14326

South from the "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. Two of them in the sky. Can be reached by jumping.

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2. Miraland Map

X: 12561 Y: 12589

"Old Florawish Memorial" iconOld Florawish Memorial. Two atop a broken pillar near the Warp Spire.

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3. Miraland Map

X: 12549 Y: 12629

"Old Florawish Memorial" iconOld Florawish Memorial. Two by the corner west from "Kilo the Cadenceborn" iconKilo the Cadenceborn.

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4. Miraland Map

X: 12516 Y: 12457

"Old Florawish Memorial" iconOld Florawish Memorial. Two in front of the broken statue at the center.

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5. Miraland Map

X: 12804 Y: 12401

Inside "Riverside Cavern" iconRiverside Cavern. Two in a side tunnel before the enemies near the west cave entrance.

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6. Miraland Map

X: 12820 Y: 12377

Inside "Riverside Cavern" iconRiverside Cavern. Two off the ground, near the "Quiet Cenote" iconQuiet Cenote (waterfall area) when coming from the west cave entrance.

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7. Miraland Map

X: 12841 Y: 12394

Inside "Riverside Cavern" iconRiverside Cavern. Two next to the "Quiet Cenote" iconQuiet Cenote (waterfall). If coming from the west entrance, you may need to turn around.

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8. Miraland Map

X: 14306 Y: 12420

Two at the side of the "Mayor's Residence" iconMayor’s Residence.

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9. Miraland Map

X: 17318 Y: 11516

Inside the Swordsmith Ruins. In the first area, two in the corner to the left after riding the very first air vent.

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10. Miraland Map

X: 17303 Y: 11521

Inside the Swordsmith Ruins. After the Sword Courtyard checkpoint, two to the right after riding the air vent.

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11. Miraland Map

X: 17319 Y: 11534

Inside the Swordsmith Ruins. Two underneath the gears after going through the narrow pipe and before the double air vent.

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12. Miraland Map

X: 17305 Y: 11537

Inside the Swordsmith Ruins. Three underneath the broken bridge just before the 2nd checkpoint. Look for some wooden platforms to descend to.

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13. Miraland Map

X: 17314 Y: 11552

Inside the Swordsmith Ruins. Two to the left of the Ventilation Tunnel checkpoint.

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14. Miraland Map

X: 17300 Y: 11554

Inside the Swordsmith Ruins. Two off the ground at the Sacred Corridor.

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15. Miraland Map

X: 17287 Y: 11557

Inside the Swordsmith Ruins. Three near the upper exit of the hidden room with the laser-firing statue. (To find the room, from the checkpoint, go forward, then turn around to find a narrow pipe.)

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16. Miraland Map

X: 17918 Y: 10437

Two near the very top of the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. From the "Garrison of the Paladins" iconGarrison of the Paladins Warp Spire, head for the confetti cannon to the south, then climb up the nearby thick tree branch.

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17. Miraland Map

X: 17982 Y: 10352

Three near the very top of the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. From the "Garrison of the Paladins" iconGarrison of the Paladins Warp Spire, head for the south-east corner where the scarecrows are stored. Then look for a thin tree branch nearby.

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18. Miraland Map

X: 17580 Y: 11664

Three at the roof of the "Ruins of the Guardians" iconRuins of the Guardians.

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19. Miraland Map

X: 17576 Y: 11573

Two inside the "Ruins of the Guardians" iconRuins of the Guardians, around the corner after the final Iron Squirrel statue.

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20. Miraland Map

X: 17772 Y: 11635

Two high up in the air near the south-east corner of the "Ruins of the Guardians" iconRuins of the Guardians.

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21. Miraland Map

X: 17473 Y: 11781

Two on the ground south-west from the "Ruins of the Guardians" iconRuins of the Guardians.

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22. Miraland Map

X: 17355 Y: 11527

At the top level of the Swordsmith Ruins (exterior), floating high up. There’s a leaf trampoline around the west side.

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23. Miraland Map

X: 17492 Y: 11387

North of the "Ruins of the Guardians" iconRuins of the Guardians Warp Spire. Three atop a tree stump along the way to the Swordsmith Ruins.

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24. Miraland Map

X: 17511 Y: 11231

Two in the center of the ruined building along the way to the Swordsmith Ruins, guarded by Iron Squirrel statues.

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25. Miraland Map

X: 17420 Y: 11214

Two under the collapsed ramp leading to the Swordsmith Ruins.

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26. Miraland Map

X: 17478 Y: 11198

Two behind a collapsed wall near a ruined building along the way to the Swordsmith Ruins.

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27. Miraland Map

X: 17752 Y: 11384

East from the "Swordsmith Ruins Gate" iconSwordsmith Ruins Gate Warp Spire. Two floating in the air, away from the cliff edge.

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28. Miraland Map

X: 17690 Y: 11330

Two inside a tree trunk east from the "Swordsmith Ruins Gate" iconSwordsmith Ruins Gate, near the cliff edge.

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29. Miraland Map

X: 17739 Y: 11185

Three floating high up near a group of Esselings, east from a ruined building near the Swordsmith Ruins.

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30. Miraland Map

X: 17487 Y: 11069

Two high up in the sky along the way to the Swordsmith Ruins. Eliminate the Esseling guarding the leaf trampoline, so you can use it to bounce up.

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31. Miraland Map

X: 17572 Y: 10967

Two above a small forked tree, east from the "Outer Swordsmith Ruins Cavern" iconOuter Swordsmith Ruins Cavern north entrance.

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32. Miraland Map

X: 17507 Y: 10937

Two above a broken pillar, near the "Outer Swordsmith Ruins Cavern" iconOuter Swordsmith Ruins Cavern north entrance.

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33. Miraland Map

X: 17399 Y: 10831

Three atop a tree stump west from a small building with a single Iron Squirrel Statue.

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34. Miraland Map

X: 17488 Y: 10768

Two atop a broken pillar south from the "Swordsmith Ruins Entrance" iconSwordsmith Ruins Entrance Warp Spire.

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35. Miraland Map

X: 17557 Y: 10728

Two high up in the air south from the "Swordsmith Ruins Entrance" iconSwordsmith Ruins Entrance Warp Spire. Use the leaf trampoline next to the fallen tree.

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36. Miraland Map

X: 17439 Y: 10497

Two off the ground, north from the "Swordsmith Ruins Entrance" iconSwordsmith Ruins Entrance Warp Spire.

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37. Miraland Map

X: 17403 Y: 10605

Two atop the stone wall west from the "Swordsmith Ruins Entrance" iconSwordsmith Ruins Entrance Warp Spire.

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38. Miraland Map

X: 17187 Y: 10429

South of "Shoal Slope" iconShoal Slope. Two off the ground west from the minigame stall.

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39. Miraland Map

X: 18018 Y: 9923

Two high in the air near the "Cavern Prison" iconCavern Prison. You can jump from the nearby tree trunk.

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40. Miraland Map

X: 16639 Y: 10730

Two north of the "Wish Auditing Station" iconWish Auditing Station.

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41. Miraland Map

X: 17804 Y: 12124

Two high in the air south from the "Secluded Cave" iconSecluded Cave. Defeat the Esseling sitting on the Leaf Trampoline, then bounce up.

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42. Miraland Map

X: 18032 Y: 11961

East from the "Secluded Cave" iconSecluded Cave. Three at the end of a lily pad path.

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43. Miraland Map

X: 17807 Y: 11361

Two off the ground along the eastern slope near the Swordsmith Ruins. You can jump from higher up the slope etc.

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44. Miraland Map

X: 17591 Y: 10431

Two atop a thorny branch near the base of the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. Not sure what this horse is doing here…

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45. Miraland Map

X: 17689 Y: 10584

Three atop a thorny branch near the base of the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree.

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46. Miraland Map

X: 17871 Y: 11547

Two high up in the air between two trees east from the "Swordsmith Ruins Gate" iconSwordsmith Ruins Gate. Near the step-like cliff.

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47. Miraland Map

X: 17729 Y: 10258

Three near the very top of the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. From the "Garrison of the Paladins" iconGarrison of the Paladins Warp Spire, look north-west. Float over to the thin vines and then jump up to the thick tree branch. From there, head towards the tip of the thick tree branch.

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48. Miraland Map

X: 17761 Y: 10186

Three near the very top of the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. From the "Garrison of the Paladins" iconGarrison of the Paladins Warp Spire, look north-west. Float over to the thin vines and then jump up to the thick tree branch. From there, jump to the nearby thick tree branch and carefully follow it to the end.

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49. Miraland Map

X: 17798 Y: 10425

Two in the air near the very top of the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. From the "Garrison of the Paladins" iconGarrison of the Paladins Warp Spire, go straight ahead. They’re behind the tall building. (Also check the back of the building for a treasure chest.)

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50. Miraland Map

X: 17883 Y: 10408

Three high up the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. From the "Garrison of the Paladins" iconGarrison of the Paladins Warp Spire, head for the confetti canon, then drop down to the south-east. They’re on a tree branch above the "Wishball" iconWishball field.

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51. Miraland Map

X: 17902 Y: 10352

Two high up the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. From the "Garrison of the Paladins" iconGarrison of the Paladins Warp Spire, drop down to the south-east. They’re on a thin tree branch above the west side of the "Wishball" iconWishball field.

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52. Miraland Map

X: 17812 Y: 10312

Two high up the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. From the "Temple of Wishes" iconTemple of Wishes Warp Spire, head east and go around the side of the temple. Look towards your left to find a gap in the tree trunks–and these two sneaky buggers.

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53. Miraland Map

X: 17883 Y: 10282

Three high up the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. From the "Garrison of the Paladins" iconGarrison of the Paladins Warp Spire, face east then float down, while veering to the left. Land on the thick tree branch overlooking the "Wishball" iconWishball field from the side.

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54. Miraland Map

X: 15373 Y: 12963

Two on the roof of the "Sanctum of the Observant" iconSanctum of the Observant.

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55. Miraland Map

X: 13857 Y: 11762

Two floating above the entrance to the "Warehouse Cavern" iconWarehouse Cavern.

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56. Miraland Map

X: 14183 Y: 11698

Two high up, east from the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base. You can climb up the nearby collapsed wall to reach them.

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57. Miraland Map

X: 14705 Y: 11615

Two over the entrance to "Relic Hill Cavern" iconRelic Hill Cavern.

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58. Miraland Map

X: 15895 Y: 16468

Three east from the "Queen's Palace Ruins" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins, floating above the sea. Float across the lily pads, then double jump to get within shooting range.

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59. Miraland Map

X: 12655 Y: 12198

Two while leaving the "Memorial Mountains" iconMemorial Mountains. You’ll be directed by the tutorial to purify them.

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60. Miraland Map

X: 13702 Y: 12851

Two on the small island south-east from "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane.

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61. Miraland Map

X: 13501 Y: 12322

Three atop the "Stylist's Guild" iconStylist’s Guild building.

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62. Miraland Map

X: 13783 Y: 12388

Three on a windowsill around the east side of Great Wishtree Square.

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63. Miraland Map

X: 13762 Y: 12284

Two floating near the rooftop of the houses east from "Marques Boutique" iconMarques Boutique.

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64. Miraland Map

X: 13838 Y: 12370

Three under the bridge when exiting Great Wishtree Square from the east.

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65. Miraland Map

X: 13929 Y: 12301

Two at the side of "Ray and Wing's" iconRay and Wing’s.

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66. Miraland Map

X: 14057 Y: 12312

Two floating above the rooftops east from "Ray and Wing's" iconRay and Wing’s.

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67. Miraland Map

X: 13970 Y: 12648

Two under the bridge south from "Ray and Wing's" iconRay and Wing’s.

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68. Miraland Map

X: 13824 Y: 12771

Two around the rooftop east from "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane.

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69. Miraland Map

X: 13856 Y: 12546

Two around the rooftop north-east from "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane.

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70. Miraland Map

X: 13859 Y: 12634

Two above a wooden post east from "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane.

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71. Miraland Map

X: 14183 Y: 11966

Two when entering/exiting the waterfall cave from the top level.

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72. Miraland Map

X: 14145 Y: 11909

Two inside the waterfall cave, at the top level, above a pipe near the exit.

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73. Miraland Map

X: 14204 Y: 11757

Two inside the cave where the "Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune is, high up along the ledges. Head west from the Warp Spire to find a way up.

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74. Miraland Map

X: 13599 Y: 12137

Three high above the house north of "Marques Boutique" iconMarques Boutique. You can float down from the cliff to the north-west, near the Whimflutter.

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75. Miraland Map

X: 13728 Y: 11911

Two next to a wall at the "Florawish" iconFlorawish gathering spot.

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76. Miraland Map

X: 13712 Y: 11922

Two underneath the "Florawish" iconFlorawish gathering spot. Look for a cracked wooden board east of the central statue that you can break with a jumping attack. They’re near where you land.

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77. Miraland Map

X: 13596 Y: 11943

Two in the corner of the depression east of the "Dream Warehouse Tower" iconDream Warehouse Tower.

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78. Miraland Map

X: 13462 Y: 12002

Two on a pillar south-west from the "Dream Warehouse Tower" iconDream Warehouse Tower.

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79. Miraland Map

X: 13781 Y: 11667

Two atop a pillar east from the "Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop.

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80. Miraland Map

X: 14002 Y: 11682

Three at the small ruins east from the "Dream Warehouse Tower" iconDream Warehouse Tower.

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81. Miraland Map

X: 13983 Y: 11867

Two floating along the south-east side of the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base, middle level.

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82. Miraland Map

X: 13967 Y: 11841

Two under the stairway inside the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base.

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83. Miraland Map

X: 13904 Y: 11905

Two atop a stone pillar a short distance south-west from the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base.

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84. Miraland Map

X: 13983 Y: 11834

Two floating at the very top of the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base.

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85. Miraland Map

X: 14432 Y: 11628

At the ruins east from the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base. Three underneath the stone platform.

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86. Miraland Map

X: 14576 Y: 11673

At the ruins east from the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base. Two floating at the end of a narrow path.

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87. Miraland Map

X: 14592 Y: 11745

At the ruins east from the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base. Atop the eastern edge of the ruins.

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88. Miraland Map

X: 14492 Y: 11818

At the ruins east from the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base. Two floating high up near the south side of the ruins.

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89. Miraland Map

X: 14452 Y: 11647

At the ruins east from the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base. Three near a stone pillar around the minigame stand.

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90. Miraland Map

X: 14094 Y: 12467

Three atop the "Kingdom Guards' Office" iconKingdom Guards’ Office.

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91. Miraland Map

X: 13021 Y: 12858

Two on a stone pillar north-east from "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base.

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92. Miraland Map

X: 13044 Y: 12849

Two floating above a stone pillar north-east from "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base.

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93. Miraland Map

X: 13165 Y: 13146

Two above the overgrown house east of "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base.

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94. Miraland Map

X: 13205 Y: 13163

Two floating high up near the overgrown building east of "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base. To reach them, jump from the roof.

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95. Miraland Map

X: 13337 Y: 13134

Two floating high up, west from "The Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch" iconThe Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch. You can reach if you jump from the west.

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96. Miraland Map

X: 13109 Y: 13351

Two atop a tree north of the "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. It’s nigh impossible to see them. Stand on the top of the nearby minigame stall, then float north-east.

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97. Miraland Map

X: 12670 Y: 13110

Two atop the veranda around the north-west corner of "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base.

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98. Miraland Map

X: 12805 Y: 13160

Two next to the wooden platform along the east side of "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base.

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99. Miraland Map

X: 12810 Y: 13334

Two floating high up in the air around the south side of "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base. You can jump from the north-west.

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100. Miraland Map

X: 12849 Y: 13442

Two in the air south from "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base. Near the end of a wooden path.

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101. Miraland Map

X: 12501 Y: 13219

Three behind the display west from "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base.

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102. Miraland Map

X: 12717 Y: 14105

Two floating around the back of the "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center.

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103. Miraland Map

X: 12849 Y: 14005

Two floating high up north-east from the "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. There’s a ledge to the north you can jump from.

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104. Miraland Map

X: 12660 Y: 14081

Four floating north-west from the "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center building. You can leap from the rooftop.

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105. Miraland Map

X: 13216 Y: 15184

Two floating above a stone pillar north-east from "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill.

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106. Miraland Map

X: 13183 Y: 15243

Two floating a short distance to the east of "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill.

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107. Miraland Map

X: 12778 Y: 15132

West from "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Floating high up at the center of the circular ruins.

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108. Miraland Map

X: 12671 Y: 15169

West from "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Floating near a stone pillar, not far from a minigame stall.

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109. Miraland Map

X: 12737 Y: 14985

North-west of "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Two atop a stone pillar near the "Shaky Branch" iconShaky Branch chest.

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110. Miraland Map

X: 12770 Y: 14970

North-west of "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Two atop another stone pillar near the "Shaky Branch" iconShaky Branch chest.

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111. Miraland Map

X: 12560 Y: 14822

South-east from "Stoneville Entrance" iconStoneville Entrance. Two floating high up near a collapsed wall.

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112. Miraland Map

X: 13062 Y: 15016

North of "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Two floating high up. You can jump from the west.

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113. Miraland Map

X: 13227 Y: 15709

South of "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Floating high up. You can jump from the north.

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114. Miraland Map

X: 13228 Y: 16154

South-east from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost. Two on a wooden stand.

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115. Miraland Map

X: 13087 Y: 16069

A short distance north-west from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost. Two among some the wooden wreckage.

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116. Miraland Map

X: 13036 Y: 16192

South-west from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost. Three floating high up. You can jump from the south-east.

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117. Miraland Map

X: 12929 Y: 16262

South-west from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost. Two floating above the river.

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118. Miraland Map

X: 12976 Y: 16313

South-west from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost. Three floating above a broken wooden stand.

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119. Miraland Map

X: 12828 Y: 16486

South-west of "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost. Four floating high above the road. There’s a leaf trampoline to the south-east.

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120. Miraland Map

X: 12563 Y: 16720

Short distance south-east of "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp. Two floating near a broken wooden stand.

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121. Miraland Map

X: 12744 Y: 16574

North-east from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp. Two inside a wooden watchtower.

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122. Miraland Map

X: 12639 Y: 16662

East of "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp. Two next to a tent.

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123. Miraland Map

X: 12503 Y: 16772

South of "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp. Two by the wall.

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124. Miraland Map

X: 13709 Y: 11780

South-east of "Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. Three along the outer stone ring, between the dividing pillars.

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125. Miraland Map

X: 13902 Y: 12091

Two on the roof of "Nonoy's Home" iconNonoy’s Home.

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126. Miraland Map

X: 12580 Y: 14518

East of "Stoneville Entrance" iconStoneville Entrance. Two under the bridge.

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127. Miraland Map

X: 12359 Y: 14473

North-east of "Stoneville Entrance" iconStoneville Entrance. Two floating near the minigame stall.

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128. Miraland Map

X: 13927 Y: 12430

South of "Ray and Wing's" iconRay and Wing’s. Two floating near the roof of the blue house.

