Backyard Bunker Unmarked Locations
Nestled discreetly beneath the grounds of West Everett Estates, the backyard bunker is as a covert refuge amidst the post-apocalyptic landscape of 2287. Concealed beneath a neighboring property, this shelter provides solace and safety in a world fraught with danger.
Background / History
The backyard bunker is a compact yet functional sanctuary, featuring essential amenities for survival. Within its confines, visitors will find bunk beds for rest, a restroom for personal needs, and a common area for communal activities.
Notable Loot
- Nuka-Cola Quantum: Discover a refreshing beverage resting on a table within a bucket, offering a brief respite from the desolation outside.
- David’s
Holotape: Retrieve this valuable recording, accessible through the bunker’s terminal, offering insights into the lives of its previous inhabitants.
- Hazmat Suit: Uncover essential protective gear on a shelf within the bunker, vital for navigating hazardous environments with safety.
- Vault-Tec Lunchbox: Stumble upon this unexpected treasure, waiting to be discovered on the kitchen counter, a relic of a bygone era.
- Accessing the terminal within the bunker unveils various logs and controls the wall safe locking mechanism, providing valuable information and security for those seeking refuge.
- Viewing the logs on the terminal initiates the addition of the Irish Pride Industries shipyard and
Mass Bay Medical Center icons to the Sole Survivor’s map, hinting at the whereabouts of the bunker’s original inhabitants.
Interactive Map Locations

1. Commonwealth World Map
X: 8453 Y: 5196
An unmarked location that can be accessed through a hatch. It’s next to the yellow house that you find Hammer’s Holotape inside.
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