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129. Miraland Map

X: 13648 Y: 12459

South-east of the "Stylist's Guild" iconStylist’s Guild, in the narrow alleyway.

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130. Miraland Map

X: 15392 Y: 16637

At the ground floor of the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower, in a corner by the entrance.

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131. Miraland Map

X: 15615 Y: 16553

South-east from the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Two high up in the air. You can jump from near the minigame stall. If you miss, there’s a leaf trampoline you can use to get back up halfway, enough to reach.

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132. Miraland Map

X: 15593 Y: 16372

East of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Floating by the side of the wall. You can head north from the minigame stall.

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133. Miraland Map

X: 15426 Y: 16588

North-east of the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower. Three under the collapsed roof. You can reach it by jumping from near the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar to the north. Or you can float down from the top of the tower.

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134. Miraland Map

X: 15490 Y: 16671

East of the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower. Two floating near the outer corner.

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135. Miraland Map

X: 15563 Y: 16226

North-east of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Two floating high up, next to the collapsed rampart.

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136. Miraland Map

X: 15571 Y: 16119

North of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Two underneath some rubble.

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137. Miraland Map

X: 15793 Y: 15982

North-east of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Three by the side of the cliff, near the Whimink. There are wishnets down there so you can get back up.

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138. Miraland Map

X: 15733 Y: 16257

North-east of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Two by the cliff side, somewhat near the sea.

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139. Miraland Map

X: 15533 Y: 16475

South-east of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Two at the collapsed part of the wall near the minigame stall.

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140. Miraland Map

X: 15363 Y: 16259

North-west of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Two floating near the north-west entrance. You can jump from the south.

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141. Miraland Map

X: 15163 Y: 16115

South of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Two floating above the statue.

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142. Miraland Map

X: 15039 Y: 16066

South of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Two floating west from the statue.

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143. Miraland Map

X: 14914 Y: 15900

South-west of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Three floating high up. There’s a leaf trampoline guarded by an Esseling nearby.

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144. Miraland Map

X: 15375 Y: 16725

South side of the "Queen's Palace Ruins" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins. In the room with Esselings, accessible via the north-west. In a corner on the lower level.

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145. Miraland Map

X: 15378 Y: 16669

South side of the "Queen's Palace Ruins" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins. In the room with Esselings, accessible via the north-west. On the upper level, opposite the treasure chest.

Marker screenshot

146. Miraland Map

X: 15502 Y: 16593

Tower at the east side of the "Queen's Palace Ruins" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins. You can float down from the top of the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower or through the crack in the wall halfway up, near a treasure chest.

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147. Miraland Map

X: 15383 Y: 16649

At the top level of the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower. Two in the south-west corner.

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148. Miraland Map

X: 15467 Y: 16672

East of the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower. Three on a high up rooftop. You can climb up from further north (slightly hard). Or float down from the top of the tower, ideally from the northern windows (fairly easy).

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149. Miraland Map

X: 15506 Y: 16617

South of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Two floating near the castle wall. You can reach it from a leaf trampoline to the west, near the curio entrance

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150. Miraland Map

X: 15209 Y: 16623

West of the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower. Two floating by the side of the wall, near the slope.

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151. Miraland Map

X: 15280 Y: 16756

South-west of the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower. Two in a corner inside the southernmost room.

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152. Miraland Map

X: 15204 Y: 16554

"Queen's Palace Ruins" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins, south-west corner of the central plaza, two on the rooftop. Use a nearby leaf trampoline to get up.

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153. Miraland Map

X: 15321 Y: 16313

"Queen's Palace Ruins" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins. North side of the central plaza, three behind a collapsed roof. You can climb up from the nearby doorway.

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154. Miraland Map

X: 15422 Y: 16461

South-west of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Inside the nearest room. Two floating above a corner.

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155. Miraland Map

X: 15440 Y: 16399

Short distance west from the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard Warp Spire. On a rooftop. You can climb up from the nearby room to the south.

Marker screenshot

156. Miraland Map

X: 15534 Y: 16739

South-east from the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower. Three atop the furthest rooftop. You can get here by floating down from the high tower. Jump from the west-facing windows and travel counter-clockwise around the tower until you can head east.

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157. Miraland Map

X: 15276 Y: 16039

South-east from the Queen’s Ruins Entrance. Two floating in the air with a leaf trampoline nearby.

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158. Miraland Map

X: 15562 Y: 15918

North of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Two floating by the cliff side, on the shore.

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159. Miraland Map

X: 15146 Y: 15954

South of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Behind some rubble to the east of the road.

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160. Miraland Map

X: 14950 Y: 16389

"Queen's Palace Ruins" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins. Western outer wall. Two floating near the top of the wall. You can climb up from the north.

Marker screenshot

161. Miraland Map

X: 15080 Y: 16527

"Queen's Palace Ruins" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins. Around the south-west corner. Three on the rooftop. There’s a leaf trampoline nearby that you can use to launch up. Beware of the Esseling up here. After landing on the wooden boards above the window, you need to jump onto the triangular roof segment.

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162. Miraland Map

X: 15242 Y: 16725

South-west from the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower. Two on the rooftop, above a window. You can float down from the top of the tower. Or jump over from the south, where the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar is.

Marker screenshot

163. Miraland Map

X: 15323 Y: 16661

A short distance south-west from the "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower. Three high up by the side of the wall. You can float down from the top of the tower. There’s a "Whimstar" iconWhimstar nearby, higher up. Tip: There’s a small ledge to the south if you land before purifying the dew and can’t reach them all.

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164. Miraland Map

X: 15514 Y: 16562

South of the "Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Front Yard. Two to the east of the first leaf trampoline.

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165. Miraland Map

X: 14517 Y: 15991

North of "Queen's Palace Ruins West Forest" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins West Forest. Two floating high up. Use the leaf trampoline to reach them.

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166. Miraland Map

X: 14579 Y: 16149

Short distance north of "Queen's Palace Ruins West Forest" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins West Forest. Four floating near the top of a rock mound.

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167. Miraland Map

X: 14780 Y: 16174

East of "Queen's Palace Ruins West Forest" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins West Forest. Two floating high up, with a leaf trampoline nearby/

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168. Miraland Map

X: 14618 Y: 15834

South-east from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Three floating high up, with a leaf trampoline below guarded by an Esseling.

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169. Miraland Map

X: 14778 Y: 16652

South of "Queen's Palace Ruins West Forest" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins West Forest. Two floating high up with a leaf trampoline nearby.

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170. Miraland Map

X: 14813 Y: 17063

North of "Heartcraft Kingdom Outpost" iconHeartcraft Kingdom Outpost. Three up the cliff side. There’s a leaf trampoline nearby, surrounded by a few Esselings.

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171. Miraland Map

X: 15088 Y: 16806

South-west from "Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins High Tower. Two floating in the air with a leaf trampoline below.

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172. Miraland Map

X: 15951 Y: 16742

Inside the "Lakeside Cliff Cavern" iconLakeside Cliff Cavern. Two floating above the entrance to the room with the treasure chest guarded by Esselings. After opening the chest, look for some steps nearby, where the "Bling" iconBling is.

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173. Miraland Map

X: 15979 Y: 16754

Inside the "Lakeside Cliff Cavern" iconLakeside Cliff Cavern. In the water area, take a left. There are two floating at the end of this side area.

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174. Miraland Map

X: 15851 Y: 16715

West of "Lakeside Cliff Cavern" iconLakeside Cliff Cavern. Three by the cliff face, on higher ground. There are three Esselings surrounding them.

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175. Miraland Map

X: 14234 Y: 12207

Small house east of "Daisy Inn" iconDaisy Inn. Two floating on top of the ledge at the back.

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176. Miraland Map

X: 14236 Y: 11684

North of the "Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune entrance, underground. Before jumping into the hole, check one of the far corners.

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177. Miraland Map

X: 14171 Y: 11724

Underground. West from the "Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. Two floating in the area near the stairs.

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178. Miraland Map

X: 14237 Y: 11880

Underground, south of the "Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. Two floating above a pipe valve. There are steps nearby where you can climb up.

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179. Miraland Map

X: 14326 Y: 12100

North of the "Mayor's Residence" iconMayor’s Residence. Three floating by the cliff side, high up. There’s a slope to the east.

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180. Miraland Map

X: 14330 Y: 11968

South of the "Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. Two floating in the air. You can double jump from atop the nearby rubble. Or float down from the north-west.

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181. Miraland Map

X: 14179 Y: 11879

Underground, south of the "Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. Two floating near a ledge on the middle level. You can enter from the side entrance near "Nonoy's Home" iconNonoy’s Home. Or the upper entrance to the south, then drop down.

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182. Miraland Map

X: 14085 Y: 11903

Underground, south-west of the "Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. Two next to a pipe near an area where you can fish. You can enter via the side entrance near "Nonoy's Home" iconNonoy’s Home. It’s below the metal stairs.

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183. Miraland Map

X: 14156 Y: 11984

Underground, south of the "Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. Two floating above the lower entrance. You need to enter from the side entrance near "Nonoy's Home" iconNonoy’s Home or the upper entrance, higher up the cliff.

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184. Miraland Map

X: 14715 Y: 11545

Inside "Relic Hill Cavern" iconRelic Hill Cavern. Two floating near the entrance to the water area. Before going to the water area, take a left and go around.

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185. Miraland Map

X: 14701 Y: 11520

Inside "Relic Hill Cavern" iconRelic Hill Cavern. Two in a corner of the cavern. Near the start of the water area, take a left before the steps and go around.

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186. Miraland Map

X: 14742 Y: 11528

Inside "Relic Hill Cavern" iconRelic Hill Cavern. Two hidden near the water. After grabbing the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar, drop down to where the lily pads are.

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187. Miraland Map

X: 12962 Y: 15375

Inside "Hillside Cavern" iconHillside Cavern. Take a left. After jumping up a few times, two of them are floating high to the right.

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188. Miraland Map

X: 12987 Y: 15344

Inside "Hillside Cavern" iconHillside Cavern. Take a left. After jumping up three times or so, there are two to the right, around the corner.

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189. Miraland Map

X: 14268 Y: 11736

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. Near the beginning. After going around the first corner, turn right to find three of these around the next corner.

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190. Miraland Map

X: 14274 Y: 11717

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. From the first checkpoint, go along the left side of the water area. Two of these are found at the end.

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191. Miraland Map

X: 14284 Y: 11736

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. In the area where you rescue the Big Croaker, two are floating above some pipes in a far corner.

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192. Miraland Map

X: 14291 Y: 11716

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. In the area where you rescue the Big Croaker. Two are located left from the exit.

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193. Miraland Map

X: 14307 Y: 11716

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. After the area where you rescue the Big Croaker. Two floating high above the frog structure. Use the ledges to reach it.

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194. Miraland Map

X: 14314 Y: 11736

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. After going down the water slide, turn left. There are three floating high up in this side area.

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195. Miraland Map

X: 14322 Y: 11716

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. In the room with Lil’ Croaker (who’s actually big). Two around the back of the central column.

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196. Miraland Map

X: 14338 Y: 11716

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. In the room with Lil’ Croaker (who’s actually big). Three floating around the top of the central column. They’re near the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar so hard to miss.

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197. Miraland Map

X: 14345 Y: 11736

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. Just before the 2nd checkpoint, look left to find two floating above the water.

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198. Miraland Map

X: 14354 Y: 11717

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. Near the 2nd checkpoint, Winding Waterway. After jumping across a few lily pads, look right to find two floating above the water.

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199. Miraland Map

X: 14359 Y: 11736

"Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. In the area with the giant lily pad, jump to the platform on the left. Two of these are floating near the tree trunk. They’re the last ones!

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200. Miraland Map

X: 13496 Y: 11930

"Dream Warehouse Tower" iconDream Warehouse Tower. Two under the staircase.

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201. Miraland Map

X: 13509 Y: 11945

"Dream Warehouse Tower" iconDream Warehouse Tower. Three high above the roof spire. Use a nearby wishnet to jump high enough. To reach the roof, jump from the nearby "Whimstar" iconWhimstar to the west.

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202. Miraland Map

X: 13481 Y: 11864

Short distance north-west from the "Dream Warehouse Tower" iconDream Warehouse Tower Warp Spire. Two at the corner of the ruins, up on a ledge.

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203. Miraland Map

X: 13304 Y: 11769

North-west from the "Dream Warehouse Tower" iconDream Warehouse Tower Warp Spire. Two on a ledge with some Esselings nearby.

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204. Miraland Map

X: 14109 Y: 12354

North of the "Kingdom Guards' Office" iconKingdom Guards’ Office. Two floating to the east of the gray-roofed home.

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205. Miraland Map

X: 10222 Y: 13138

South-west of "Rockfall Valley" iconRockfall Valley. Three underneath the wooden walkway.

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206. Miraland Map

X: 10431 Y: 13138

South-west of "Rockfall Valley" iconRockfall Valley. Two underneath the north end of the broken bridge.

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207. Miraland Map

X: 10817 Y: 13138

East of the "Dye Workshop Stonetree" iconDye Workshop Stonetree. Two floating at the edge of the small stonetree. You can jump from the east.

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208. Miraland Map

X: 10558 Y: 13139

West of the "Dye Workshop Stonetree" iconDye Workshop Stonetree. Two floating above the canopy near the catapult.

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209. Miraland Map

X: 10790 Y: 13223

Short distance south-east from the "Dye Workshop Stonetree" iconDye Workshop Stonetree. Three floating near the edge of the stonetree.

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210. Miraland Map

X: 10895 Y: 13485

Short distance north of the "Gliding Training Stonetree" iconGliding Training Stonetree. Two floating above the canopy.

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211. Miraland Map

X: 11315 Y: 13443

Short distance north-east of "Lavenfringe Fields" iconLavenfringe Fields. Two near the top of a shed, on ground level.

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212. Miraland Map

X: 11219 Y: 13347

North-east side of the "Dye Workshop" iconDye Workshop. Four atop the highest chimney. You can climb from the north side of the building.

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213. Miraland Map

X: 11109 Y: 13357

Short distance west of the "Dye Workshop" iconDye Workshop entrance. Three floating above the circular area.

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214. Miraland Map

X: 11420 Y: 13409

East of the "Dye Workshop" iconDye Workshop entrance. Two floating around the east side of the stonetree, partway up.

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215. Miraland Map

X: 11380 Y: 13374

East of the "Dye Workshop" iconDye Workshop entrance. Two floating above a pumpkin house at the top of the stonetree.

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216. Miraland Map

X: 11464 Y: 13570

Short distance north of the "Flamecrest Stonetree" iconFlamecrest Stonetree. Two floating near the top of a small stonetree.

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217. Miraland Map

X: 11544 Y: 13626

North side of the "Flamecrest Stonetree" iconFlamecrest Stonetree. Three floating by the edge partway up.

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218. Miraland Map

X: 11450 Y: 13722

West side of the "Flamecrest Stonetree" iconFlamecrest Stonetree. Two floating next to the wooden stairway.

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219. Miraland Map

X: 11530 Y: 13708

"Flamecrest Stonetree" iconFlamecrest Stonetree. Two floating above the canopy next to the Warp Spire.

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220. Miraland Map

X: 12577 Y: 14121

West of the "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. Two floating above the minigame stall.

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221. Miraland Map

X: 11386 Y: 14296

South of the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Two floating around the south side of the lake stonetree.

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222. Miraland Map

X: 13684 Y: 11734

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. In the entrance area. Two in the bottom-left corner, on a high up platform.

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223. Miraland Map

X: 13691 Y: 11725

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. In the entrance area. Two in the bottom-right corner, on a high up platform.

Marker screenshot

224. Miraland Map

X: 13706 Y: 11725

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. In the entrance area. Two floating around the top-left corner, along the way to the exit.

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225. Miraland Map

X: 13714 Y: 11734

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. In the second area, the Reception Room Back Window. After riding the first platform and jumping across the gap, turn right and ride the platform. There are two near an Esseling partway up.

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226. Miraland Map

X: 13728 Y: 11735

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. In the second area, the Reception Room Back Window. After defeating the first Esseling guarding a paper crane, drop down to the lower platforms. Two of these are next to a pillar along the way to the elevator platform.

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227. Miraland Map

X: 13735 Y: 11725

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. After reaching the “After the Corner” checkpoint. Along the way, you’ll reach a really broken big platform. Two of them are on the lower level.

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228. Miraland Map

X: 13749 Y: 11726

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. After reaching the “After the Corner” checkpoint. After jumping across several paper cranes to grab a "Whimstar" iconWhimstar, drop down to find two of these near the back.

Marker screenshot

229. Miraland Map

X: 13757 Y: 11735

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. After reaching the “After the Corner” checkpoint. Two behind a ramp, with an Esseling nearby. They’re after the 3rd "Whimstar" iconWhimstar.

Marker screenshot

230. Miraland Map

X: 13765 Y: 11726

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. In the 3rd area, Paper Crane Warehouse. Two around the left side where a bunch of Esselings are.

Marker screenshot

231. Miraland Map

X: 13773 Y: 11735

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. In the 3rd area, Paper Crane Warehouse. Two floating around the right side, on the higher level.

Marker screenshot

232. Miraland Map

X: 13781 Y: 11727

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. In the 3rd area, Paper Crane Warehouse. Two at the bottom-right corner, on the higher level. Surrounded by Esselings.

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233. Miraland Map

X: 13790 Y: 11735

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. At the corridor before the final checkpoint. Two around the left side, on the high level.

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234. Miraland Map

X: 13798 Y: 11727

"Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. At the corridor before the final checkpoint. Two around the right side, on the high level.

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235. Miraland Map

X: 13317 Y: 12787

West of "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane. Two floating above the road.

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236. Miraland Map

X: 11084 Y: 14197

South-west of the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Two above a canopy near the market.

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237. Miraland Map

X: 13911 Y: 11745

Short distance east from the "Warehouse Cavern" iconWarehouse Cavern. Two atop a crumbling wall. You can jump up the east side, where the "Bling" iconBling is.

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238. Miraland Map

X: 13914 Y: 11702

Inside "Warehouse Cavern" iconWarehouse Cavern. Two near the beginning. When the cavern opens up, jump on the steps on the right. Two of them are inside a natural window on the opposite side.

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239. Miraland Map

X: 13906 Y: 11695

Inside "Warehouse Cavern" iconWarehouse Cavern. Near the first treasure chest. Two floating around the back. There’s an Esseling here.

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240. Miraland Map

X: 13906 Y: 11679

Inside "Warehouse Cavern" iconWarehouse Cavern. In the area where you can drop down, jump on the platforms where the "Bling" iconBling is and jump over to the tree branch above. Two of these can be found there. You can also get here from the other direction, after visiting "Emerald Pond" iconEmerald Pond.

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241. Miraland Map

X: 13906 Y: 11649

Inside "Warehouse Cavern" iconWarehouse Cavern. Two on the highest level, on a slightly lower ledge, partially obscured by some vines. They’re near the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar.

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242. Miraland Map

X: 13914 Y: 11642

Inside "Warehouse Cavern" iconWarehouse Cavern. Two floating high up on the highest level, along the way to the exit. You need to jump across to a ledge on the opposite side.

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243. Miraland Map

X: 13914 Y: 11687

Inside "Warehouse Cavern" iconWarehouse Cavern. In the area where you can drop down, drop down and turn around. There are two at the end, past the Esselings.

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244. Miraland Map

X: 13906 Y: 11664

Inside "Warehouse Cavern" iconWarehouse Cavern. Two in a corner at the "Emerald Pond" iconEmerald Pond.

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245. Miraland Map

X: 13914 Y: 11627

Inside "Warehouse Cavern" iconWarehouse Cavern. On the highest level, past the "Herbal Scent" iconHerbal Scent chest and across the exit.

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246. Miraland Map

X: 12621 Y: 13225

South-west corner of "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base. Three floating above some trees near the rooftop.

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247. Miraland Map

X: 13811 Y: 16025

"Bullquet Habitat" iconBullquet Habitat. Two behind the east pillar.

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248. Miraland Map

X: 9483 Y: 13078

North-east of "Golden Fields Old Dock" iconGolden Fields Old Dock. Two between a stone clump and a haystack.

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249. Miraland Map

X: 10601 Y: 13234

South-west of the "Dye Workshop Stonetree" iconDye Workshop Stonetree. Three on a small, half-submerged island in the river.

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250. Miraland Map

X: 10986 Y: 14707

West of "Stoneville Entrance" iconStoneville Entrance, near the top of the river source. Two on the west side of the river.

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251. Miraland Map

X: 11026 Y: 14575

Two a short distance west of the "Flower Fields Viewpoint" iconFlower Fields Viewpoint, in the gap between the cliffs and the small stonetree.

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252. Miraland Map

X: 11206 Y: 14207

South-west of the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Three floating over the south-west corner of the stonetree next to the market.

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253. Miraland Map

X: 11586 Y: 13880

East of "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Two floating on a rooftop. After triggering a nearby "Whimstar" iconWhimstar, you’ll end up near here.

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254. Miraland Map

X: 11629 Y: 13854

South-east from the "Flamecrest Stonetree" iconFlamecrest Stonetree Warp Spire. Two floating near a ledge.

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255. Miraland Map

X: 11737 Y: 13895

South-east from the "Flamecrest Stonetree" iconFlamecrest Stonetree. Two floating near the east end of the suspension bridge, lower down.

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256. Miraland Map

X: 11456 Y: 13864

North-east of the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Two on top of a small stonetree north from the path.

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257. Miraland Map

X: 11564 Y: 13803

Short distance south-east from the "Flamecrest Stonetree" iconFlamecrest Stonetree Warp Spire. Three partway up the stonetree. If you come from the south-western suspension bridge, they’re on the right.

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258. Miraland Map

X: 11307 Y: 13654

North of the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Three floating near the top of a greenhouse dome on the east side of the road.

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259. Miraland Map

X: 11118 Y: 13604

South-west of the "Lavenfringe Fields" iconLavenfringe Fields Warp Spire. Two floating near the top of a small stonetree.

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260. Miraland Map

X: 11114 Y: 13704

South-east of the "Village Corner" iconVillage Corner. Two atop a small stonetree.

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261. Miraland Map

X: 10921 Y: 13916

West of the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Two atop a small stonetree. North-east of "Stoneville Outskirts Cavern" iconStoneville Outskirts Cavern.

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262. Miraland Map

X: 10759 Y: 14052

Inside "Stoneville Outskirts Cavern" iconStoneville Outskirts Cavern. After a group of Esselings surrounding a flower, you need to jump up on some small stonetrees. Two of these are floating near the top of the highest stonetree.

Marker screenshot

263. Miraland Map

X: 10749 Y: 14031

Inside "Stoneville Outskirts Cavern" iconStoneville Outskirts Cavern. After jumping across the first set of stonetrees, straight ahead there’s a small pool area. Two are floating near the bottom. You can also reach this area from higher up.

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264. Miraland Map

X: 10730 Y: 14030

Inside "Stoneville Outskirts Cavern" iconStoneville Outskirts Cavern. After fighting through the narrow bridge lined with tree roots, there’s a group of enemies around a flower. Two of these are near the bottom-right corner.

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265. Miraland Map

X: 10722 Y: 14053

Inside "Stoneville Outskirts Cavern" iconStoneville Outskirts Cavern. Near the end, there’s a narrow bridge where six Jelly Pouch Esselings suddenly emerge. Two of these are on the right side, lower down, near another Esseling.

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266. Miraland Map

X: 10782 Y: 13857

South of the "Gliding Training Stonetree" iconGliding Training Stonetree, high up in the air near the minigame stall. You can float down from the south.

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267. Miraland Map

X: 11032 Y: 13614

East from the "Gliding Training Stonetree" iconGliding Training Stonetree Warp Spire, two near the edge of the stonetree.

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268. Miraland Map

X: 11301 Y: 13833

Short distance north-west of the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Three floating near the top of the greenhouse dome.

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269. Miraland Map

X: 11365 Y: 13506

East of the "Lavenfringe Fields" iconLavenfringe Fields Warp Spire. Two floating near the top of a small stonetree.

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270. Miraland Map

X: 11045 Y: 13992

West from the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Two atop a small stonetree north of the big tent.

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271. Miraland Map

X: 10934 Y: 13069

The next big stonetree east from the "Dye Workshop Stonetree" iconDye Workshop Stonetree. Four on a mound, surrounding by Esselings.

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272. Miraland Map

X: 10726 Y: 13119

Two around the east side of the "Dye Workshop Stonetree" iconDye Workshop Stonetree, partway up. Under a leaf trampoline.

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273. Miraland Map

X: 10999 Y: 13092

East of the "Dye Workshop Stonetree" iconDye Workshop Stonetree. Three atop the roof.

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274. Miraland Map

X: 10356 Y: 13357

North-west from the "Cicchetto Manor" iconCicchetto Manor Warp Spire. Two floating near a rooftop chimney.

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275. Miraland Map

X: 9683 Y: 13123

South-west of "Beside the Golden Fields" iconBeside the Golden Fields. Two floating around the bundle of haystacks.

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276. Miraland Map

X: 9303 Y: 13244

South-west of the "Golden Fields Old Dock" iconGolden Fields Old Dock. Two floating near a small boat by the pier.

Marker screenshot

277. Miraland Map

X: 9421 Y: 13179

Short distance east from the "Golden Fields Old Dock" iconGolden Fields Old Dock. Three on the lowest level, near the water’s edge.

Marker screenshot

278. Miraland Map

X: 9583 Y: 13248

South-east from the "Golden Fields Old Dock" iconGolden Fields Old Dock. On the lower level. Three on one of the narrow wooden platforms along the south side. Don’t glide up using the air jet –continue onwards instead.

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279. Miraland Map

X: 9726 Y: 13185

South from the "Beside the Golden Fields" iconBeside the Golden Fields Warp Spire. Underneath the stonetree canopy. Two floating in the air near the curio entrance.

Marker screenshot

280. Miraland Map

X: 9530 Y: 13152

South-west of "Beside the Golden Fields" iconBeside the Golden Fields. Where the two houses are. Three floating high up near the chimney of the northern house.

Marker screenshot

281. Miraland Map

X: 9822 Y: 13222

South of "Beside the Golden Fields" iconBeside the Golden Fields, on higher ground. Two near the south-eastern small ruins.

Marker screenshot

282. Miraland Map

X: 9763 Y: 13240

South of "Beside the Golden Fields" iconBeside the Golden Fields, on higher ground. Three at the south-western small ruins.

Marker screenshot

283. Miraland Map

X: 9780 Y: 12945

Short distance north of "Beside the Golden Fields" iconBeside the Golden Fields, on higher ground, but underneath the stonetree canopy. Two in a corner, near a wagon and haystack.

Marker screenshot

284. Miraland Map

X: 9772 Y: 12849

North of "Beside the Golden Fields" iconBeside the Golden Fields, on higher ground, but underneath the stonetree canopy. Two floating near a northern ledge.

Marker screenshot

285. Miraland Map

X: 9604 Y: 12726

North-west of "Golden Fields Stonetree Top" iconGolden Fields Stonetree Top, on the middle level. Two floating high up, next to a tree.

Marker screenshot

286. Miraland Map

X: 9386 Y: 12809

Inside "Golden Fields Cavern" iconGolden Fields Cavern. Two on the highest level, where the big group of Esselings is. Also near the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar.

Marker screenshot

287. Miraland Map

X: 9395 Y: 12784

"Golden Fields Cavern" iconGolden Fields Cavern. Three above the north entrance. If you came from that way, it’s easy to miss (since you have to turn around).

Marker screenshot

288. Miraland Map

X: 9841 Y: 12849

Short distance north-east from "Golden Fields Stonetree Top" iconGolden Fields Stonetree Top. Two near a pumpkin cart.

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289. Miraland Map

X: 9673 Y: 12786

North-west from "Golden Fields Stonetree Top" iconGolden Fields Stonetree Top. Two by the side of a small stonetree. Not too far from the windmill.

Marker screenshot

290. Miraland Map

X: 9590 Y: 12908

West of "Golden Fields Stonetree Top" iconGolden Fields Stonetree Top. Two floating near the top of the windmill. You can glide down from the east.

Marker screenshot

291. Miraland Map

X: 9548 Y: 12841

West of "Golden Fields Stonetree Top" iconGolden Fields Stonetree Top. Two floating high up, a short distance north-west from the windmill.

Marker screenshot

292. Miraland Map

X: 8753 Y: 13101

North of "Beside the Ripple Wine Cellar" iconBeside the Ripple Wine Cellar. Three around the north side of the stonetree column.

Marker screenshot

293. Miraland Map

X: 9072 Y: 12852

Small stonetree west from the "Golden Fields" iconGolden Fields stonetree. You can glide over there. Three floating near the center of the island, on the lowest level.

Marker screenshot

294. Miraland Map

X: 8653 Y: 13232

Short distance north-west from "Beside the Ripple Wine Cellar" iconBeside the Ripple Wine Cellar. Two near a rooftop.

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295. Miraland Map

X: 8611 Y: 13323

Three on the rooftop of the Ripple Wine Cellar building.

Marker screenshot

296. Miraland Map

X: 8731 Y: 13301

Near "Beside the Ripple Wine Cellar" iconBeside the Ripple Wine Cellar. Two next to an extremely short stonetree.

Marker screenshot

297. Miraland Map

X: 8391 Y: 13278

Inside "Ripple Estate Cliffside Cavern" iconRipple Estate Cliffside Cavern. After gliding up the air-blowing plant, go up the steps straight ahead to find two of these. If you turn right instead, you can find them if you turn around.

Marker screenshot

298. Miraland Map

X: 8383 Y: 13291

Inside "Ripple Estate Cliffside Cavern" iconRipple Estate Cliffside Cavern. Around the halfway point. Just before the wind circle, there’s two on the left side of the column.

Marker screenshot

299. Miraland Map

X: 8374 Y: 13304

Inside "Ripple Estate Cliffside Cavern" iconRipple Estate Cliffside Cavern. After going through the wind circle, turn right to find three of these.

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300. Miraland Map

X: 8390 Y: 13447

South-west of "Barrel Grove" iconBarrel Grove. Three floating around the edge.

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301. Miraland Map

X: 8517 Y: 13499

South of "Barrel Grove" iconBarrel Grove, on the lowest level. Three floating near the southern shore.

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302. Miraland Map

X: 8350 Y: 13329

West of "Barrel Grove" iconBarrel Grove. Four floating around the west side of the giant stonetree’s trunk, on a ledge just underneath the stonetree canopy.

Marker screenshot

303. Miraland Map

X: 8744 Y: 13409

Atop the medium stonetree south of "Beside the Ripple Wine Cellar" iconBeside the Ripple Wine Cellar. Two floating around the east side.

Marker screenshot

304. Miraland Map

X: 8515 Y: 13037

Inside "Estate Roadside Cavern" iconEstate Roadside Cavern. Near the beginning, head left to find two in an alcove.

Marker screenshot

305. Miraland Map

X: 8515 Y: 13015

Inside "Estate Roadside Cavern" iconEstate Roadside Cavern. Near the area with the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar. After dropping down again, there are two Esselings on the ground and a treasure chest in front, higher up. These two are on the ground in the opposite direction. (Basically, turn around.)

Marker screenshot

306. Miraland Map

X: 8529 Y: 13003

Inside "Estate Roadside Cavern" iconEstate Roadside Cavern. In the section where you need to fight Esselings, with water on both sides. About halfway along, there are two up on a ledge, with three Spear Sacks in front.

Marker screenshot

307. Miraland Map

X: 8515 Y: 12989

Inside "Estate Roadside Cavern" iconEstate Roadside Cavern. After riding the first set of wind circles, there are two floating near the left side of a column. On the right side is an Esseling holding onto a spore that produces an air-blowing plant.

Marker screenshot

308. Miraland Map

X: 9654 Y: 12794

North-west from "Golden Fields Stonetree Top" iconGolden Fields Stonetree Top. Two floating high up. There’s a small stonetree nearby; you can just about reach by performing a double jump at the top.

Marker screenshot

309. Miraland Map

X: 9538 Y: 12896

West from "Golden Fields Stonetree Top" iconGolden Fields Stonetree Top. Two floating under the stonetree canopy. On the next level down, there’s a ramp nearby you can use to jump from.

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310. Miraland Map

X: 8592 Y: 13390

Inside the Ripple Wine Cellar. In the room with the first checkpoint, Transport Path, go around to the left to find two of these.

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311. Miraland Map

X: 8601 Y: 13379

Inside the Ripple Wine Cellar. After the first checkpoint, Transport Path, begin riding the platform train. Then jump and enter the nearby tunnel on the right. Two of these are found there.

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312. Miraland Map

X: 8596 Y: 13361

Inside the Ripple Wine Cellar. After riding the first platform train, two up on the wooden platform along the right side.

Marker screenshot

313. Miraland Map

X: 8582 Y: 13354

Inside the Ripple Wine Cellar. After the second checkpoint, Reserve Vault. Three inside a cavern towards the left. Roll the second barrel forward, following the "Bling" iconBling. Then float inside.

Marker screenshot

314. Miraland Map

X: 8591 Y: 13342

Inside the Ripple Wine Cellar. After the second checkpoint, Reserve Vault. In the area with barrels rolling in a line. Head left from the start. There are three behind a box on the metal platform.

Marker screenshot

315. Miraland Map

X: 8577 Y: 13336

Inside the Ripple Wine Cellar. After the second checkpoint, Reserve Vault. In the area with barrels rolling in a line. Where there’s three lines of barrels, ride the third line towards the end. Next, jump back towards the first line. Two of these are along the tunnel, with an Esseling nearby.

Marker screenshot

316. Miraland Map

X: 8572 Y: 13318

Inside the Ripple Wine Cellar. After the second checkpoint, Reserve Vault. In the area with barrels rolling in a line. Where there’s three lines of barrels, ride the third line towards the end. Next, jump back towards the first line. Follow the path to find a "Whimstar" iconWhimstar. From the star, go up the stairs and jump on a nearby pipe to find these two at the end.

Marker screenshot

317. Miraland Map

X: 8581 Y: 13303

Inside the Ripple Wine Cellar. Before the big staircase, in the area with multiple big barrels that you can roll. Two at the far left corner.

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318. Miraland Map

X: 8575 Y: 13286

Inside the Ripple Wine Cellar. Before the big staircase, in the area with multiple big barrels that you can roll. In front of the tunnel on the right, roll the big barrel in the direction of the "Bling" iconBling. There are three of these in the enclosed area.

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319. Miraland Map

X: 8847 Y: 12175

Short distance south-east from "Market of Mirth Entrance" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance. Three underneath the pier.

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320. Miraland Map

X: 8783 Y: 12085

Short distance north-west of "Market of Mirth Entrance" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance. Three on the tent canopy.

Marker screenshot

321. Miraland Map

X: 8757 Y: 12089

North-west of "Market of Mirth Entrance" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance. On the lower level. Two next to some haystacks on a higher up platform. Near the tent canopy.

Marker screenshot

322. Miraland Map

X: 8739 Y: 12180

South-west from "Market of Mirth Entrance" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance. On the lower level, two floating atop a small stonetree.

Marker screenshot

323. Miraland Map

X: 8736 Y: 12162

South-west from "Market of Mirth Entrance" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance. On the middle level. Two behind the stage near the "Market of Mirth" iconMarket of Mirth photo spot).

Marker screenshot

324. Miraland Map

X: 8611 Y: 11907

Short distance north-east of "Market of Mirth Summit Path" iconMarket of Mirth Summit Path. On the middle level. Two along the east path.

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325. Miraland Map

X: 8676 Y: 11738

North-east of "Market of Mirth Summit Path" iconMarket of Mirth Summit Path. Two on top of a decorated haystack roll.

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326. Miraland Map

X: 8501 Y: 11737

North of "Market of Mirth Summit Path" iconMarket of Mirth Summit Path. Two near the edge of a tent canopy.

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327. Miraland Map

X: 8304 Y: 11586

Near the stonetree north-west of "Market of Mirth Summit Path" iconMarket of Mirth Summit Path. Underneath the stonetree canopy. Two floating near some balloons.

Marker screenshot

328. Miraland Map

X: 8320 Y: 11610

North-west of "Market of Mirth Summit Path" iconMarket of Mirth Summit Path. Underneath the stonetree canopy. Four floating underneath the highest ledge, near the curio entrance.

Marker screenshot

329. Miraland Map

X: 8884 Y: 11864

Atop the medium stonetree north of "Market of Mirth Entrance" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance. Two behind the stage.

Marker screenshot

330. Miraland Map

X: 8852 Y: 11795

Atop the medium stonetree north of "Market of Mirth Entrance" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance. Two in a pumpkin-carrying wagon on the left side of the wooden stage.

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331. Miraland Map

X: 7411 Y: 10957

A short distance west from "Stellar Fishing Ground Trail" iconStellar Fishing Ground Trail. Two floating above a small mound.

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332. Miraland Map

X: 7347 Y: 10909

West from "Stellar Fishing Ground Trail" iconStellar Fishing Ground Trail. Two floating near a high up ledge underneath the stonetree canopy. There are Esselings nearby. You can get up via the far south.

Marker screenshot

333. Miraland Map

X: 7339 Y: 10866

West from "Stellar Fishing Ground Trail" iconStellar Fishing Ground Trail. Two floating near the top of the minigame stall atop the medium stonetree.

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334. Miraland Map

X: 7164 Y: 10758

North-west from "Stellar Fishing Ground Trail" iconStellar Fishing Ground Trail. Three between a damaged home and a small stonetree.

Marker screenshot

335. Miraland Map

X: 7330 Y: 10411

North-west from "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. Two floating near the north-east side of the central stonetree’s trunk, partway up.

Marker screenshot

336. Miraland Map

X: 7241 Y: 10418

West from "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. Atop the central medium stonetree. Two floating around the north-west corner.

Marker screenshot

337. Miraland Map

X: 7313 Y: 10532

South-west from "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. On the top level of the central medium stonetree. Two near the south-east corner, next to a rock mound.

Marker screenshot

338. Miraland Map

X: 7355 Y: 10486

West from "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. On the top level of the central medium stonetree. Two under a wooden platform around the east side.

Marker screenshot

339. Miraland Map

X: 7330 Y: 10447

West from "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. On the top level of the central medium stonetree. Two floating above a small stonetree east from the center.

Marker screenshot

340. Miraland Map

X: 7616 Y: 10454

Inside "Stellar Fishing Ground Cavern" iconStellar Fishing Ground Cavern. In the initial area with the air-blowing plant, enter via one of the two lower entrances. If you enter from the lowest, you’ll find these three if you keep going left, past some Esselings. If you enter from the higher one, after dropping down, turn around.

Marker screenshot

341. Miraland Map

X: 7619 Y: 10470

Inside "Stellar Fishing Ground Cavern" iconStellar Fishing Ground Cavern. In the initial area with the air-blowing plant, enter via one of the two lower entrances. In the next tunnel area, jump across the ledges where the "Bling" iconBling is. You’ll find these two near the furthest ledge.

Marker screenshot

342. Miraland Map

X: 7636 Y: 10459

East of "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. On a ledge at the east side of this stonetree, underneath the canopy. Near the south entrance of "Stellar Fishing Ground Cavern" iconStellar Fishing Ground Cavern. Two floating above a tree.

Marker screenshot

343. Miraland Map

X: 7376 Y: 10496

West of "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. On ground level, two near the base of the medium stonetree.

Marker screenshot

344. Miraland Map

X: 7386 Y: 10637

South-west of "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. Two underneath the wooden pier, near the broken part of the pier.

Marker screenshot

345. Miraland Map

X: 7645 Y: 10666

South-east of "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. At the far-off small stonetree. Two near a ledge around the north-east side, partway up.

Marker screenshot

346. Miraland Map

X: 7628 Y: 10705

South-east of "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. At the far-off small stonetree. Two floating high up near the center of the stonetree canopy.

Marker screenshot

347. Miraland Map

X: 7513 Y: 10408

Short distance north-east of "Stellar Fishing Ground Peak" iconStellar Fishing Ground Peak. Three floating near a tree next to a small hill.

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348. Miraland Map

X: 7556 Y: 10922

East of "Stellar Fishing Ground Trail" iconStellar Fishing Ground Trail. Two next to the north side of the wooden pier.

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349. Miraland Map

X: 7833 Y: 11326

Small stonetree halfway between the "Market of Mirth" iconMarket of Mirth stonetree and the Stellar Fishing Grounds stonetree. Two around the east side of the trunk, under the stonetree canopy.

Marker screenshot

350. Miraland Map

X: 8497 Y: 12120

South-west from "Market of Mirth Summit Path" iconMarket of Mirth Summit Path. On the bottom level. Three next to a circular wooden board on a low ledge.

Marker screenshot

351. Miraland Map

X: 8472 Y: 12125

South-west from "Market of Mirth Summit Path" iconMarket of Mirth Summit Path. On the middle level, underneath the stonetree canopy. Two on a small ledge. If you trigger the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar to the west, you’ll end up near here.

Marker screenshot

352. Miraland Map

X: 8454 Y: 12191

Atop the stonetree south of "Market of Mirth Summit Path" iconMarket of Mirth Summit Path. Three behind the head of the central haystack creature.

Marker screenshot

353. Miraland Map

X: 8213 Y: 11937

Atop the stonetree west of "Market of Mirth Summit Path" iconMarket of Mirth Summit Path. Four near the top of the windmill in the north-west corner.

Marker screenshot

354. Miraland Map

X: 8539 Y: 11671

East of the "Market of Mirth Cavern" iconMarket of Mirth Cavern. Two atop a small stonetree.

Marker screenshot

355. Miraland Map

X: 8639 Y: 11868

Short distance south of the "Handsome Lads Circus" iconHandsome Lads Circus Warp Spire. Two floating high in the air, above the pole near the gliding station. Jump on the balloons from the circus tent to get up.

Marker screenshot

356. Miraland Map

X: 8424 Y: 11654

Inside "Market of Mirth Cavern" iconMarket of Mirth Cavern. Near the start, after dropping down, two floating straight ahead at the back, near a dimly lit ledge.

Marker screenshot

357. Miraland Map

X: 8435 Y: 11647

Inside "Market of Mirth Cavern" iconMarket of Mirth Cavern. In the water area after dropping down at the start. On the last stepping stone before leaving this area, turn left to find three around the corner.

Marker screenshot

358. Miraland Map

X: 8425 Y: 11635

Inside "Market of Mirth Cavern" iconMarket of Mirth Cavern. Halfway through, there’s a section where you jump up some ledges. At the top, there’s an exit leading to an air-blowing plant. Instead, continue left to a different area. Keep going to the end, where there’s a spore held by an Esseling. These two are floating on the left of the ledge.

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359. Miraland Map

X: 8923 Y: 11875

East of "Handsome Lads Circus" iconHandsome Lads Circus. At the east side of the island. Two on top of a haystack roll.

Marker screenshot

360. Miraland Map

X: 8564 Y: 11859

Short distance south-west from "Handsome Lads Circus" iconHandsome Lads Circus. Two floating high in the sky, above a pole. Jump on the balloons from the circus tent to get up.

Marker screenshot

361. Miraland Map

X: 8628 Y: 11960

South of "Handsome Lads Circus" iconHandsome Lads Circus. Two floating high up in the sky, above a pole. Jump on the balloons from the circus tent to get up.

Marker screenshot

362. Miraland Map

X: 8593 Y: 11805

Near the "Handsome Lads Circus" iconHandsome Lads Circus Warp Spire, on the lower level. Three near the base of the stonetree trunk.

Marker screenshot

363. Miraland Map

X: 10396 Y: 13645

Three floating at the back of "Cicchetto Manor" iconCicchetto Manor.

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364. Miraland Map

X: 11541 Y: 14440

North-east of the "Lakeheart Stonetree" iconLakeheart Stonetree photo spot, atop the medium stonetree. Four near the south edge.

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365. Miraland Map

X: 11731 Y: 13660

East of "Flamecrest Stonetree" iconFlamecrest Stonetree. Three floating near the chimney of the lone house.

Marker screenshot

366. Miraland Map

X: 11674 Y: 13733

East of "Flamecrest Stonetree" iconFlamecrest Stonetree. Three floating near a tree on a ledge partway up. There are wishnets nearby and some nasty Esselings.

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367. Miraland Map

X: 14256 Y: 12703

South of "In Front of the Mayor's Residence" iconIn Front of the Mayor’s Residence. Two floating near the corner of the rooftop.

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368. Miraland Map

X: 14417 Y: 12746

At the wharf south of the "Mayor's Residence" iconMayor’s Residence. Two floating above a small sailboat at the pier.

Marker screenshot

369. Miraland Map

X: 14296 Y: 12455

Three above the entrance to the "Mayor's Residence" iconMayor’s Residence.

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370. Miraland Map

X: 14543 Y: 12521

East of the "Mayor's Residence" iconMayor’s Residence. Two floating near a tree around the fork in the road. You can jump from a nearby veranda.

Marker screenshot

371. Miraland Map

X: 14553 Y: 12712

West of "Stitch Street" iconStitch Street. Three floating above the water. Jump across the lily pads to reach.

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372. Miraland Map

X: 13688 Y: 12753

East of "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane. Two underneath the wooden platform supporting the house.

Marker screenshot

373. Miraland Map

X: 13604 Y: 13111

At "The Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch" iconThe Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch. Two on a high up windowsill at the north-east side of the building.

Marker screenshot

374. Miraland Map

X: 12989 Y: 13007

North-east from "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base. Two floating above some trees next to a wooden observation platform.

Marker screenshot

375. Miraland Map

X: 13677 Y: 12948

North-east of "The Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch" iconThe Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch. Two floating past the shore.

Marker screenshot

376. Miraland Map

X: 13824 Y: 13304

South-east of "The Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch" iconThe Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch. Two floating above the water. Jump across the lily pads to reach them.

Marker screenshot

377. Miraland Map

X: 13751 Y: 13690

Short distance west from the "Swan Gazebo" iconSwan Gazebo, on the south side of the path. Two floating above a pillar.

Marker screenshot

378. Miraland Map

X: 13748 Y: 13630

Short distance west from the "Swan Gazebo" iconSwan Gazebo, on the north side of the path. Three floating in the air, between some pillars. You can jump up from the south-west.

Marker screenshot

379. Miraland Map

X: 13582 Y: 13665

West from the "Swan Gazebo" iconSwan Gazebo. Two floating high up near a fork in the road. Jump on the leaf trampoline to reach.

Marker screenshot

380. Miraland Map

X: 13388 Y: 13718

East from "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating above the tree at the center of the pond. You can float down from the west.

Marker screenshot

381. Miraland Map

X: 13230 Y: 13885

South of "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating past the edge of the hill

Marker screenshot

382. Miraland Map

X: 13173 Y: 13898

South of "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating near the edge of the hill.

Marker screenshot

383. Miraland Map

X: 13119 Y: 13740

At the "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Three floating high up, west from the top of the windmill. You can jump on the back of the windmill blades to get up.

Marker screenshot

384. Miraland Map

X: 9789 Y: 11362

Short distance north of "Choo-Choo Station Shipping Center" iconChoo-Choo Station Shipping Center. Three behind a metal wire fence.

Marker screenshot

385. Miraland Map

X: 9740 Y: 11331

North of "Choo-Choo Station Shipping Center" iconChoo-Choo Station Shipping Center. Three floating in the air near the corner of a shelter.

Marker screenshot

386. Miraland Map

X: 9707 Y: 11336

North of "Choo-Choo Station Shipping Center" iconChoo-Choo Station Shipping Center. Three on top of the roof, behind a wooden board.

Marker screenshot

387. Miraland Map

X: 9748 Y: 11294

North of "Choo-Choo Station Shipping Center" iconChoo-Choo Station Shipping Center. Three at the end of a high up train carriage.

Marker screenshot

388. Miraland Map

X: 9857 Y: 11408

Short distance north-east from "Choo-Choo Station Shipping Center" iconChoo-Choo Station Shipping Center. Three in a partially closed off area.

Marker screenshot

389. Miraland Map

X: 9694 Y: 11468

Short distance west from "Choo-Choo Station Shipping Center" iconChoo-Choo Station Shipping Center. Four inside a narrow space, surrounded by wooden boxes.

Marker screenshot

390. Miraland Map

X: 9648 Y: 11379

Short distance east of "Choo-Choo Station Old Platform" iconChoo-Choo Station Old Platform. Two on the roof of the entrance building, towards the north, on the east side.

Marker screenshot

391. Miraland Map

X: 9814 Y: 11625

South from "Choo-Choo Station Shipping Center" iconChoo-Choo Station Shipping Center. Three floating at the end of a wooden beam.

Marker screenshot

392. Miraland Map

X: 9461 Y: 11303

North-west of "Choo-Choo Station Old Platform" iconChoo-Choo Station Old Platform. Atop a medium stonetree. Three behind the train carriage.

Marker screenshot

393. Miraland Map

X: 9804 Y: 11034

North of "Choo-Choo Station Stonetree Top" iconChoo-Choo Station Stonetree Top. Four atop the locomotive that’s dangerously near the edge.

Marker screenshot

394. Miraland Map

X: 9847 Y: 11206

Short distance east of "Choo-Choo Station Stonetree Top" iconChoo-Choo Station Stonetree Top. Three underneath the nearby small stonetree. There’s a bunch of wooden boxes on top.

Marker screenshot

395. Miraland Map

X: 9960 Y: 11136

North of "Ghost Train Entrance" iconGhost Train Entrance, on the lower/middle level. Four on a ledge at the north side of a small-ish stonetree that has a Stonedew Flora on top.

Marker screenshot

396. Miraland Map

X: 10114 Y: 11246

East from "Ghost Train Entrance" iconGhost Train Entrance. Four atop the giant tunnel entrance.

Marker screenshot

397. Miraland Map

X: 10090 Y: 11267

East from "Ghost Train Entrance" iconGhost Train Entrance, on the lower level. Three inside the giant tunnel.

Marker screenshot

398. Miraland Map

X: 10018 Y: 11418

South-east of "Ghost Train Entrance" iconGhost Train Entrance, atop a medium stonetree. Two on a haystack column, behind a wooden board.

Marker screenshot

399. Miraland Map

X: 9743 Y: 11255

Short distance south-west of "Choo-Choo Station Stonetree Top" iconChoo-Choo Station Stonetree Top. Three atop a small stonetree.

Marker screenshot

400. Miraland Map

X: 9591 Y: 11111

North-west of "Choo-Choo Station Stonetree Top" iconChoo-Choo Station Stonetree Top. Two floating near the edge. There’s a bunch of "Windbloom" iconWindbloom nearby.

Marker screenshot

401. Miraland Map

X: 10810 Y: 10365

Short distance east of "Prosperville Entrance" iconProsperville Entrance. Two floating high up next to a tree. You can jump from atop a nearby well.

Marker screenshot

402. Miraland Map

X: 9861 Y: 11571

East of "Choo-Choo Station Repair Station" iconChoo-Choo Station Repair Station. Three near the south side of the train carriage.

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403. Miraland Map

X: 9868 Y: 11628

South-east of "Choo-Choo Station Repair Station" iconChoo-Choo Station Repair Station. Four at the end of a wooden beam south from the train carriage. You can push a nearby crate closer so you can jump across.

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404. Miraland Map

X: 10935 Y: 9845

South-east of "Forgotten Village Dwelling" iconForgotten Village Dwelling, on the lowest level. Four at the north-west side of the giant stonetree, surrounded by a gang of Esselings.

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405. Miraland Map

X: 10933 Y: 9550

North-east of "Forgotten Village Dwelling" iconForgotten Village Dwelling. Two behind a haystack dummy inside a small shelter.

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406. Miraland Map

X: 10848 Y: 9545

North of "Forgotten Village Dwelling" iconForgotten Village Dwelling. Two between some rocks and a collapsed wall.

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407. Miraland Map

X: 10881 Y: 9653

Short distance north-east of "Forgotten Village Dwelling" iconForgotten Village Dwelling. Three among the tree branches north of the nearby home.

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408. Miraland Map

X: 10856 Y: 9805

South-east of "Forgotten Village Dwelling" iconForgotten Village Dwelling. Two behind a building, higher up.

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409. Miraland Map

X: 10855 Y: 10026

Short distance north of "Prosperville Cavern" iconProsperville Cavern, on the middle level. Two near the top of a small stonetree.

Marker screenshot

410. Miraland Map

X: 11001 Y: 10003

South-east of "Forgotten Village Dwelling" iconForgotten Village Dwelling, on the middle level. Two floating in the air near a withered tree.

Marker screenshot

411. Miraland Map

X: 11039 Y: 10081

North-east of "Prosperville Entrance" iconProsperville Entrance, on the middle level. Two on a wagon near the wall painting.

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412. Miraland Map

X: 8731 Y: 12101

Inside "Market of Mirth Entrance Cavern" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance Cavern. In the initial area with the air-blowing plant. Two near the south entrance/exit.

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413. Miraland Map

X: 8737 Y: 12132

Short distance west from the south entrance to "Market of Mirth Entrance Cavern" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance Cavern, two on a ledge underneath the stonetree canopy.

Marker screenshot

414. Miraland Map

X: 8738 Y: 12109

Inside "Market of Mirth Entrance Cavern" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance Cavern. In the initial area, enter the entrance opposite the north entrance, slightly higher up. Or the entrance near the bottom without "Bling" iconBling (on the left side when coming from the north entrance). If you enter from the first option, drop down the hole near the treasure chest. Either way, there are two in this short tunnel.

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415. Miraland Map

X: 8745 Y: 12116

Inside "Market of Mirth Entrance Cavern" iconMarket of Mirth Entrance Cavern. In the initial area, enter the entrance near the bottom where there’s "Bling" iconBling (on the right side when coming from the north entrance). Turn right to find three at the back, along with some Esselings.

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416. Miraland Map

X: 12354 Y: 16243

Inside "Campsite Cavern" iconCampsite Cavern. When the area opens up, head left. When there’s water on the right hand side, jump down onto the stepping stones. Then turn around to find two near the wall. Can’t fool us!

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417. Miraland Map

X: 12330 Y: 16268

Inside "Campsite Cavern" iconCampsite Cavern. Along the left-hand side path. At a corner, there’s a small group of Esselings, including one on a higher ledge. Jump on that ledge to find two floating high up near the back. If you’re finding it difficult to reach them, jump onto the small sloping part of the wall on the left.

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418. Miraland Map

X: 12281 Y: 16269

Inside "Campsite Cavern" iconCampsite Cavern. Two near some jagged rocks just past the stepping stone bridge–also, where the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp (Photo Spot)" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp (Photo Spot) is. If you’re coming from the left-hand side path, otherwise they’re before the bridge if you’re coming from the right.

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419. Miraland Map

X: 12255 Y: 16245

Inside "Campsite Cavern" iconCampsite Cavern. Near the stepping stone bridge (and the photo spot), two in a far corner. If you came from the left path, jump onto the higher ground, then head right. If you came from the right path, follow the slope left.

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420. Miraland Map

X: 12207 Y: 16245

Inside "Campsite Cavern" iconCampsite Cavern. Near the start of the right path, up on the higher ground to the right. If you came from the left path, you’ll eventually loop back here (in which case, it’ll be on your left). Defeat the Esseling atop the rock mound, then stand on top to reach two of these floating high up near a stalactite.

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421. Miraland Map

X: 12183 Y: 16268

Inside "Campsite Cavern" iconCampsite Cavern. Head along the middle path, which leads up the cavern. Stick to the left. Eventually, there’s a group of Esselings and a treasure chest. Turn around to find two of these floating slightly lower down. You can reach them by landing on a ledge to the left.

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422. Miraland Map

X: 12114 Y: 16403

Three just outside the west exit/entrance of "Campsite Cavern" iconCampsite Cavern. If you don’t want to go through the cave, you can also jump from the west.

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423. Miraland Map

X: 11081 Y: 10141

North-east of "Prosperville Entrance" iconProsperville Entrance, on the middle level. Three between two small stonetrees near the north end of the suspension bridge.

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424. Miraland Map

X: 11063 Y: 9767

North of the "Stone Seles" iconStone Seles Warp Spire, on the middle level. Three floating near the "Catapult Seal" iconCatapult Seal.

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425. Miraland Map

X: 11210 Y: 10090

South-east from "Stone Seles" iconStone Seles, on the top level. Two on higher ground, floating near the edge.

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426. Miraland Map

X: 11066 Y: 10085

South of "Stone Seles" iconStone Seles, on the top level. Three floating near the top of a mound.

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427. Miraland Map

X: 9689 Y: 11405

East of "Choo-Choo Station Old Platform" iconChoo-Choo Station Old Platform. Two inside the occupied train carriage.

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428. Miraland Map

X: 9930 Y: 11250

Inside "Choo-Choo Station Cavern" iconChoo-Choo Station Cavern. In the area with a tall stonetree at the center and wind circles nearby. Climb to the top of the stonetree and jump to the left where the dimly-lit alcove is. These two are hiding just around the corner. Sneaky.

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429. Miraland Map

X: 9940 Y: 11239

Inside "Choo-Choo Station Cavern" iconChoo-Choo Station Cavern. As you begin gliding through the wind circles, on the left side–near a bouncing plant–is an alcove with a line of "Bling" iconBling. Go over there and you’ll find these two at the back.

Marker screenshot

430. Miraland Map

X: 9930 Y: 11227

Inside "Choo-Choo Station Cavern" iconChoo-Choo Station Cavern. After the first set of wind circles, you’ll reach a corner with some Esselings. After turning the corner, you’ll find these two floating high up, straight ahead.

Marker screenshot

431. Miraland Map

X: 9930 Y: 11205

Inside "Choo-Choo Station Cavern" iconChoo-Choo Station Cavern. After the second set of wind circles (well, just one circle), there’s a group of Esselings including one protecting a spore. Release the spore, so it grows into an air-blowing plant. Then ride the air current up. Turn around to find a "Whimstar" iconWhimstar up ahead, guarded by Esselings. After picking it up or otherwise, turn around again to find a path with more Esselings. Fight your way to the end to find two of these floating near a ledge at the back.

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432. Miraland Map

X: 9938 Y: 11264

Inside "Choo-Choo Station Cavern" iconChoo-Choo Station Cavern. Near the beginning, there are some wooden boards on the ground. Use a jumping attack to break them and go down. Below, there’s a group of Esselings and a treasure chest. Make your way to the exit, where the air-blowing plant is. At the end, as you return to the main path, there are three floating past the ledge.

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433. Miraland Map

X: 10867 Y: 10107

Inside "Prosperville Cavern" iconProsperville Cavern. Near the start, at the pool area with two Esselings. Three straight ahead. Seems a bit too easy?

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434. Miraland Map

X: 10867 Y: 10089

Inside "Prosperville Cavern" iconProsperville Cavern. After the small pool area, there’s a small area where you jump on some ledges/steps. Drop down and go to the back. There are three hidden behind the furthest ledge/step. OK, this one stumped us for a bit.

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435. Miraland Map

X: 11054 Y: 10375

East of "Prosperville Entrance" iconProsperville Entrance. Two floating near the chimney atop the rooftop.

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436. Miraland Map

X: 10993 Y: 10300

East of "Prosperville Entrance" iconProsperville Entrance. Two floating near some rubble.

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437. Miraland Map

X: 11128 Y: 10087

North-east of "Prosperville Entrance" iconProsperville Entrance, on the middle level. From the north end of the half-broken suspension bridge, head as far east as you can. These three are floating near the base of the last stall stonetree.

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438. Miraland Map

X: 11050 Y: 10065

South from "Stone Seles" iconStone Seles, on the top level. Two in a corner near the outer edge.

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439. Miraland Map

X: 10847 Y: 9903

South of "Forgotten Village Dwelling" iconForgotten Village Dwelling and slightly east. On the middle level. Two near a pair of stonetrees a short distance west from the village square.

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440. Miraland Map

X: 8727 Y: 9946

North-west of "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (west). On level 2F. Three inside a hoop near the minigame stall.

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441. Miraland Map

X: 8735 Y: 10383

South-west of "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (west), at the far-off medium stonetree. Two atop the watchtower.

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442. Miraland Map

X: 8799 Y: 10314

At the medium stonetree south-west of "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (west). On the ground level. Three atop a watchtower at the north side.

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443. Miraland Map

X: 9087 Y: 10413

Medium stonetree south of "Stonecrown Peak" iconStonecrown Peak. Near ground level. Two atop the watchtower around the north side.

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444. Miraland Map

X: 9208 Y: 10232

Short distance south of "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (east). On ground level. Two underneath the wooden pier, at the center of the bendy section.

Marker screenshot

445. Miraland Map

X: 9008 Y: 10068

West and slightly north from "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (east). On Level 2F. Three on a wide ledge underneath a nearby "Catapult Seal" iconCatapult Seal.

Marker screenshot

446. Miraland Map

X: 8934 Y: 10070

Short distance south-east of "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (west). On the ground level. Three floating high up. There’s a leaf trampoline nearby, but you’ll need to defeat the Esseling squatting on it first.

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447. Miraland Map

X: 8893 Y: 10169

South of "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (west). On ground level. Two around the wooden planks that you can use to climb back up from the shore.

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448. Miraland Map

X: 9328 Y: 10166

East of "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (east). Near ground level. Three floating atop a watchtower.

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449. Miraland Map

X: 9119 Y: 9767

North of "Wishing Well" iconWishing Well, on level 3F. Three in-between two intertwining stonetree, in the direction of a "Catapult Seal" iconCatapult Seal.

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450. Miraland Map

X: 8533 Y: 9693

Short distance north-east from "Thuddy Squash Workshop" iconThuddy Squash Workshop. Two high up in the air. Jump on the nearby wishnet to reach them.

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451. Miraland Map

X: 8520 Y: 9611

North-east from "Thuddy Squash Workshop" iconThuddy Squash Workshop. Three on top of a collapsed watchtower.

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452. Miraland Map

X: 8395 Y: 10130

Island south from "Thuddy Squash Workshop" iconThuddy Squash Workshop. Three floating near a stonetree towards the south.

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453. Miraland Map

X: 9074 Y: 10029

North-west from "Wishing Well" iconWishing Well, on level 3F. Three on a high up ledge. You can get here by launching from a "Catapult Seal" iconCatapult Seal to the south.

Marker screenshot

454. Miraland Map

X: 9037 Y: 9825

Short distance south-west from "Volunteer Corps Jail" iconVolunteer Corps Jail. On level 3F. Two next to the side of a ledge higher up. If you launch from the "Catapult Seal" iconCatapult Seal to the west, you’ll end up right here.

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455. Miraland Map

X: 8911 Y: 9731

Short distance west from "Volunteer Corps Jail" iconVolunteer Corps Jail, on level 2F. Four floating near the rooftop of a large hut.

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456. Miraland Map

X: 8970 Y: 9712

Short distance north of "Volunteer Corps Jail" iconVolunteer Corps Jail, on level 1F. Three at the corner of a small plateau. There’s some "Bling" iconBling nearby to guide you here.

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457. Miraland Map

X: 11532 Y: 14004

South of "Flamecrest Stonetree" iconFlamecrest Stonetree. Three at the back of a ledge underneath the stonetree canopy. On the left side of the suspension bridge if coming from the north.

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458. Miraland Map

X: 11100 Y: 13814

South of the "Village Corner" iconVillage Corner. Three near the edge of a ledge overlooking the river.

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459. Miraland Map

X: 11686 Y: 14597

West from "Stoneville Entrance" iconStoneville Entrance. Two floating around the top of a small stonetree with wish bottles at the base.

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460. Miraland Map

X: 11918 Y: 14673

Short distance west from "Stoneville Entrance" iconStoneville Entrance. Two floating atop the medium-sized stonetree.

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461. Miraland Map

X: 11272 Y: 14621

South-west from the "Lakeheart Stonetree" iconLakeheart Stonetree photo spot. Two atop a small stonetree overlooking the river.

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462. Miraland Map

X: 11305 Y: 14121

South of the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Two atop the rocks at the river, just before the lake.

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463. Miraland Map

X: 11222 Y: 14468

South of "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Three atop a small stonetree a short distance west from the north end of the southern bridge.

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464. Miraland Map

X: 11435 Y: 14533

South of "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Three atop the small stonetree near the "Lakeheart Stonetree" iconLakeheart Stonetree photo spot.

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465. Miraland Map

X: 11914 Y: 14628

Short distance west from "Stoneville Entrance" iconStoneville Entrance. Two around the back of the medium-sized stonetree.

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466. Miraland Map

X: 11342 Y: 14092

South of the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Two floating around the top of a small stonetree near the lakeside.

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467. Miraland Map

X: 11141 Y: 13982

West of the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork. Two floating near the top of a small stonetree just before the west end of the bridge.

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468. Miraland Map

X: 11198 Y: 13791

South of the "Lavenfringe Fields" iconLavenfringe Fields Warp Spire. Three between a stonetree and rock wall.

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469. Miraland Map

X: 10739 Y: 13449

East from "Cicchetto Manor" iconCicchetto Manor. Three floating around the top of a small stonetree on the west side of the river.

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470. Miraland Map

X: 10758 Y: 13331

South from the "Dye Workshop Stonetree" iconDye Workshop Stonetree. Three underneath the bridge.

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471. Miraland Map

X: 10693 Y: 13803

South-west of the "Gliding Training Stonetree" iconGliding Training Stonetree. Four atop a smaller stonetree near a bigger one. There are Esselings atop the bigger stonetree.

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472. Miraland Map

X: 10915 Y: 13123

East from the "Dye Workshop Stonetree" iconDye Workshop Stonetree. Two floating near some hanging cloths.

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473. Miraland Map

X: 12897 Y: 14427

South from the "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. Two floating above a tree trunk in the middle of the river.

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474. Miraland Map

X: 13292 Y: 14485

South from the "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating near a ledge on the south side of the river.

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475. Miraland Map

X: 13271 Y: 14386

South of the "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. At the small strip of land in the middle of river. Two floating high up around the west side. You can jump using a wishnet.

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476. Miraland Map

X: 13561 Y: 14416

North-west of "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two floating in the air, on top of the river.

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477. Miraland Map

X: 13526 Y: 14532

West from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two under the bridge.

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478. Miraland Map

X: 10626 Y: 13937

South from "Cicchetto Manor" iconCicchetto Manor. Two on a ledge near the world boundary. There’s a group of 3 Esselings here.

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479. Miraland Map

X: 11739 Y: 14478


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480. Miraland Map

X: 11418 Y: 14027

South from the "Village Fork" iconVillage Fork and slightly east. Two behind a house.

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481. Miraland Map

X: 9947 Y: 11342

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. In the initial area, Train Platform. Two floating behind the wooden arch.

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482. Miraland Map

X: 14367 Y: 14776

East of "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two floating on top of the water by the shore.

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483. Miraland Map

X: 9957 Y: 11329

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. As soon as the train starts moving, two on the right.

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484. Miraland Map

X: 9967 Y: 11342

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. When the train begins moving, two on the left after two ghosts.

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485. Miraland Map

X: 9977 Y: 11329

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. After going through the first train carriage, two on the left, among the wooden boxes. You’ll probably need to turn around to see them.

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486. Miraland Map

X: 9986 Y: 11342

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. After going through the first train carriage, a short distance before the next checkpoint, three on the right, hidden among the boxes and barrels.

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487. Miraland Map

X: 9996 Y: 11329

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. When you reach the Heavy-Duty Flatbed checkpoint. Jump across, then go around to the left. There are two at the back.

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488. Miraland Map

X: 10036 Y: 11329

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. A short distance before the 2nd checkpoint, two floating on the left side, near a haystack tower. It’s after the section with wooden planks over haystack piles, with ghosts patrolling on top.

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489. Miraland Map

X: 10056 Y: 11329

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. After the 2nd checkpoint, Shipping Boxcar, two on the right, behind the taller pile of boxes and barrels. There’s a ghost nearby.

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490. Miraland Map

X: 10075 Y: 11329

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. After the section where you go across the train carriage roof while avoiding flaming rods. Just before the 3rd checkpoint. Two on the left, among the wooden junk. You’ll need to turn around to see them.

Marker screenshot

491. Miraland Map

X: 10026 Y: 11342

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. After the Heavy-Duty Flatbed checkpoint. At the end of the section with balloons and bunting banners (the ones with small triangular flags). On the right, look for a wooden platform with a red carpet on top. These two are underneath at the back, halfway up. They can be hard to see from most angles.

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492. Miraland Map

X: 10016 Y: 11329

Inside the "Ghost Train" iconGhost Train. After the Heavy-Duty Flatbed checkpoint. At the tall platform just before the 3rd wooden plank. Two below the top, visible from behind.

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493. Miraland Map

X: 14155 Y: 12320

North-west of the "Mayor's Residence" iconMayor’s Residence. Two on the roof of a brown-roofed house.

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494. Miraland Map

X: 14082 Y: 12156

At the back of the "Daisy Inn" iconDaisy Inn, two on a high up ledge.

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495. Miraland Map

X: 14137 Y: 12227

South-east corner of the "Daisy Inn" iconDaisy Inn. Two floating high up, above a tree. You can reach from the rooftop of the inn.

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496. Miraland Map

X: 14489 Y: 12295

North-east of the "Mayor's Residence" iconMayor’s Residence. Two floating high up, near a ledge.

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497. Miraland Map

X: 14486 Y: 12372

North-east from the "Mayor's Residence" iconMayor’s Residence. Two under a small plank bridge.

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498. Miraland Map

X: 14645 Y: 12367

East from the "Mayor's Residence" iconMayor’s Residence. Two floating near the west side of the tall ledge.

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499. Miraland Map

X: 14485 Y: 12018

South-east from the "Well of Fortune" iconWell of Fortune. Small ruins near a ledge overlooking the "Mayor's Residence" iconMayor’s Residence. Three floating near the south-west corner, on the upper level.

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500. Miraland Map

X: 13539 Y: 12744

Near the "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane Warp Spire. Two under the bridge.

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501. Miraland Map

X: 13485 Y: 12663

Short distance north of "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane. Two at the back corner of a house.

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502. Miraland Map

X: 13754 Y: 12235

North-east from the "Stylist's Guild" iconStylist’s Guild. Two floating above a tree near a detached house. You can reach from the rooftop.

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503. Miraland Map

X: 13991 Y: 12246

Short distance north-east from "Ray and Wing's" iconRay and Wing’s. Two at the back of a house.

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504. Miraland Map

X: 13602 Y: 11631

Short distance north-west from "Dream Warehouse Rooftop" iconDream Warehouse Rooftop. Two underneath one of the tall stone arches.

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505. Miraland Map

X: 14000 Y: 11765

Short distance north-east from the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base. Two in the corner of a small ruin, on a higher ledge.

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506. Miraland Map

X: 14075 Y: 11663

North-east from the "Secret Base" iconSecret Base. Two near the side of a collapsed wall. There are a few "Grasspom" iconGrasspoms nearby.

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507. Miraland Map

X: 13137 Y: 12053

North-west of the "Stylist's Guild" iconStylist’s Guild. Three floating high up, near the world boundary.

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508. Miraland Map

X: 13126 Y: 12184

North-west from the "Stylist's Guild" iconStylist’s Guild. At a small ruin. Two floating near the top of the north-west pillar.

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509. Miraland Map

X: 13285 Y: 12293

West from the "Stylist's Guild" iconStylist’s Guild. Two floating high up near a small mound. You’ll probably have to double jump to reach. North from a Whimink.

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510. Miraland Map

X: 13009 Y: 12560

West of "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane, among some small ruins. Two at the back (north side) of the ruins.

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511. Miraland Map

X: 12801 Y: 12512

Outside the "Riverside Cavern" iconRiverside Cavern, west (aka south) entrance. Two floating a bit off the ground.

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512. Miraland Map

X: 13073 Y: 12680

West of "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane, near some small ruins. Four floating near the top of a pillar next to a collapsed gazebo. There are Esselings here.

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513. Miraland Map

X: 12802 Y: 12790

North of "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base. Three atop a pillar among some rubble. There are Esselings here. Also a Whimink nearby.

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514. Miraland Map

X: 12925 Y: 12850

North of "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base. Two atop a pillar among some small ruins. There are Esselings here.

Marker screenshot

515. Miraland Map

X: 12947 Y: 12778

Gazebo between "Old Florawish Memorial" iconOld Florawish Memorial and "Florawish Lane" iconFlorawish Lane. Four inside the roof. You can reach by jumping from the pillars to the south.

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516. Miraland Map

X: 13492 Y: 12986

Short distance north-west from "The Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch" iconThe Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch. Two floating above the ground near a mound.

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517. Miraland Map

X: 13607 Y: 13205

South from "The Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch" iconThe Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch. Two floating very high up, above a tree. You can just about reach them by floating from atop the chimney of the building.

Marker screenshot

518. Miraland Map

X: 13431 Y: 13341

South-west from "The Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch" iconThe Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch. Two floating high up, above a tree. You can reach from atop the minigame stall.

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519. Miraland Map

X: 13655 Y: 13520

North-west from the "Swan Gazebo" iconSwan Gazebo. Two hidden behind the wall. To hit the one near the barrel, perform a jumping attack.

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520. Miraland Map

X: 14119 Y: 13767

Short distance east from the "Swan Gazebo" iconSwan Gazebo. Three floating above the water. There’s a rock nearby where you can stand.

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521. Miraland Map

X: 14988 Y: 12921

West from the "Sanctum of the Observant" iconSanctum of the Observant and slightly south. Two on a ledge near the water.

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522. Miraland Map

X: 13838 Y: 16139

At the "Bullquet Habitat" iconBullquet Habitat. Three floating high up south of the south-east pillar. There are wishnets nearby that you can use to gain height.

Marker screenshot

523. Miraland Map

X: 11271 Y: 16694

At the lake west from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp. Towards the far west, near the world boundary. Three floating across the water. You can jump on the lily pads to reach.

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524. Miraland Map

X: 16800 Y: 10302

North-east from "Wishcraft Lab" iconWishcraft Lab. Two floating near the edge of some higher ground.

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525. Miraland Map

X: 12961 Y: 13806

West from the "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating high up, near the minigame stall.

Marker screenshot

526. Miraland Map

X: 12931 Y: 14985

North-west from "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Two floating near the top of a pillar. You can float down from the south.

Marker screenshot

527. Miraland Map

X: 13620 Y: 14586

West from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two high up in the air, with a leaf trampoline nearby.

Marker screenshot

528. Miraland Map

X: 14836 Y: 15607

North-west from "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Two floating above the small ruins near a minigame stall.

Marker screenshot

529. Miraland Map

X: 13963 Y: 14873

South from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two floating high up, with a leaf trampoline close by.

Marker screenshot

530. Miraland Map

X: 13338 Y: 14744

North-east from "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Two floating next to some small ruins near a minigame stall.

Marker screenshot

531. Miraland Map

X: 13287 Y: 14928

North-east from "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Two floating near the top of an abandoned house.

Marker screenshot

532. Miraland Map

X: 14873 Y: 17543

Short distance south-east from the "Heartcraft Kingdom Outpost" iconHeartcraft Kingdom Outpost Warp Spire. Two floating near the top of a tent.

Marker screenshot

533. Miraland Map

X: 13901 Y: 14728

Short distance south-west from the "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf Warp Spire. Two floating in the air, near a leaf trampoline.

Marker screenshot

534. Miraland Map

X: 12259 Y: 14291

North-east from "Stoneville Entrance" iconStoneville Entrance. Two floating above the entrance of the house.

Marker screenshot

535. Miraland Map

X: 13322 Y: 14131

South from "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating high up, with a leaf trampoline nearby. Near the north side of the river.

Marker screenshot

536. Miraland Map

X: 13615 Y: 14095

South-east from "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating high up above a tree. You can reach using a leaf trampoline.

Marker screenshot

537. Miraland Map

X: 13960 Y: 14166

North of "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf, on a small island at the river mouth. Three floating high up in the air. There’s a wishnet nearby that you can jump from.

Marker screenshot

538. Miraland Map

X: 13766 Y: 14575

North-west from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two floating high up with a leaf trampoline nearby. South from a "Whimstar" iconWhimstar by the shore.

Marker screenshot

539. Miraland Map

X: 14158 Y: 14566

At "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two floating near the northernmost pier.

Marker screenshot

540. Miraland Map

X: 14042 Y: 14681

At "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf, a short distance east from the Warp Spire. Two under the boardwalk.

Marker screenshot

541. Miraland Map

X: 14379 Y: 15261

Bridge north from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Two under the bridge on the south-west side.

Marker screenshot

542. Miraland Map

X: 15189 Y: 13184

South from "Sanctum of the Observant" iconSanctum of the Observant. Two under the wooden support.

Marker screenshot

543. Miraland Map

X: 15661 Y: 13016

South-west from the "Wish Pass Office" iconWish Pass Office. Three floating high up. There’s a Wishnet you can jump from.

Marker screenshot

544. Miraland Map

X: 15898 Y: 12904

Short distance east from the "Wish Pass Office" iconWish Pass Office Warp Spire. Two floating nearby after jumping across the water.

Marker screenshot

545. Miraland Map

X: 15923 Y: 12677

Tunnel leading to the "Wishing Woods" iconWishing Woods. Three on the right side after Barabo.

Marker screenshot

546. Miraland Map

X: 15965 Y: 12523

Tunnel to the "Wishing Woods" iconWishing Woods. Two on the right side after Uoda.

Marker screenshot

547. Miraland Map

X: 15856 Y: 12449

Tunnel to the "Wishing Woods" iconWishing Woods. Short distance north-west from Lolobo. On the left side, lower down. Three in a small alcove.

Marker screenshot

548. Miraland Map

X: 15814 Y: 12278

Tunnel to the "Wishing Woods" iconWishing Woods. Three on the left side after Lolobo.

Marker screenshot

549. Miraland Map

X: 16039 Y: 12037

Tunnel to the "Wishing Woods" iconWishing Woods. Two on the right side after going through two Momo-sized tunnels.

Marker screenshot

550. Miraland Map

X: 16025 Y: 11650

Tunnel to the "Wishing Woods" iconWishing Woods. Near the end, after the big water area. When you reach the small log bridge, head left where a bunch of Esselings are. Two of these are floating at the far back, around the corner.

Marker screenshot

551. Miraland Map

X: 15877 Y: 12656

Tunnel to the "Wishing Woods" iconWishing Woods. Near the start. After going past Barabo, carefully drop down to the right. There are two under the pathway.

Marker screenshot

552. Miraland Map

X: 16380 Y: 11407

East from "Elderwood Riverbank" iconElderwood Riverbank. Three floating high up. Use the leaf trampoline to jump onto the high up tree branches.

Marker screenshot

553. Miraland Map

X: 16483 Y: 11325

North-east from "Elderwood Riverbank" iconElderwood Riverbank. Two floating near the top of a tree stump.

Marker screenshot

554. Miraland Map

X: 16483 Y: 11236

North-east from "Elderwood Riverbank" iconElderwood Riverbank. Three floating at the west side of the river, near the end of the walkable riverside.

Marker screenshot

555. Miraland Map

X: 16559 Y: 10947

Short distance south from "In Front of the Wish Inspection Center" iconIn Front of the Wish Inspection Center. Three under the bridge.

Marker screenshot

556. Miraland Map

X: 16631 Y: 11042

South-east from "In Front of the Wish Inspection Center" iconIn Front of the Wish Inspection Center. Three floating in the air, near some higher ground.

Marker screenshot

557. Miraland Map

X: 16388 Y: 10853

West from "In Front of the Wish Inspection Center" iconIn Front of the Wish Inspection Center. Two among the broken tree trunk.

Marker screenshot

558. Miraland Map

X: 16131 Y: 10714

West from "In Front of the Wish Inspection Center" iconIn Front of the Wish Inspection Center. Three high up near the world boundary. There’s a reliable leaf trampoline close by.

Marker screenshot

559. Miraland Map

X: 16200 Y: 10591

Short distance west from the "Research Institute Cavern" iconResearch Institute Cavern. Two under a fallen log.

Marker screenshot

560. Miraland Map

X: 16166 Y: 10464

North-west from the "Research Institute Cavern" iconResearch Institute Cavern. Three atop a tree stump.

Marker screenshot

561. Miraland Map

X: 16209 Y: 10524

Short distance north from the "Research Institute Cavern" iconResearch Institute Cavern. Three floating high up.

Marker screenshot

562. Miraland Map

X: 16329 Y: 10490

West from the "Wishcraft Lab" iconWishcraft Lab. Three atop a tall tree stump. Climb up the rope as Momo.

Marker screenshot

563. Miraland Map

X: 16425 Y: 10676

North-west from the "Wish Auditing Station" iconWish Auditing Station. Two floating at the back of a tree with a platform at the front.

Marker screenshot

564. Miraland Map

X: 16249 Y: 10724

West from the "Wish Auditing Station" iconWish Auditing Station. Three floating high up. You can float down from further up the slope.

Marker screenshot

565. Miraland Map

X: 16585 Y: 10471

Short distance north-east from the "Wishcraft Lab" iconWishcraft Lab Warp Spire. Two atop the building next to Gurida’s shop.

Marker screenshot

566. Miraland Map

X: 16654 Y: 10505

Short distance east from the "Wishcraft Lab" iconWishcraft Lab Warp Spire. Three floating near the top of a flower platform.

Marker screenshot

567. Miraland Map

X: 16700 Y: 10375

North-east from the "Wishcraft Lab" iconWishcraft Lab. Three floating above the water wheel.

Marker screenshot

568. Miraland Map

X: 16605 Y: 10536

Short distance south-east from the "Wishcraft Lab" iconWishcraft Lab Warp Spire. Three floating in the air.

Marker screenshot

569. Miraland Map

X: 16724 Y: 10601

South-east from "Wishcraft Lab" iconWishcraft Lab. Three floating in the air, near the river.

Marker screenshot

570. Miraland Map

X: 16714 Y: 10174

South from "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. Three floating above the river, between two cascades.

Marker screenshot

571. Miraland Map

X: 16632 Y: 9970

Short distance south-west from "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. Two floating near a platform overlooking the bridge. If you collected the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar to the south, you’d end up here.

Marker screenshot

572. Miraland Map

X: 16827 Y: 9875

East from "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab Warp Spire. Two floating high up near Goojubo’s shop.

Marker screenshot

573. Miraland Map

X: 17067 Y: 9983

North from "Shoal Slope" iconShoal Slope. Two floating near a cascade.

Marker screenshot

574. Miraland Map

X: 17094 Y: 10166

A short distance north of "Shoal Slope" iconShoal Slope. Two floating high up.

Marker screenshot

575. Miraland Map

X: 17177 Y: 9944

South from "Farm Entrance" iconFarm Entrance. Two floating between two cascades.

Marker screenshot

576. Miraland Map

X: 17118 Y: 9784

South from the "Farm Entrance" iconFarm Entrance. Two floating above the river. Near a Whimink.

Marker screenshot

577. Miraland Map

X: 16872 Y: 9575

Short distance south from the "Workshop Waterwheel" iconWorkshop Waterwheel. Two near the bottom of the cascade.

Marker screenshot

578. Miraland Map

X: 16779 Y: 9533

Two floating in the air near the "Workshop Waterwheel" iconWorkshop Waterwheel.

Marker screenshot

579. Miraland Map

X: 16637 Y: 9350

North-west from the "Workshop Waterwheel" iconWorkshop Waterwheel. Two floating high up, with a leaf trampoline nearby.

Marker screenshot

580. Miraland Map

X: 16489 Y: 9448

West from the "Workshop Waterwheel" iconWorkshop Waterwheel. Two floating around a small island at the pond.

Marker screenshot

581. Miraland Map

X: 16417 Y: 9505

North-west from "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. Two floating high up. You can reach by climbing up a rope that’s located towards the south.

Marker screenshot

582. Miraland Map

X: 16664 Y: 9509

West from the "Workshop Waterwheel" iconWorkshop Waterwheel. Two near the bottom of a cascade.

Marker screenshot

583. Miraland Map

X: 16566 Y: 9632

North-west from "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. Two floating near the end of a fallen tree trunk.

Marker screenshot

584. Miraland Map

X: 16561 Y: 9815

Short distance north-west from "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. Two floating just past the riverside.

Marker screenshot

585. Miraland Map

X: 16704 Y: 9591

North from "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. Two floating near the end of a fallen tree trunk.

Marker screenshot

586. Miraland Map

X: 16633 Y: 9815

Short distance north-west from "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab Warp Spire. Two floating above a narrow tree trunk.

Marker screenshot

587. Miraland Map

X: 17007 Y: 10159

Short distance north-west from "Shoal Slope" iconShoal Slope. Three floating high up. There’s a wishnet nearby, plus some pesky Esselings.

Marker screenshot

588. Miraland Map

X: 16967 Y: 10237

Short distance west from "Shoal Slope" iconShoal Slope, high up in the air. You can float from the ledge to the west where the "Maskwing" iconMaskwings are.

Marker screenshot

589. Miraland Map

X: 17534 Y: 9854

North from "Grand Tree Shoal" iconGrand Tree Shoal. High up in the air. There’s a wishnet nearby that you can jump from.

Marker screenshot

590. Miraland Map

X: 17353 Y: 9464

North-east from "Farm Entrance" iconFarm Entrance. Two floating near the top of a tree stump.

Marker screenshot

591. Miraland Map

X: 17276 Y: 9629

Short distance east from "Farm Entrance" iconFarm Entrance. Three atop the tallest flower platform.

Marker screenshot

592. Miraland Map

X: 17323 Y: 9643

Short distance east from "Farm Entrance" iconFarm Entrance. Two floating above the residential platform with the flower crates.

Marker screenshot

593. Miraland Map

X: 17290 Y: 9752

South-east from "Farm Entrance" iconFarm Entrance. Two near a ledge occupied by Esselings.

Marker screenshot

594. Miraland Map

X: 17126 Y: 9527

Short distance north-west from "Farm Entrance" iconFarm Entrance. Three near the edge of some higher ground, with some Esselings close by.

Marker screenshot

595. Miraland Map

X: 16574 Y: 10083

North from the "Wishcraft Lab" iconWishcraft Lab. Two above a tent on the east side of the road.

Marker screenshot

596. Miraland Map

X: 16566 Y: 10251

North from the "Wishcraft Lab" iconWishcraft Lab. Two floating above the road, with a tent nearby. You can jump from atop the tent to a nearby branch.

Marker screenshot

597. Miraland Map

X: 16612 Y: 10410

Short distance north-east from the "Wishcraft Lab" iconWishcraft Lab Warp Spire. Two near the top of a tree. Carefully jump onto the tree branches from atop a building.

Marker screenshot

598. Miraland Map

X: 16912 Y: 10073

North-west from "Shoal Slope" iconShoal Slope. Two floating high up. You can reach by floating from atop the nearby minigame stall.

Marker screenshot

599. Miraland Map

X: 16632 Y: 9699

North and slightly west from "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab Warp Spire. Two floating above a narrow tree trunk next to "Lukabo" iconLukabo’s tent.

Marker screenshot

600. Miraland Map

X: 16730 Y: 9680

North from "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab Warp Spire. Two floating near the east side of the fallen tree trunk, halfway up.

Marker screenshot

601. Miraland Map

X: 17524 Y: 9502

East and slightly north from "Farm Entrance" iconFarm Entrance. Two floating in the air, with a leaf trampoline nearby.

Marker screenshot

602. Miraland Map

X: 12410 Y: 16795

Short distance south-west from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Two floating near the top of a broken catapult.

Marker screenshot

603. Miraland Map

X: 12329 Y: 16665

Short distance west from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Two near the top of a broken catapult.

Marker screenshot

604. Miraland Map

X: 12433 Y: 16720

Short distance west from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Two under some scaffolding.

Marker screenshot

605. Miraland Map

X: 12487 Y: 16554

Short distance north from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Two floating above the river, in view of the cascade.

Marker screenshot

606. Miraland Map

X: 12368 Y: 16845

South-west from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Four high up, near the world boundary. You can reach by climbing from the west side.

Marker screenshot

607. Miraland Map

X: 12131 Y: 16874

South-west from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Two floating near the top of a small wooden outpost. Near a "Whimstar" iconWhimstar-containing chest.

Marker screenshot

608. Miraland Map

X: 12102 Y: 16734

West from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Two under the wooden walkway. Beware of Esselings nearby.

Marker screenshot

609. Miraland Map

X: 12245 Y: 16737

West from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Four floating extremely high up above a big tent. There’s a wishnet to the south that you can jump from (where we’re standing in the screenshot).

Marker screenshot

610. Miraland Map

X: 16120 Y: 12985

East from the "Wish Pass Office" iconWish Pass Office. Two on a mound. There are Esselings and a treasure chest nearby.

Marker screenshot

611. Miraland Map

X: 16002 Y: 13082

South-east from the "Wish Pass Office" iconWish Pass Office. Two in the air, near the shore.

Marker screenshot

612. Miraland Map

X: 16293 Y: 13041

East and slightly south from the "Wish Pass Office" iconWish Pass Office. Three floating high in the air. There’s a wishnet nearby protected by an Esseling.

Marker screenshot

613. Miraland Map

X: 17103 Y: 12954

East from the "Forest's Edge Cavern" iconForest’s Edge Cavern. Three near the easternmost part of this area, by the cliffs.

Marker screenshot

614. Miraland Map

X: 16965 Y: 13353

Pair of small islands south from "Forest's Edge Cavern" iconForest’s Edge Cavern. Two near the southernmost tip of the bigger island.

Marker screenshot

615. Miraland Map

X: 16869 Y: 12959

Inside "Forest's Edge Cavern" iconForest’s Edge Cavern. In the first area, with the Esselings guarding a chest. Jump on the wishnet, then go around the right-hand side path. At the end, there are four of these. You can also reach here when jumping down from the exit, after obtaining the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar.

Marker screenshot

616. Miraland Map

X: 16887 Y: 12941

Inside "Forest's Edge Cavern" iconForest’s Edge Cavern. In the first area, with the Esselings guarding a chest. Jump on the wishnet, then keep left. There are two in an alcove.

Marker screenshot

617. Miraland Map

X: 16870 Y: 12918

Inside "Forest's Edge Cavern" iconForest’s Edge Cavern. After jumping from the first wishnet, drop down to the next area where there’s a wishnet that lets you go back up. Immediately turn around to find two in an alcove.

Marker screenshot

618. Miraland Map

X: 16887 Y: 12899

Inside "Forest's Edge Cavern" iconForest’s Edge Cavern. In the second area, with water down below. Three at the end of the water.

Marker screenshot

619. Miraland Map

X: 16872 Y: 12875

Inside "Forest's Edge Cavern" iconForest’s Edge Cavern. In the third area, where you can jump on three wishnets in a row. Two at the end of the water.

Marker screenshot

620. Miraland Map

X: 16465 Y: 13298

South-east from the "Wish Pass Office" iconWish Pass Office. Three away from the shore, connected by a lily pad path.

Marker screenshot

621. Miraland Map

X: 16157 Y: 13172

South-east from the "Wish Pass Office" iconWish Pass Office. Two floating above a small tree.

Marker screenshot

622. Miraland Map

X: 15551 Y: 12937

East from "Sanctum of the Observant" iconSanctum of the Observant. Two in a corner.

Marker screenshot

623. Miraland Map

X: 15335 Y: 12873

Two at the north side of the "Sanctum of the Observant" iconSanctum of the Observant.

Marker screenshot

624. Miraland Map

X: 15176 Y: 12867

Short distance west from the "In Front of the Sanctum of the Observant" iconIn Front of the Sanctum of the Observant Warp Spire. Two behind the banner hanging from the tree.

Marker screenshot

625. Miraland Map

X: 15300 Y: 13061

South from the "Sanctum of the Observant" iconSanctum of the Observant entrance. Two floating high up with a leaf trampoline nearby.

Marker screenshot

626. Miraland Map

X: 14909 Y: 12859

South-east from "Stitch Street" iconStitch Street. Two floating in the air a short distance east from the small fishing pier.

Marker screenshot

627. Miraland Map

X: 14899 Y: 12769

South-east from "Stitch Street" iconStitch Street. Two floating high up above the road. You can float down from the north (but beware of Esselings).

Marker screenshot

628. Miraland Map

X: 17535 Y: 10304

South from "Grand Tree Shoal" iconGrand Tree Shoal. Two floating above a tree root.

Marker screenshot

629. Miraland Map

X: 17349 Y: 10989

Inside "Outer Swordsmith Ruins Cavern" iconOuter Swordsmith Ruins Cavern. Two in the side area with a climbable rope. If you came from the north entrance, it’s on the left. If you came from the south entrance, it’s on the right and you need to drop down.

Marker screenshot

630. Miraland Map

X: 17300 Y: 10989

Inside "Outer Swordsmith Ruins Cavern" iconOuter Swordsmith Ruins Cavern. At the main foyer, next to some collapsed shelves. If you came from the north entrance, they’re on the left side. If you came from the south entrance, drop down straight ahead, then turn around.

Marker screenshot

631. Miraland Map

X: 17350 Y: 10930

Inside "Outer Swordsmith Ruins Cavern" iconOuter Swordsmith Ruins Cavern. In a side area upstairs, with a cobwebbed shelf at the back. Two floating behind the doorway. If you came from the north entrance, it’s on the right. If you came from the south entrance, it’s straight ahead, at the far back.

Marker screenshot

632. Miraland Map

X: 17302 Y: 10930

Inside "Outer Swordsmith Ruins Cavern" iconOuter Swordsmith Ruins Cavern. Enter the Momo-sized pipe upstairs. If you came from the north entrance, it’s on the right. If you came from the south entrance, it’s straight ahead, at the far back. Two of these are floating high up in the next area, opposite a treasure chest. Beware of Esselings.

Marker screenshot

633. Miraland Map

X: 17691 Y: 12097

Inside "Deep Swordsmith Ruins Cavern" iconDeep Swordsmith Ruins Cavern. Area to the left. Two near the center, around the back, on ground level.

Marker screenshot

634. Miraland Map

X: 17692 Y: 12134

Inside "Deep Swordsmith Ruins Cavern" iconDeep Swordsmith Ruins Cavern. Area to the left. Two around the center, high up. About halfway to the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar (keep it up!).

Marker screenshot

635. Miraland Map

X: 16762 Y: 11000

Inside the "Inspection Center Cavern" iconInspection Center Cavern. After defeating the first group of Esselings, at the wide open area. Two in the far left corner, with an Esseling close by. You can jump from the central mound towards the nearest ledge, then jump right.

Marker screenshot

636. Miraland Map

X: 16739 Y: 11022

Inside the "Inspection Center Cavern" iconInspection Center Cavern. After defeating the first group of Esselings, at the wide open area. Two floating above the entrance. You can jump from the central mound towards the nearest ledge, then head left.

Marker screenshot

637. Miraland Map

X: 16761 Y: 11039

Inside "Inspection Center Cavern" iconInspection Center Cavern. Towards the end. After jumping from the ropes as Momo, there’s some Spear Sacks, then another area filled with Esselings to the right. When you enter that area, there’s two immediately on the left, in a small pit.

Marker screenshot

638. Miraland Map

X: 9123 Y: 9975

Inside "Volunteer Corps Camp Cavern" iconVolunteer Corps Camp Cavern. Near the start. After gliding through the wind circle, there’s a group of Esselings. Two are on the left side, behind an Esseling on higher ground.

Marker screenshot

639. Miraland Map

X: 9137 Y: 9958

Inside "Volunteer Corps Camp Cavern" iconVolunteer Corps Camp Cavern. Near the start, there’s an area where you need to drop down. Two of these are floating down below.

Marker screenshot

640. Miraland Map

X: 9137 Y: 9931

Inside "Volunteer Corps Camp Cavern" iconVolunteer Corps Camp Cavern. At the endpoint, after jumping from a leaf trampoline. Two floating towards the left. Watch out for Esselings up here.

Marker screenshot

641. Miraland Map

X: 7267 Y: 12447

Short distance south-west from "Windrider Mill Entrance" iconWindrider Mill Entrance. Two by the house ruins.

Marker screenshot

642. Miraland Map

X: 7344 Y: 12183

East from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, on ground level. Two under the shelter.

Marker screenshot

643. Miraland Map

X: 7256 Y: 12302

North and slightly west from "Windrider Mill Entrance" iconWindrider Mill Entrance. Three underneath the north end of the broken bridge, around ground level.

Marker screenshot

644. Miraland Map

X: 7233 Y: 12246

East from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, on ground level. Three in a corner, with two Spear Sacks and some wooden crates nearby.

Marker screenshot

645. Miraland Map

X: 7003 Y: 12359

West from "Windrider Mill Top" iconWindrider Mill Top, around ground level. Two floating above a small wind vane on a higher up ledge.

Marker screenshot

646. Miraland Map

X: 7060 Y: 12113

North-west from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, on ground level. Two under the pier.

Marker screenshot

647. Miraland Map

X: 7073 Y: 12221

Short distance north-west from "Windrider Mill Cavern" iconWindrider Mill Cavern, around ground level. Two floating high up. You can stand on the nearby small stonetree and double jump to just about reach.

Marker screenshot

648. Miraland Map

X: 7113 Y: 12251

Inside "Windrider Mill Cavern" iconWindrider Mill Cavern. Near the beginning. After defeating the first group of Esselings, look to the right to find two.

Marker screenshot

649. Miraland Map

X: 7113 Y: 12271

Inside "Windrider Mill Cavern" iconWindrider Mill Cavern. After jumping up, there’s another group of Esselings. Two of these are floating above; pretty hard to miss.

Marker screenshot

650. Miraland Map

X: 7242 Y: 12118

North-east from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, on ground level. Two near some plants.

Marker screenshot

651. Miraland Map

X: 7233 Y: 12096

North-east from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, on the middle level. Two floating near a tree.

Marker screenshot

652. Miraland Map

X: 7321 Y: 12212

East from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, on the middle level. Two behind a ledge.

Marker screenshot

653. Miraland Map

X: 7211 Y: 12208

Short distance east from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level. Two floating above a small windmill.

Marker screenshot

654. Miraland Map

X: 7115 Y: 12222

Next to the "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level Warp Spire. Two on top of a small windmill.

Marker screenshot

655. Miraland Map

X: 7056 Y: 12244

West from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, around the middle level. Two on a high up shelf.

Marker screenshot

656. Miraland Map

X: 7128 Y: 12442

South from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, around the middle level. Two above a small windmill.

Marker screenshot

657. Miraland Map

X: 7176 Y: 12314

South and slightly east from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level. Two on a lower ledge just past the wooden platform.

Marker screenshot

658. Miraland Map

X: 7082 Y: 12364

Next to the "Windrider Mill Top" iconWindrider Mill Top Warp Spire. Two floating near the top of the gliding station stall.

Marker screenshot

659. Miraland Map

X: 7037 Y: 12291

North-west from "Windrider Mill Top" iconWindrider Mill Top, on the top level. Two behind a fallen windmill.

Marker screenshot

660. Miraland Map

X: 6746 Y: 11856

Three small stonetrees north-west from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, across the water. Two floating above the north-west stonetree. There are Esselings over there.

Marker screenshot

661. Miraland Map

X: 6774 Y: 11897

Three small stonetrees north-west from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, across the water. Two next to the broken suspension bridge coming from the south stonetree. There are some Esselings here and a treasure chest.

Marker screenshot

662. Miraland Map

X: 6790 Y: 11878

Three small stonetrees north-west from "Windrider Mill Mid-Level" iconWindrider Mill Mid-Level, across the water. Two just under the canopy of the north-east stonetree, near the center point of the three stonetrees.

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663. Miraland Map

X: 7447 Y: 13201

South-east from "Small Stonetree Cavern" iconSmall Stonetree Cavern. Under the stonetree canopy. Two near some barrels.

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664. Miraland Map

X: 7381 Y: 13127

Inside "Small Stonetree Cavern" iconSmall Stonetree Cavern. Room to the right of the chair. Three behind a pipe in the far corner, high up.

Marker screenshot

665. Miraland Map

X: 7381 Y: 13156

Inside "Small Stonetree Cavern" iconSmall Stonetree Cavern. Room to the right of the chair. Two on the left, around the corner.

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666. Miraland Map

X: 7380 Y: 13184

Inside "Small Stonetree Cavern" iconSmall Stonetree Cavern. Room to the left of the chair. Two floating above the water on the right side, behind a platform with an Esseling.

Marker screenshot

667. Miraland Map

X: 8355 Y: 13211

North-west from "Barrel Grove" iconBarrel Grove, around the middle level. Two on a small ledge underneath the Stonedew Flora.

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668. Miraland Map

X: 8098 Y: 13227

West from "Barrel Home" iconBarrel Home, around ground level. Two floating near the shore.

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669. Miraland Map

X: 9275 Y: 8671

Short distance north-east from the exit of "Stonecrown Cavern" iconStonecrown Cavern. Two floating near the top of a wooden stand.

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670. Miraland Map

X: 13988 Y: 15438

North-west from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Three floating near a ledge south from the river.

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671. Miraland Map

X: 13945 Y: 15577

West and slightly north from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Two floating high up north of the road, with a leaf trampoline nearby.

Marker screenshot

672. Miraland Map

X: 8476 Y: 13125

North-west from "Beside the Ripple Wine Cellar" iconBeside the Ripple Wine Cellar, around ground level. Two floating near a Curio beneath the stonetree canopy.

Marker screenshot

673. Miraland Map

X: 9314 Y: 9562

Medium stonetree north-east from "Stonecrown Peak" iconStonecrown Peak. Two atop a well on the top level. Watch out for Esselings nearby.

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674. Miraland Map

X: 9217 Y: 9875

North and slightly east from the "Wishing Well" iconWishing Well, on level 3F. Three by the side of the raised ground where the "Catapult Seal" iconCatapult Seal is.

Marker screenshot

675. Miraland Map

X: 9097 Y: 10142

Short distance south-west from the "Wishing Well" iconWishing Well on level 3F. Two under the raised ground where the "Catapult Seal" iconCatapult Seal is.

Marker screenshot

676. Miraland Map

X: 8899 Y: 9977

Short distance north-west from "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (West). Halfway between level 2F and 3F. Three bunched together in front of a pumpkin house where all the thorny roots are.

Marker screenshot

677. Miraland Map

X: 8856 Y: 10012

Short distance north-west from "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (West), on level 2F. Three behind a wall of thorny roots, in a small space surrounded by rock formations.

Marker screenshot

678. Miraland Map

X: 8623 Y: 10413

South-west of "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (west), at the far-off medium stonetree. Two floating above a tree at the west side. There’s a leaf trampoline nearby if you need it.

Marker screenshot

679. Miraland Map

X: 9302 Y: 10459

Medium stonetree south-east from "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (East). Three high up, next to the south side of a watchtower.

Marker screenshot

680. Miraland Map

X: 9243 Y: 10070

Short distance north-east from "Volunteer Corps Watchtower" iconVolunteer Corps Watchtower (East). Around level 1F. Three on a high up ledge. You can get up from further north or by dropping down from higher ground.

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681. Miraland Map

X: 9664 Y: 9969

Short distance north-east from "Waterspouts Observatory" iconWaterspouts Observatory. Two under the scaffolding.

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682. Miraland Map

X: 9192 Y: 9675

North-east from "Stonecrown Peak" iconStonecrown Peak, on level 1F. Two floating around the boardwalk.

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683. Miraland Map

X: 9814 Y: 12928

Short distance north-east from "Beside the Golden Fields" iconBeside the Golden Fields, on the same level as the Warp Spire. Three in a narrow gap between the rock formations.

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684. Miraland Map

X: 9589 Y: 13196

East from "Golden Fields Old Dock" iconGolden Fields Old Dock, on level 2F. Two behind a stack of logs near the two houses.

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685. Miraland Map

X: 11201 Y: 9892

East from "Stone Seles" iconStone Seles. Two in a gap near some trees at the outer wall.

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686. Miraland Map

X: 17698 Y: 9406

North from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Two floating near the top of the west tower.

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687. Miraland Map

X: 17796 Y: 9509

Short distance north-east from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Two floating near the top of the south tower.

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688. Miraland Map

X: 17942 Y: 9407

North-east from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Four floating near the top of a tree. There’s a rope that you can climb up as Momo. Then you need to jump up to a higher tree branch.

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689. Miraland Map

X: 18058 Y: 9491

East and slightly north from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Two atop a tree stump. There are Pounceria plants nearby.

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690. Miraland Map

X: 17942 Y: 9623

East from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Two floating near the top of a thorny tree root.

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691. Miraland Map

X: 18023 Y: 9759

Short distance north-east from "Cavern Prison" iconCavern Prison. Three floating high up. There’s a wishnet nearby, surrounded by Esselings.

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692. Miraland Map

X: 17819 Y: 9256

North from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Three atop a tree stump near the north tower.

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693. Miraland Map

X: 17837 Y: 9364

North from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Two by the side of the north tower.

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694. Miraland Map

X: 17685 Y: 9291

North from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Two behind a thorny tree root around the north-west corner.

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695. Miraland Map

X: 17794 Y: 9590

Short distance east from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Two behind a thorny tree root near the Warp Spire.

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696. Miraland Map

X: 17712 Y: 9695

Short distance south from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Two on a thorny tree root on the west side of the road.

Marker screenshot

697. Miraland Map

X: 17851 Y: 9874

South and slightly east from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Three floating above the road leading towards the "Cavern Prison" iconCavern Prison. You can jump up from a thorny tree root.

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698. Miraland Map

X: 17785 Y: 9374

North from "Bizarre Wish Hills" iconBizarre Wish Hills. Two between a thorny tree root and wall, between the west and north towers.

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699. Miraland Map

X: 18272 Y: 9612

Two floating high up next to the "Desperation Orb Warehouse Cavern" iconDesperation Orb Warehouse Cavern entrance.

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700. Miraland Map

X: 18266 Y: 9752

Short distance east from the "Desperation Orb Warehouse" iconDesperation Orb Warehouse Warp Spire. Two behind a wooden fence.

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701. Miraland Map

X: 18363 Y: 9687

East and slightly north from the "Desperation Orb Warehouse" iconDesperation Orb Warehouse Warp Spire. Two by the side of the building.

Marker screenshot

702. Miraland Map

X: 18327 Y: 9665

East and slightly north from the "Desperation Orb Warehouse" iconDesperation Orb Warehouse Warp Spire. Two floating near the top of the building.

Marker screenshot

703. Miraland Map

X: 18571 Y: 9899

East and slightly south from "Desperation Orb Warehouse" iconDesperation Orb Warehouse. Three floating high up, somewhat close to the world boundary. There’s a wishnet nearby, surrounded by Esselings.

Marker screenshot

704. Miraland Map

X: 18577 Y: 9984

South-east from "Desperation Orb Warehouse" iconDesperation Orb Warehouse. Two near the top of a tree that’s overlooking the "Dawn Fox" iconDawn Fox’s den.

Marker screenshot

705. Miraland Map

X: 18479 Y: 9978

South-east from "Desperation Orb Warehouse" iconDesperation Orb Warehouse. Two atop a tree that’s overlooking the "Dawn Fox" iconDawn Fox’s den.

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706. Miraland Map

X: 18584 Y: 10233

North from "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center. Two underneath the stone arch.

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707. Miraland Map

X: 18496 Y: 10199

North and slightly west from "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center. Four near the top of a tree with a climbable rope. There are annoying Esselings nearby.

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708. Miraland Map

X: 18347 Y: 10142

North and slightly east from "Flower Valley Waterfall" iconFlower Valley Waterfall. Three floating high up. There’s a wishnet nearby, surrounded by Esselings.

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709. Miraland Map

X: 18230 Y: 10093

North from "Flower Valley Waterfall" iconFlower Valley Waterfall. Two floating near the top of a tall tree stump. Tip: You can reach by standing and double jumping.

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710. Miraland Map

X: 18591 Y: 10112

North from "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center. Two inside a hollow tree trunk. South-east from the "Dawn Fox" iconDawn Fox’s den.

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711. Miraland Map

X: 18318 Y: 10384

Short distance north from "Flower Valley Waterfall" iconFlower Valley Waterfall. Two floating high up. There’s a leaf trampoline nearby.

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712. Miraland Map

X: 18291 Y: 10581

Short distance south from "Flower Valley Waterfall" iconFlower Valley Waterfall. Three near the bottom of a cascade.

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713. Miraland Map

X: 18206 Y: 10896

East and slightly north from "Ascetic Camp" iconAscetic Camp. Three near the west side of the river.

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714. Miraland Map

X: 18036 Y: 10735

North and slight east from "Ascetic Camp" iconAscetic Camp. Two floating high up near the top of a building.

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715. Miraland Map

X: 17925 Y: 10803

North from "Ascetic Camp" iconAscetic Camp. Two floating high up near a small stone shrine.

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716. Miraland Map

X: 18005 Y: 11071

Short distance south-east from "Ascetic Camp" iconAscetic Camp. Two floating near the top of a platform. There’s a rope you can climb up as Momo.

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717. Miraland Map

X: 18811 Y: 11547

Short distance south-west from the "Land of Starfall" iconLand of Starfall Warp Spire. Three floating high up. There’s a wishnet nearby.

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718. Miraland Map

X: 18596 Y: 11132

Next to the "Aurosa Valley" iconAurosa Valley Warp Spire. Three floating above the water wheel.

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719. Miraland Map

X: 18465 Y: 10866

North-west from "Aurosa Valley" iconAurosa Valley. Three floating high up with a wishnet nearby.

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720. Miraland Map

X: 18620 Y: 10802

South from "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center. Three atop a small flower platform.

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721. Miraland Map

X: 18885 Y: 10897

South-east from "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center. Two floating near the top of a tree stump.

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722. Miraland Map

X: 19258 Y: 10901

Short distance north from "Deep Aurosa Valley Cavern" iconDeep Aurosa Valley Cavern. Four near the top of a tree. There’s a rope you can climb up. Watch out for Esselings near the tree.

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723. Miraland Map

X: 18940 Y: 10580

East from "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center. Three atop a tree stump.

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724. Miraland Map

X: 18679 Y: 10576

Short distance south-east from the "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center Warp Spire. Three atop a building.

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725. Miraland Map

X: 18746 Y: 10570

At the "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center. Three floating high up around the north-east side of the central building.

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726. Miraland Map

X: 18637 Y: 10547

Short distance south from the "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center Warp Spire. Three floating above a building.

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727. Miraland Map

X: 18549 Y: 10487

Short distance west from the "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center Warp Spire. Two next to a banner.

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728. Miraland Map

X: 17793 Y: 10893

North-west from "Ascetic Camp" iconAscetic Camp. Three near a cascade.

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729. Miraland Map

X: 17938 Y: 10424

South from "Garrison of the Paladins" iconGarrison of the Paladins, at the base of the tree. Two under a thorny tree root.

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730. Miraland Map

X: 17933 Y: 10096

North-east from "Grand Tree Residential Area" iconGrand Tree Residential Area, at the base of the tree. Two near the underside of a thorny tree root.

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731. Miraland Map

X: 17649 Y: 10144

East and slightly south from "Grand Tree Shoal" iconGrand Tree Shoal. Three atop a thorny tree root.

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732. Miraland Map

X: 17747 Y: 10144

Atop the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. North-west from "Grand Tree Residential Area" iconGrand Tree Residential Area. Three atop a tree branch. You can reach by floating from a tall building with a treasure chest to the east. Or by climbing over/dropping down from the upper levels.

Marker screenshot

733. Miraland Map

X: 17853 Y: 10125

Atop the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. North-east from "Grand Tree Residential Area" iconGrand Tree Residential Area. Two on a tree branch connected to the big platform.

Marker screenshot

734. Miraland Map

X: 17903 Y: 10302

Atop the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. East from the "Garrison of the Paladins" iconGarrison of the Paladins, lower down. Three on a tree branch next to a lower platform on the north side of the "Wishball" iconWishball platform.

Marker screenshot

735. Miraland Map

X: 17780 Y: 10477

Atop the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. South from "Grand Tree Residential Area" iconGrand Tree Residential Area. Three on a branch south-west from the "Wishball" iconWishball platform. You can just about float from that platform. Or it might be safer to use the confetti cannon to reach the next platform.

Marker screenshot

736. Miraland Map

X: 17745 Y: 10486

Atop the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. South from "Temple of Wishes" iconTemple of Wishes. Two floating near a shelf on the big platform south-west from the "Wishball" iconWishball field.

Marker screenshot

737. Miraland Map

X: 17752 Y: 10207

Short distance north-west from the "Temple of Wishes" iconTemple of Wishes. From the temple entrance, head north-east and climb the rope to where the confetti cannon is. Then jump up to the nearby big tree branch and keep left to find two of these.

Marker screenshot

738. Miraland Map

X: 17826 Y: 10155

North-east from the "Temple of Wishes" iconTemple of Wishes. From the temple entrance, climb up the nearby rope to reach a confetti cannon. Next, jump on the nearby tree branch, then follow the right-hand side path to find three of these.

Marker screenshot

739. Miraland Map

X: 17797 Y: 10530

Near the very top of the "Grand Millewish Tree" iconGrand Millewish Tree. Must have completed Chapter 8 and the "Major Treetop Renovation!" iconMajor Treetop Renovation! quest. Three on a tree branch at the south side of the platform, past the podium with the treasure chest.

Marker screenshot

740. Miraland Map

X: 18137 Y: 9843

South-west from "Desperation Orb Warehouse" iconDesperation Orb Warehouse. Three floating high up. You can reach from the big tree roots.

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741. Miraland Map

X: 18674 Y: 10157

North from "Wish Celebration Center" iconWish Celebration Center. Two floating near the world boundary south-east from the "Dawn Fox" iconDawn Fox’s den.

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742. Miraland Map

X: 17980 Y: 11201

South from "Ascetic Camp" iconAscetic Camp. Two floating in the air. Can be hard to find among the tree. There are some Spear Sacks hiding nearby.

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743. Miraland Map

X: 18055 Y: 11201

South-east from "Ascetic Camp" iconAscetic Camp. Two floating high up. There’s a leaf trampoline nearby protected by an Esseling.

Marker screenshot

744. Miraland Map

X: 18095 Y: 9982

South-west from "Desperation Orb Warehouse" iconDesperation Orb Warehouse. Three floating high up. There’s a wishnet to the north-east with Esselings nearby.

Marker screenshot

745. Miraland Map

X: 16519 Y: 9280

Inside "Waterfall Cavern" iconWaterfall Cavern. At the start, take a right across the lily pads. There are two just around the corner.

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746. Miraland Map

X: 16545 Y: 9254

Inside "Waterfall Cavern" iconWaterfall Cavern. Near the start, where there are two Pounceria plants, climb up the rope as Momo. You’ll find three up there.

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747. Miraland Map

X: 16519 Y: 9230

Inside "Waterfall Cavern" iconWaterfall Cavern. In the tall cave, after climbing up the first rope, two on the left.

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748. Miraland Map

X: 16520 Y: 9176

Inside "Waterfall Cavern" iconWaterfall Cavern. When you’re near the top, float over to where the water and lily pads are. There are three near the central column.

Marker screenshot

749. Miraland Map

X: 19359 Y: 11012

Inside "Deep Aurosa Valley Cavern" iconDeep Aurosa Valley Cavern. Near the beginning, after defeating a couple of Esselings and climbing up a rope, there’s a Lonely Sack (with a shield) near a suspicious wooden floor board. Use a jumping attack to break the floor board. At the bottom, there are two of these in front of a small pool.

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750. Miraland Map

X: 19387 Y: 11036

Inside "Deep Aurosa Valley Cavern" iconDeep Aurosa Valley Cavern. When you reach the Lonely Sack (with a shield) and a wooden floor board that you can drop down, if you continue ahead instead, there are two near the entrance of a tunnel. Otherwise, if you drop down, when you reach the section with tall platforms above a pool of water, you can reach that same tunnel on the left side.

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751. Miraland Map

X: 17248 Y: 9376

Inside "Farm Cavern" iconFarm Cavern. After the first area with the ropes, there’s a dark tunnel ahead. When you drop down a small height, immediately to the left there’s a gap you can Shrink through. In this side area, climb up the ropes to the very top. Then float across to reach the exit back to the main area. Before leaving, you’ll find four of these.

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752. Miraland Map

X: 17273 Y: 9346

Inside "Farm Cavern" iconFarm Cavern. In the second area, a dark tunnel with ropes above a body of water. Two floating above the water near the start.

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753. Miraland Map

X: 17273 Y: 9298

Inside "Farm Cavern" iconFarm Cavern. After going through the dark tunnel, you’ll reach a tall cavern. Two of these are floating at the bottom, above some water. You can try and get them now, at the risk of drowning. Otherwise, continue along the ledge higher up where the "Bling" iconBling is. After dropping down a few times, you’ll need to jump across some platforms. Look right to find an opening where you can snipe these dew.

Marker screenshot

754. Miraland Map

X: 17249 Y: 9267

Inside "Farm Cavern" iconFarm Cavern. Deep inside, in a section with wishnets and ropes above some water. After jumping from the 2nd wishnet, there are three on the left.

Marker screenshot

755. Miraland Map

X: 17249 Y: 9210

Inside "Farm Cavern" iconFarm Cavern. Deep inside, in a section with wishnets and ropes above some water. As you leave this section along the higher ground, there are two to the left.

Marker screenshot

756. Miraland Map

X: 17247 Y: 9324

Inside "Farm Cavern" iconFarm Cavern. After going through the dark tunnel, you’ll reach a tall cavern. Drop down to a ledge halfway down, where the "Bling" iconBling is. After going around the corner, you need to jump across. Drop down to where the rope on the right is. Turn around to find two at the back.

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757. Miraland Map

X: 17274 Y: 9181

Inside "Farm Cavern" iconFarm Cavern. At the endpoint, a tall cavern with a tree at the bottom and more ropes and wishnets. Three by the side of the tree.

Marker screenshot

758. Miraland Map

X: 9290 Y: 9153

Inside "Stonecrown Cavern" iconStonecrown Cavern. Near the start, keep right. Just before a leaf trampoline, there’s three on the left.

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759. Miraland Map

X: 9343 Y: 9102

Inside "Stonecrown Cavern" iconStonecrown Cavern. Two floating near the top. Keep going up until you reach an Esseling holding a spore. Defeat it to make an air-blowing plant grow down below. Carefully drop down to the left, where there’s a ledge where you can safely reach these dew.

Marker screenshot

760. Miraland Map

X: 16708 Y: 9910

Inside "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. At the end of the first area, use a jumping attack to break the wooden floor board. Two of these are down below.

Marker screenshot

761. Miraland Map

X: 16708 Y: 9929

Inside "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. In the 2nd area, Aroma Extraction Room. Two on top of a circular platform near the water.

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762. Miraland Map

X: 16721 Y: 9935

Inside "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. At the 2nd area, Aroma Extraction Room. Two on top of one of the vase-like structures.

Marker screenshot

763. Miraland Map

X: 16707 Y: 9947

Inside "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. At the 2nd area, Aroma Extraction Room. Near the end, there’s a square shaped hole on the floor. Drop down and these two are behind you.

Marker screenshot

764. Miraland Map

X: 16707 Y: 9966

Inside "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. At the 3rd area, Cosmetic Assembly Line. When you reach the 3rd set of stampers, jump on the 2nd stamper and you can jump to a ledge on the left with three dew.

Marker screenshot

765. Miraland Map

X: 16707 Y: 9985

Inside "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. At the 3rd area, Cosmetic Assembly Line. Around the halfway point, you can drop down on the left. Keep going and you’ll find two of these on the right.

Marker screenshot

766. Miraland Map

X: 16720 Y: 9974

Inside "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. At the 3rd area, Cosmetic Assembly Line. Around the halfway point, you can drop down on the left. Once you reach the end of the conveyor belt, return to normal size. Then turn around and jump on the platforms to reach three dew at the back.

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767. Miraland Map

X: 16707 Y: 10005

Inside "Timis's Beauty Lab" iconTimis’s Beauty Lab. At the 4th area, Cleansing Oil Workshop. Two on the left just before the Momo-sized door.

Marker screenshot

768. Miraland Map

X: 12340 Y: 13008

Inside "Field Base Cavern" iconField Base Cavern. At the start, head along the lower path on the left-hand side. You’ll find two of these at the end, past a few Esselings.

Marker screenshot

769. Miraland Map

X: 12364 Y: 12985

Inside "Field Base Cavern" iconField Base Cavern. Go along the sloped path on the right-hand side. Ignore the entrance with the "Bling" iconBling for now. Jump across and you’ll find two dew floating in the air.

Marker screenshot

770. Miraland Map

X: 12342 Y: 12965

Inside "Field Base Cavern" iconField Base Cavern. Go along the sloped path on the right-hand side. Head through the entrance with the "Bling" iconBling. After pushing through some Esselings, there are some boulders. Look to the right to find the last two dew.

Marker screenshot

771. Miraland Map

X: 14429 Y: 16235

Inside "Forest Cavern" iconForest Cavern. In the first area, at the very top. Two to the left of the treasure chest.

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772. Miraland Map

X: 14411 Y: 16263

Inside "Forest Cavern" iconForest Cavern. In the 2nd area, accessible by jumping to the small ledge with "Bling" iconBling near the treasure chest/previous dew. Two floating high on the right.

Marker screenshot

773. Miraland Map

X: 14372 Y: 16263

Inside "Forest Cavern" iconForest Cavern. In the 2nd area, accessible by jumping to the small ledge with "Bling" iconBling near the treasure chest/first dew. When jumping to the "Whimstar" iconWhimstar, there’s an alcove near the second tallest pillar. The last two dew are there, next to a wooden floor board you can break to return to the entrance.

Marker screenshot

774. Miraland Map

X: 12316 Y: 16470

North-west from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Three floating high above the north end of the bridge. There’s a wishnet further north that you can jump from.

Marker screenshot

775. Miraland Map

X: 12045 Y: 16469

West and slightly north from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Warp Spire. Two floating high above the river. You can float down from the higher ground to the south.

Marker screenshot

776. Miraland Map

X: 11739 Y: 16469

At the lake west from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp. Three floating in the air halfway along the path connecting the small island to the lake. You can float from atop the watchtower with the treasure chest or (just barely) from the small island.

Marker screenshot

777. Miraland Map

X: 11637 Y: 16371

At the lake west from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp. Two floating north from the small island. There’s a lily pad path nearby.

Marker screenshot

778. Miraland Map

X: 11745 Y: 16971

Around the south side of the lake west from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp. Two floating in the air among the small trees. Can be hard to see.

Marker screenshot

779. Miraland Map

X: 11464 Y: 16867

West from the "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp. Short distance east from the mysterious closed gate. Two floating by the side of a small tree.

Marker screenshot

780. Miraland Map

X: 12478 Y: 16376

North from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp. Short distance south-east from the "Campsite Cavern" iconCampsite Cavern entrance. Three on a ledge just below the highest level.

Marker screenshot

781. Miraland Map

X: 12672 Y: 16337

North-east from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp, across the river. Two near a small mound.

Marker screenshot

782. Miraland Map

X: 12904 Y: 16121

West from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost, across the river. Two floating high up. You can reach from further west, where the slope’s higher.

Marker screenshot

783. Miraland Map

X: 13380 Y: 16103

East from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost. Four floating extremely high up. There are wishnets to the south-west that you should use.

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784. Miraland Map

X: 14109 Y: 16003

South-west from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Two floating near a ledge. There are Esselings around here.

Marker screenshot

785. Miraland Map

X: 14139 Y: 15966

South-west from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Two floating high up near a catapult. You can use a jumping attack on the catapult to launch up.

Marker screenshot

786. Miraland Map

X: 14210 Y: 16016

South-west from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Two floating in the air with a leaf trampoline nearby. Note that there’s another pair of dew like this, but higher up.

Marker screenshot

787. Miraland Map

X: 14261 Y: 16038

South-west from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Two floating in the air with a leaf trampoline nearby. Note that there’s another pair of dew like this, but lower down.

Marker screenshot

788. Miraland Map

X: 14683 Y: 16068

North-east from "Queen's Palace Ruins West Forest" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins West Forest. Two floating in the air near a catapult. Use a jumping attack on the catapult to launch up.

Marker screenshot

789. Miraland Map

X: 14663 Y: 16309

Short distance south-east from "Queen's Palace Ruins West Forest" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins West Forest. Two floating high up. There’s a leaf trampoline guarded by an Esseling nearby.

Marker screenshot

790. Miraland Map

X: 15201 Y: 15814

Short distance south-east from "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Two floating by the cliff wall.

Marker screenshot

791. Miraland Map

X: 15187 Y: 15706

Short distance east from "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Two floating high up near a ledge.

Marker screenshot

792. Miraland Map

X: 15214 Y: 15637

North-east from "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Two between some rocks near the shore.

Marker screenshot

793. Miraland Map

X: 15052 Y: 15492

North from "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Two floating high up with a leaf trampoline conveniently nearby.

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794. Miraland Map

X: 15048 Y: 15123

North from "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Two inside a small boat at the shore.

Marker screenshot

795. Miraland Map

X: 14733 Y: 15162

North-east from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Two floating high up with a leaf trampoline nearby.

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796. Miraland Map

X: 14603 Y: 14796

Further east from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two floating above the water near the shore.

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797. Miraland Map

X: 14400 Y: 15026

Small ruins south-east from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two floating near the top of the ruins, where the Esselings are.

Marker screenshot

798. Miraland Map

X: 14379 Y: 15047

Small ruins south-east from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two floating high up. You can reach them from the wishnet at the top of the ruins.

Marker screenshot

799. Miraland Map

X: 14306 Y: 14915

South-east from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Three floating high up near some rubble. There’s a leaf trampoline protected by an Esseling, with others nearby.

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800. Miraland Map

X: 14225 Y: 15056

South-east from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two floating at the end of a collapsed pillar that you can use as a ramp.

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801. Miraland Map

X: 14169 Y: 15062

South-east from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf. Two floating near the top of a crumbling wall.

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802. Miraland Map

X: 13243 Y: 14600

West from "Meadow Wharf" iconMeadow Wharf, near the t-junction before crossing the river. Two floating high up next to a leaf trampoline.

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803. Miraland Map

X: 13117 Y: 14439

South-east from "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. Two floating near the top of the south end of the bridge, on the east side.

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804. Miraland Map

X: 13072 Y: 14227

East and slightly south from "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. Three floating high up, above a tree. There’s a leaf trampoline nearby.

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805. Miraland Map

X: 13342 Y: 13992

South from "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating above a small tree, west from a minigame stall.

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806. Miraland Map

X: 13569 Y: 13936

South-east from "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating above a small tree, east from a minigame stall.

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807. Miraland Map

X: 13736 Y: 13994

South from the "Swan Gazebo" iconSwan Gazebo. Two floating above a small tree near the shore.

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808. Miraland Map

X: 13309 Y: 13516

North-east from "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating above a pole. You can just about reach by floating from the south-west.

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809. Miraland Map

X: 13145 Y: 13539

Short distance north-west from "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating above a tree.

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810. Miraland Map

X: 12836 Y: 13699

West from "Bug Catcher's Cabin" iconBug Catcher’s Cabin. Two floating near some elevated land.

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811. Miraland Map

X: 12482 Y: 13611

South-west from "Cicia Art Academy Field Base" iconCicia Art Academy Field Base. Two floating high up, with a leaf trampoline nearby.

Marker screenshot

812. Miraland Map

X: 12319 Y: 13786

North-west from "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. Two floating high up, a short distance west from a catapult. Watch out for Esselings. Note: There’s another pair of dew very close by.

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813. Miraland Map

X: 12647 Y: 13849

North from "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. Two floating high up, with a leaf trampoline nearby.

Marker screenshot

814. Miraland Map

X: 12728 Y: 14070

"Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. Two at the back of the building, slightly high up.

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815. Miraland Map

X: 12771 Y: 14745

South from "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center, across the river. Two floating near the top of a crumbling wall.

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816. Miraland Map

X: 13089 Y: 14750

North from "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Two floating high up, with a leaf trampoline nearby.

Marker screenshot

817. Miraland Map

X: 13226 Y: 14833

North-west from "Shimmer Pond" iconShimmer Pond. Two floating high up with a leaf trampoline nearby.

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818. Miraland Map

X: 13137 Y: 14957

North from "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Two floating high up. You can reach by standing on top of the tall rubble.

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819. Miraland Map

X: 13465 Y: 14916

North from "Shimmer Pond" iconShimmer Pond. Two floating high up, with a leaf trampoline nearby.

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820. Miraland Map

X: 13672 Y: 15103

East from "Shimmer Pond" iconShimmer Pond. Two floating high up near some Esselings. There’s a leaf trampoline protected by one of the Esselings.

Marker screenshot

821. Miraland Map

X: 13697 Y: 15180

South-east from "Shimmer Pond" iconShimmer Pond. Two floating high up, with a leaf trampoline nearby. There’s a similar set to the north, but with Esselings there.

Marker screenshot

822. Miraland Map

X: 13294 Y: 15843

North-east from "Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost" iconAbandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost. Three floating above the river. There’s a leaf trampoline on the north side of the river, guarded by Esselings.

Marker screenshot

823. Miraland Map

X: 13317 Y: 15543

South-east from "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Two behind some wooden crates. You can get them all with a jumping attack.

Marker screenshot

824. Miraland Map

X: 13780 Y: 15376

East and slightly south from "Relic Hill" iconRelic Hill. Two floating high above the river. On the north side, there’s a catapult you can use, but watch out for the Esselings.

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825. Miraland Map

X: 12721 Y: 14575

East of "Stoneville Entrance" iconStoneville Entrance. Two floating at the north side of some small ruins.

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826. Miraland Map

X: 13875 Y: 15698

West from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Two floating near a ledge at the south side of the road.

Marker screenshot

827. Miraland Map

X: 13819 Y: 15566

West from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Two near the chimney of the cottage.

Marker screenshot

828. Miraland Map

X: 14308 Y: 15458

North and slightly west from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane, before the river. Two floating high up, with a leaf trampoline nearby.

Marker screenshot

829. Miraland Map

X: 14498 Y: 15622

Short distance north-east from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Three high up in the air. There’s a leaf trampoline nearby, with a few Esselings there.

Marker screenshot

830. Miraland Map

X: 14356 Y: 15563

Short distance north-west from "Lakeside Hill Lane" iconLakeside Hill Lane. Two floating high up with a leaf trampoline nearby.

Marker screenshot

831. Miraland Map

X: 14771 Y: 15847

West from "Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins Entrance. Two near the top of some rubble. There are Esselings around here.

Marker screenshot

832. Miraland Map

X: 12458 Y: 14183

West from "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. Two floating high up near a leaf trampoline. Halfway along the minor road.

Marker screenshot

833. Miraland Map

X: 15609 Y: 16760

South-east corner of the "Queen's Palace Ruins" iconQueen’s Palace Ruins. Two floating near the base of the castle.

Marker screenshot

834. Miraland Map

X: 12342 Y: 13745

North-west from "Meadow Activity Support Center" iconMeadow Activity Support Center. Two floating high up, a short distance north from a catapult. Watch out for Esselings. Note: There’s another pair of dew very close by.

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